Spiritual developmentReligion

Are the children baptized in fasting? Answers to the main questions

The Orthodox Church has 7 Sacraments, one of which is Baptism. A person thrice immersed in water with an appeal to the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, is revived for eternal life. As Scripture says, not born of the Spirit and water to enter the Kingdom of God can not. In the Gospel (Mark 16, 16), Christ said that unbelievers will not be saved and will be condemned. The road to the Kingdom is opened with baptism.

How are they getting ready for such an important event? Are the children baptized in fasting? What kind of food should be on the table when celebrating christening? Answers to a number of paramount questions you will find in this article.

Disagreements of the Church

The question, of course, burning. Are the children baptized in fasting? Or is this time meant for spiritual purification? Strangely enough, disagreements exist even among ministers. Representatives of the Kuznetsk and Penza dioceses (Penza region, Issa) declare, for example, that, according to the Charter of the Orthodox Church, the Sacrament of Epiphany should not be performed in the post. In their opinion, this is the time that should be used to prepare for the rite. In the post they hold public talks for those who decided to accept the Christian faith, special prayers are read.

However, most clergy with this approach disagree, arguing that baptism, like funeral services, is held on any days. Who is right, after all? Let's figure it out.

A bit of history

Initially, baptism was performed on adults by adults. The sacrament preceded the sacrament and repentance. Babies started baptizing later, after the formation of Christian families. It is impossible to trace the history of baptism in detail, but historians know for sure that in the Carthaginian Sobor (III century) there were serious disputes regarding the baptism of infants. Some pointed to the need for independent access to God, while others said that, unfortunately, not every child lives to adulthood and therefore to worry about saving his soul is necessary immediately after birth. As a result , infant baptism was allowed. Today it is allowed by all Orthodox.

Baptism of a child during fasting is allowed

Of course, there are some nuances here. The sacrament of Baptism is better to pass at the age when a person realizes, understands what is happening. For adults, fasting is indeed a serious preparation, when not only the body is purified, but also the soul. Every Christian will first have to confess and receive Communion. And if a serious sin on the person, because of which he is excommunicated, then no priesthood can remove it. Here you need sincere repentance. And the post just gives time for the adoption of a voluntary, deliberate decision.

The infant is born "pure" (sinless), and therefore does not require repentance or fasting. That's why the parents' question: "Are the children baptized in fasting?" The ministers answer: "Yes!"

The Sacrament is performed on any day. Moreover, many try to baptize their child if not in the first months, then, at least, in the first year of life. It happened historically. First, earlier infant mortality was much higher, so parents tried in advance to "open the gates" of the Kingdom of Heaven for the baby. On the other hand, the Sacrament gave the power of God - grace. Often parents hoped that a sick child will recover after baptism. All these beliefs were passed on to us through generations. Baptism in Lent has the same force as on any other day. However, this issue is discussed in advance with the clergyman, who is serving. Unfortunately, during fasting in some churches baptize only on Saturdays and Sundays. Most likely, it is connected with rather long divine services and absolutely small intervals between them. On Sundays, the service is significantly shorter, so priests can devote more time to other requests.

Now the question arises ...

Is it correct to baptize an infant who does not yet have an independent faith?

And the doubts are clear. But do not parents who brought their baby to the Temple have faith? Do not they (along with the godparents) start grafting it from a young age? Of course, they do. Therefore, they baptize a child who is not yet intelligent by his own faith. Here, both parents and godparents should understand that the Sacrament imposes a double responsibility on them (for themselves and for the child).

It is not necessary without emergency and postpone baptism. Depriving a child of the great sacrament without special need to please circumstances would be wrong. You can baptize a kid as long as forty days, and after.

How to prepare for the Sacrament?

To begin with, go through the catechumen conversation. Conducted by the ministers of the temple. On this conversation you will be told what the Sacrament is and how to prepare for it. You can not perceive baptism as a necessary or fashionable rite. It is also not necessary to consider that the Sacrament will save the baby from troubles and illnesses. Baptism will only open the way to the Kingdom of God, and the rest depends on parents and successors. The number of conversations in different temples may vary. Their meaning is to clarify the essence of the Sacrament and the foundations of the Orthodox faith.

Talking conversations are not an innovation. They began to be carried out in the 2nd century AD. E., And lasted 40 days. Moreover, the future Christian of that time was preparing to receive the Sacrament for several months or even years. Now they usually spend a couple of classes, although in some churches there may be more. A chat conversation is mandatory. It is necessary to pass it, regardless of whether the children are baptized in fasting, or at any other time.

What foods should be on the table?

Baptism is really a holiday, accompanied usually by a richly laid table. But what if there is a baptism in fasting? The main thing is to understand that this is not a reason for a feast, but a truly joyful event. However, if the parents with the guests get discouraged after the rite, there will be no sin. But only lean dishes (they can also be tasty to cook). Moreover, even in Lent, the use of wine (of course, in very small quantities) is permitted by the church statute. But it's always a sin to get drunk.

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