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Ascites in liver cirrhosis. Treatment: drugs, folk remedies. Diet, forecast

The human liver is gradually destroyed under the influence of various aggressive factors, such as toxins, hepatitis virus, alcohol. In this process, the serial death of the cells of the organ begins. They are replaced by connective tissue. But the latter can not fully perform all the functions of the liver. As a result, a person develops cirrhosis. This is an extremely difficult pathology. Often it is accompanied by serious complications. The most severe of these is ascites in liver cirrhosis . Treatment for such a patient requires a more responsible, and the forecast significantly worsens.

Characteristics of pathology

Let's analyze what is ascites of the abdominal cavity. This pathology does not arise on its own. It develops against a cirrhosis of the liver or other pathologies. Ascites are a complication in which fluid accumulates in the abdominal cavity.

It should be noted that liver cells have a unique ability to regenerate. But, unfortunately, under the influence of negative factors, permanently or permanently affecting the body, internal reserves are gradually depleted. Healthy cells die. They are replaced by connective tissue.

The death of the liver leads to a deterioration in the purification of blood. A variety of harmful substances accumulate in the human body. The main filter is not capable of producing the necessary number of enzymes and proteins. Namely, they provide in the body the flow of many important processes.

As a result of the cessation of sufficient protein production, the leakage of fluid through the tissues and walls of the vessels is impaired. This leads to a gradual accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity. This is how ascites develops in liver cirrhosis. Treatment should begin immediately, as the complications that accompany cirrhosis can progress quickly enough.

Causes of development of the disease

Why does ascites occur? Pathology is mainly the result of inadequate protein synthesis. The lack of albumin reduces the ability of the blood to be in the vascular bed. In other words, this leads to the fact that the fluid through the walls of the veins can easily penetrate into the abdominal cavity.

The high sodium content, provoked by the inability of the liver to neutralize certain substances, leads to an even greater retention of fluid in the body.

In addition, considering the causes of ascites in cirrhosis, one more factor should be mentioned. A similar complication can be caused by a deficiency in the lymphatic system. Basically it is the liver that produces lymph. Developing cirrhosis seriously violates this system. As a result, the pressure of lymph increases, and the liquid penetrates into the peritoneum. Since the process of weakening the main filter does not end, the fluid in the body gradually accumulates.

Thus, the basis for the development of ascites in cirrhosis is several factors:

  1. Increased permeability of the hepatic vessels.
  2. High lymph formation.
  3. Disturbed renal function, characteristic of cirrhosis. As a result, the blood flow changes, sodium retention in the body is observed.
  4. Increased pressure in the hepatic vessels. This leads to the penetration of liquid in large quantities into the tissue.

Symptoms of cirrhosis

Initially, let's look at the signs that liver pathology signals about itself. By the way, men often suffer from cirrhosis. They have a disease diagnosed almost 3 times more often than women. That's why we will analyze the symptoms that indicate the development of the disease in the strong half.

If we consider the earliest signs of liver cirrhosis in men, it should be noted the following:

  1. Under the rib, in the right side, there is an unpleasant feeling of heaviness or pain. Discomfort is aggravated after physical exertion, acute or fatty food or alcohol intake.
  2. An unpleasant aftertaste in the mouth is dryness, bitterness.
  3. The onset of nausea, often resulting in vomiting.
  4. Feeling of weakness, increased fatigue.
  5. Frequent and thin stools. Such violations are often accompanied by bloating.
  6. Strong weight loss, sometimes reaching depletion.
  7. Appearance of skin itching. The skin acquires a pale yellow shade.
  8. The pathology of men is manifested by sexual impotence.
  9. The enlarged liver is easily probed under the skin. With palpation, it can be determined that the organ has become dense and tuberous. The patient experiences pain when he touches the liver area.

