Spiritual developmentAstrology

Asel: the meaning of the name and character

The name Assel has very ancient roots. It came from the Turkic group of languages and is translated as "sweetness", "honey". Most girls with this name can be found in Kyrgyzstan or Kazakhstan, but today, during a large migration, even babies born in Russian-speaking families are called that way.

What is she, baby Asel?

The meaning of the name is the pride of its bearer. Even at the age of one year, girls with this name are distinguished by an increased ability to empathize. Assel always shares his toys with children, pity the crying. Homeless animals cause a "sweet" girl the desire to help, feed, so they often try to bring home unhappy, from their point of view, kittens, puppies and other living creatures. Assel - an exemplary daughter, an excellent student, a man with an increased sense of duty. At school she is almost always an excellent pupil. "Honey" girl or "eastern sweetness" (this is another version of the translation of her name) does not tolerate competitions of any kind. She enjoys gymnastics and other sports, not involving team performances.

The Woman Assel

Affectionate, energetic, loving and hardworking - this is the woman Assel. The meaning of the name ("sugar" or "honey"), she seeks to justify by all means. Vital activity, responsibility and innate diligence attract the attention of employers to such a woman. She can work in any field. Women with this name are tactful, able to listen well, imperceptibly to influence the interlocutor. Need to negotiate or conclude a contract? Entrust this Assel. The meaning of the name will guarantee that it will do it better than everyone else, achieve the most favorable conditions, whatever convinces partners or opponents. The women of the name become excellent negotiators, psychologists, teachers.

Astrology and Assel

The meaning of the name, astrologers believe, requires that in the surroundings of Assel there are Sagittarius. It is with the representatives of this sign that girls can build close relationships.
Kind, loving, understanding, Aseli easily perceive the uniqueness of freedom-loving Sagittarius, forgive him a lot, thus provoking reciprocal affection, love and respect. However, the goodwill of Assel and her ability to constantly keep cheerful and optimistic, make a girl desirable in any company. She also happily goes on foot hiking, sleeps in a tent, gets a real pleasure from songs with a guitar. The value of the name Asel and the constant desire to help relatives often lead to the fact that too many responsibilities are imposed on a woman. However, she never complains, strives to do everything to the highest degree. Overwork sometimes leads Asel to a whole series of extravagant deeds. The lack of attention to a woman with this name makes her sometimes too obtrusive. The most important drawback of "honey" women - attempts to give advice to those who do not need them, and excessive, in the opinion of others, interest in other people's affairs. However, even the uninvited advice of these women can resolve any conflict.

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