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At what age can a child be given pork? What can you cook a baby from pork

Adult people have the right to decide whether to eat meat or not. Parents do this for their children. And even vegetarians should understand that this is a very valuable and necessary product for every child.

Why meat is necessary for kids

The protein contained in it is the building material for the cells and tissues of the growing body. There are necessary amino acids and macronutrients in it. Being a source of iron, this product protects children from anemia. Unreasonable refusal of meat products at feeding of the kid can become the reason of a frustration of development. Meat contains substances that have a beneficial effect on the brain of the baby, contribute to its growth. There are even known cases when, in refusing meat dishes, children underwent a serious underdevelopment of the brain and even progressive dementia. Therefore, to think that everything that is required by a growing organism can be taken only from vegetables, cereals, while neglecting meat, is a big mistake.

Is not pork scary harmful?

Meat is usually given from an early age. Begin to do it in 7-8 months with low-fat varieties - beef, poultry, rabbit. And what about the pig's favorite meat? It is not only very tasty, but also one of the main sources of high-grade proteins, as well as vitamins B12, D, phosphorus, iron, potassium, calcium, sulfur, iodine, magnesium, manganese. But at the same time, some caring parents believe that, since there are many histamine in pork, it can cause allergy in children. In part, they are right, but these fears are justified only for fatty varieties.
Is it possible for children to eat pork? Is this type of meat harmful to a child's body? Or is this product, on the contrary, necessary for the child's body to grow?
Doctors unequivocally believe that it is not worth to give up this kind of meat in baby food. And at what age can a child give pork?

At what age does the baby begin to give meat?

According to doctors, by the age of eight months the baby's body is fully ready to digest properly cooked meat products. Because at this age, nutritionists do not just allow, but also persistently recommend to children crushed meat puree in combination with vegetables, to which the kids are already accustomed. After all, parents had time to prepare a children's stomach with complementary foods (new dishes should be introduced into the baby's nutrition from six months).

The question of how old a child can be given pork, for children who have signs of rickets or hemoglobin is lowered, is decided somewhat differently - they need to give this kind of meat even earlier! There are a number of medical indications in which it is recommended to start the meat lure from the age of six months.

To begin to acquaint the child with meat it is necessary from one teaspoon of the mashed potatoes prepared from it. And then give regularly, bringing to a one-year age a daily rate of meat products, including pork, up to 100 grams.

If the baby is allergic to the protein found in meat, they need to temporarily stop feeding. And at what age can a child be given pork again? Try the next time is recommended not earlier than months from ten.

Grind - do not grind?

The first meat dish for a child, as a rule, is mashed potatoes. It should be done this way: cook a couple of small pieces of low-fat pork, and then grind it with a blender. You can use for this and an ordinary meat grinder. To get the resulting mashed potatoes, add a small piece of butter to it.

It is necessary to crush meat for crumbs only in the beginning, in fact in due course it is necessary to start to learn to chew. At what age can a child be given pork that is not twisted in a meat grinder and not passed through a blender?
In the form of puree, mixed with chopped vegetables, meat should be given up to 9 months. But only the baby will cut the teeth in sufficient quantity, he will be able to cope with the soft tender meat, cut into small slices. This usually happens when the baby turns a year old. That's when the baby can give pork pieces.

How to cook a pork baby correctly?

For the preparation of children's dishes is not recommended to buy frozen meat, because you can not be sure of its quality. Suitable only paired or chilled. But with your own meat prepared from fresh meat forcemeat can be frozen for future use.

Meat products for children necessarily undergo heat treatment. This is important both for safety and for better mastering them. But with a strong heating, the structure and properties of the meat change significantly. In order to preserve the elements necessary for the child's organism as much as possible in the dishes, the product must be prepared correctly.

We must, for example, take into account that when cooking meat into the broth a significant part of the protein passes - up to 50 percent! To save it, put this product in boiling water and cook over a small fire. And it is best to cook pork for a couple. So in it vitamins and minerals will be preserved.

To salt meat, which is prepared for the baby, is not recommended. At least a year. When the baby grows up, meat dishes for it can be slightly podsolit, but it is better not to do it. If you really want meat to taste better, you can add onions when cooking. After he gives pork a special characteristic flavor, the vegetable can be thrown away. Appetite will also give crushed fresh herbs.

The menu for crumbs

The child's attitude to food, his taste preferences are laid at a very early age. And the parents should already from the first months of the baby's life take care of properly formed taste. Many mothers are worried about the question of what to prepare a child from pork at such a tender age. After all, I want so much that the menu for a little man was delicious and varied!

After the first puree meat menu can be varied with meatballs and cutlets cooked according to special children's recipes. After all, it is on them that kids practice chewing skills.

First cutlets

Pork cutlets are usually given to children at the age of one to one and a half years, when the baby already has teeth. Before they are cooked, the meat is washed, dried with a napkin, cut into small pieces and scrolled twice through a meat grinder. Crumb of bread (from the premium flour) without a crust soaked in milk and added to ground meat. Its quantity should not be more than the fourth part of the cutlet mass. Add eggs, a little salt and spices.

Stuff the standard shape and put it on a steaming or stew in the sauce. Pork cutlets for children from 2 years can already be lightly fried, but after that you still need to put them out.

Appetizing meat balls

What can you prepare a baby from pork yet? With great pleasure, children also eat meatballs. Small, the size of a nut, meat balls, cooked in a broth, like kids not only taste, but also a beautiful form, and even sizes - easily fit into the children's mouth. For their preparation in minced meat, it is necessary to add a twisted on a meat grinder or finely chopped onion and spices.

Of meat rolled into small balls of minced meat and make. Their difference from meatballs is that the composition includes rice. Thanks to this combination, proteins are absorbed by children better.

For children under 2 years old there is a special recipe for meatballs. About 100 grams of pork minced should be scrolled with 2 tablespoons of a vegetable mixture of carrots, bell peppers, onions, tomatoes and zucchini (can be in a blender), add a quarter of eggs, a teaspoon of flour, a little salt. Stir the mixture and form small balls from it. Lay the meatballs in a frying pan, pour them with water for one third, stew for 10 minutes. After adding the sauce put out until cooked under the lid. In this form, pork to a child (1.5 years) will certainly enjoy it, it can be given boldly.

And fat is possible?

Another favorite product is lard. Can I give it to the kid? Argument "against" - if lard bought in a store or on the market, where is the guarantee that the baby will not become infected with any parasites? Such a product without preliminary heat treatment is not a categorically given to children! A heated lard in a very small amount can be added to a dish, for example, in a baby vegetable stew.
Arguments "for" - the caloric content of pork fat is less than that of beef. In addition, it includes such amino acids, which are not found in any other fats. And they are much more easily absorbed by the body. Pork fat is considered one of the most environmentally friendly products. Therefore, if you give the baby a little snack, it will not do any harm.

So, do not deny yourself the pleasure of feeding the pork to the crumb. If he is healthy and there is no allergy, the first time you can offer a baby meat sauce at the age of 8 months. And in a year and a half in the children's menu are added meatballs, cutlets and meatballs. You can also give soft and tender meat to a child without crushing. It's not a sin for a baby to suck and a piece of quality home fat.

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