In addition, pay attention to the visual signs of liver cirrhosis in men:

  1. The palms are painted in a bright red shade. This occurs as a result of hyperthermia.
  2. Red color acquires language. It is characterized by puffiness and a certain "varnish" (texture change).
  3. Presence of vascular asterisks. They can be localized near the nose, in the corner of the eyes. Sometimes they start to bleed.
  4. Increase the size of the mammary glands. This symptomatology is characteristic exclusively for men. In this case, the sexual organs in the patient are significantly reduced.

In addition, cirrhosis is manifested by a number of specific symptoms:

  1. Insufficient coagulability leads to bruising and bruising.
  2. Urine acquires a murky, brown hue. The feces become lighter.
  3. Periodically, a fever occurs, the body temperature rises.
  4. Immunity decreases.
  5. Sometimes there is hemorrhoids with bleeding. Often it is supplemented by varicose veins.

Symptoms of ascites

Against the background of the features described above, a rather unpleasant complication, characterized by the accumulation of fluid in the peritoneum, can develop.

Symptoms of ascites do not immediately become noticeable. Pathology can be determined only when at least 1 liter of fluid accumulates in the peritoneum. In the future, the number increases. Sometimes the patient accumulates up to 25 liters of fluid.

The pathology is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • The abdomen increases in size;
  • The skin in this area is excessively strained;
  • During the movement, waves inside the peritoneum are felt;
  • When tapping on the belly a deaf sound is heard;
  • The veins become prominent;
  • There may be nausea, puffiness;
  • The patient experiences pain in the stomach;
  • The navel is bulging.

It is very important to take a responsible attitude to such a pathology as ascites in cirrhosis. Treatment should begin as soon as possible. Otherwise, the disease will progress rapidly.

Complications of the disease

Unfortunately, this pathology can lead to serious consequences. One of the most serious complications is peritonitis. It arises against the background of the fact that the ascites fluid is infected. Peritonitis without timely medical care can lead to death.

The following symptoms indicate the development of such ailment:

  • Weakening or absence of intestinal noises;
  • Worsening of symptoms of encephalopathy;
  • In the blood leukocytosis is observed;
  • The temperature increases with cirrhosis of the liver with ascites;
  • A chill occurs.

Of course, peritonitis is not the only pathology that can develop against the background of this disease.

Sometimes the following complications of ascites occur with cirrhosis of the liver:

  • The appearance of hemorrhoids as a result of increased intra-abdominal pressure;
  • Hydrothorax (this is the effusion of fluid in the pleura);
  • Esophageal reflux (stomach contents enter the esophagus);
  • Internal organs are displaced;
  • There are diaphragmatic hernia.

Stages of the disease

Often the question arises if ascites is diagnosed with cirrhosis of the liver, how many live such patients? Of course, the prognosis depends on the stage of the disease. Cure for cirrhosis, in which ascites arose, is unlikely. But if the symptoms are observed in time, then it is possible to slow the progression of the complication. At the last stage, recovering from ailment is very problematic. That is why it is important to determine the disease in a timely manner.

Ascites are characterized by 3 degrees:

  1. The initial stage is characterized by a slight increase in the abdomen. At this level, the patient accumulates about 3 liters of fluid in the peritoneum. The forecast is quite favorable. Therapeutic measures can delay the progression and thereby prolong the life of the patient.
  2. Further development of ascites is characterized by accumulation in the peritoneum of more fluid (from 4 to 10 liters). Clinical manifestations of the disease are clearly visible. They cause serious discomfort to the patient. The shape of the abdomen is severely deformed. Many patients develop kidney failure.
  3. At stage 3, more than 10 liters of fluid accumulate in the peritoneum of the patient. The patient's condition worsens. A person may experience difficulty breathing, because a large belly does not allow to expand normally easy. There is a dysfunction of the heart. Throughout the body there are swelling.

Prognosis of pathology

No doctor will be able to say with 100% guarantee if ascites is diagnosed with cirrhosis of the liver, how many patients live with such ailment. After all, each case is purely individual.

Unfortunately, often pathology ends with a lethal outcome as a result of consecutive intoxication with ketone bodies and acetones. According to statistics, about 10% of patients with this complication live approximately one month.

However, very often physicians in a timely manner make up for the patient's condition with diuretics, potassium and magnesium medicines. This allows to prevent the progression of the disease.

It is known that timely and competent manipulations allow prolonging the life of a person, even in the presence of a complicated form of ascites, up to 10 years.

Treatment of pathology

Excellent therapy results if it is started in the early stages. In this case, it is possible to combat effectively enough such pathology as ascites in liver cirrhosis.

Treatment includes:

  • Medicamental therapy, which controls the accumulation of fluid in the body;
  • Dietary food;
  • Special methods that ensure the evacuation of fluid from the peritoneum.

To combat liver cirrhosis and ascites, doctors recommend the following drugs:

  1. Essential phospholipids. These drugs provide recovery of damaged molecules of the fat and carbohydrate layers of the cell membrane. Such drugs are Essentiale, Phosphogliv.
  2. Antiviral medicines. They are medicines: "Ribavirin", "Adefovir". These medications are prescribed if the pathology has occurred against the background of viral hepatitis.
  3. Synthetic hepatoprotectors. They normalize the level of cholesterol, and also protect hepatocytes from the effects of bile acids. An excellent representative of this group is the drug "Ursodeoxycholic acid."
  4. Anti-inflammatory steroid preparations. They are recommended to patients who have an autoimmune lesion of the liver. Such patients are prescribed a medicine "Prednisolone".
  5. Diuretics. In ascites and cirrhosis, diuretics are necessarily prescribed . Drugs can be recommended: "Lasik", "Diakarb", "Aldakton", "Spiriks".
  6. Hepatoprotective amino acids. These medicines improve the metabolic processes that occur in the body. However, they do not have a hepatoprotective effect. Such medicines include medicines: Ornithine, Methionine.
  7. To normalize the colloid pressure, doctors prescribe the drug "Albumin".

If drug treatment does not provide a positive effect, an operative intervention is undertaken - laparocentesis. This manipulation involves the withdrawal of fluid from the peritoneum with a special needle.

Dietary food

It is very important for a patient suffering from this disease to adhere to a certain diet. Typically, the patient is assigned table number 5.

The diet for cirrhosis of the liver with ascites is based on such characteristics:

  • The caloric content of the diet varies between 2500-2900 kcal;
  • Excludes food, stimulating the production of digestive enzymes in the body;
  • The consumption of fatty, acute, fried, salted is limited;
  • It is recommended to eat 4-5 times a day;
  • Meat products with fat veins are allowed;
  • Vegetable fiber;
  • Volume of liquid during the day - 1.5 liters;
  • In the case of an exacerbation of the disease recommended mashed vegetables;
  • Diets: protein - 100 g, fats - 70 g, carbohydrates - 400-450 g.

Folk remedies

Sometimes it is recommended not only medications and a diet for a patient who has ascites diagnosed with cirrhosis of the liver. Treatment with folk remedies, included in complex therapy, can bring quite a tangible relief. However, one should know that it is impossible to cure pathology solely by the recipes of medicine men.

Such folk remedies are recommended:

  1. Decoction of parsley. At 1 liter of water will need 300 g of fresh raw materials. Cook, let the agent brew and strain. The broth should be taken at 0.5 st. Every hour, during the first half of the day. The therapy lasts 3 days.
  2. Pods of beans. Boil the husks with 15 pods in 1 liter of water, 10 minutes. Then, insist the remedy for 20 minutes. Strain. The first dose (200 ml) is recommended at about 5 am. The second portion - drink 30 minutes before breakfast. Third - half an hour before lunch. The remainder should be consumed no later than 8 pm.

It should again be recalled that ascites is a serious pathology that can very quickly lead to death. And most often the death of patients is provoked by a late appeal to doctors. Therefore, be attentive to your condition and the health of your loved ones.

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