EducationSecondary education and schools

An educated person is ... Qualities of an educated person

The sciences of young men feed,
Otrada is served with old clothes,
In a happy life decorate,
In an accident they protect.

( MV Lomonosov )

An educated person is not just a person with a diploma of completed education. This concept is multifaceted and multifaceted, consists of many criteria that are formed throughout the life of the individual.

Pages of History

What does an educated person mean? Surely, many of us sooner or later asked this question. To answer it, you need to turn to history. Namely, to the days when humanity began to make progress in the development of civilization.

Everything was created and done gradually. Nothing appears at once, by the swing of the mighty hand of the Creator. "First there was the Word, and the Word was God." Communication, gestures, signs, sounds were born. It is from these times that the notion of education should be considered. People had a common language, an initial knowledge base, which they passed on to children from generation to generation. Man has made efforts to develop writing and speech. Taking its origin from these sources, the river of time brought us to the present. There were many convolutions in the channel of this river, an unthinkable work was invested and a colossal work was done. But still this river brought us into that life, as we see it now. The books preserved and brought to us all that the man has created over the centuries. We draw knowledge from these sources and become educated people.

An educated person: the concept, criteria, aspects

The interpretation of this term is ambiguous, the researchers offer many definitions, variations. Some believe that an educated person is an individual who graduated from an educational institution and completed comprehensive education in a certain field of knowledge. For example, such are doctors, teachers, engineers, technologists, professors, cooks, builders, archaeologists, managers and other specialists. Others argue that, in addition to state-commercial education, a person must have a social, life experience, obtained in travel, traveling, in communication with people of different ethnic groups, classes and levels. However, this interpretation is incomplete, since an educated person is a person of certain moral principles, who has managed to achieve something in his life due to his knowledge, erudition, culture and purposefulness. From all this we conclude that an educated person is not only the most intelligent person, but also a person with a capital letter. Therefore, most researchers give a more accurate description of this term. They believe that an educated person is an individual who has received knowledge that is offered by the civilization itself. He has a cultural and life experience, historically accumulated in the process of development and development of culture, industry, industry and so on.

The image of an educated person consists of a set of criteria and personality traits:

  • The presence of education.
  • Knowledge of languages.
  • Culture of behavior.
  • Expanded horizons.
  • Erudition.
  • Wide vocabulary.
  • The erudition.
  • Communicative.
  • Thirst for knowledge.
  • Eloquence.
  • Flexibility of the mind.
  • Ability to analyze.
  • Striving for self-improvement.
  • Purposefulness.
  • Literacy.
  • Fertility.
  • Tolerance.

The role of education in human life

An educated person tends to knowledge for orientation in the world. It is not so important for him to know how many elements in the periodic table, but you need to have a general idea of chemistry. In each field of knowledge, such a person is oriented easily and at ease, realizing that single precision is absolutely impossible in everything. This allows you to see the world from a different angle, orient yourself in space, make life bright, rich and interesting. On the other hand, education serves as the education of everyone, the provision of knowledge to distinguish reality from the imposed opinion. An educated person can not be influenced by sectarians, advertising tricks, as he constantly analyzes what he has seen and heard, forming the only true decision about the reality of what is happening. With the help of education, the individual achieves the set goals, cultivates and expresses himself. Through reading, an erudite person listens to his inner world, finds important answers, delicately feels the world, becomes wise, erudite.

Importance of school education

The first stage in the formation of each person as an "educated person" is the primary educational institution, namely the school. There we get the basics of knowledge: we learn to read, write, draw, and fully think. And from how much we learn this initial information, our future development largely depends on us as a full-fledged representative of the society. From birth, parents develop a craving for knowledge in the child, explaining the importance of education in life. Thanks to the school, each student's abilities are revealed, a love for reading is instilled, the foundations of a culture of behavior in society are laid.

The school is the foundation for the formation of every educated person. It solves a number of important tasks.

  1. Primary education of a person, transfer of social, life, scientific experience in significant areas historically accumulated by civilization.
  2. Spiritual and moral upbringing and personal development (patriotism, religious beliefs, family values, culture of behavior, understanding of art, etc.).
  3. Preservation and strengthening of health, both physical and mental, without which a person will not be able to self-fulfilling.

Self-education and social, life experience is not enough to become educated, therefore the role of school in the life of a modern individual is invaluable, irreplaceable.

The role of books in education

From time immemorial, it is in books that the knowledge of various branches and subjects is concentrated - literature, science, history, etc. No training is possible without books. The level of education of each individual depends on the extent to which information is held in textbooks. A well-read person is a person who owns information obtained from different sources.

Literature, created by mankind and carried through the years, is extremely diverse. Each book has a special effect on a person.

  1. Special literature (textbooks, manuals, methodological recommendations, encyclopedias and reference books) helps us to look at this world in a new way, to discover secret relationships and to perceive reality in a different way.
  2. Art books (literary classics) make our inner world richer, develop a sense of beauty, form a historical identity, culture. There is a whole list of works that every educated person must know.

Through reading, a person gets education, learns the norms of behavior in society, expands the vocabulary, enhances the cultural level, broadens the horizon, and so on. Books are the only reliable source of information in the world, helping people for several centuries.

Culture in human life

Equally important role in education is played by culture, the presence of which is an indispensable quality of an educated personality. The norms of behavior in society are the same for all, but not everyone follows them. What does it mean to be a cultural person? We know about the man that he, above all, is well-mannered, has pleasant manners and is able to speak politely in any situation. Those who do not know how to behave in society can hardly be called educated. The culture and moral morality of a person is primarily influenced by family values and traditions. Important role of teaching in the formation of a cultural personality.

Most researchers claim that science and education first arose, but only then culture. Historically, it so happened that first an educated person appeared, and only then a cultural one. Thus, the two concepts are interrelated, but they developed independently of each other. Education involves the study of art, traditions, morals, rules of conduct and customs. At the same time, a cultured person is not always educated.

Education and the intelligentsia

In the modern understanding, an intellectual is undoubtedly an educated, erudite person, cultured, polite, and adhering to moral principles. For an intelligent person, it is wrong to talk about other people disrespectfully, use obscene language and be rude in communication is unacceptable. Looking in the history, you can recall a separate class, to which all people who have an education belonged. An intelligent person is not only well educated, he is also well-read, erudite, has a high intellect, is decent, is an adherent of universal values.

Currently, educators perceive the image of an intellectual as an ideal of an educated person, to which every student, student, adult should strive. However, this quality is not a priority or mandatory.

How we represent an educated person

Each of us has his own opinion on this topic. For some, an educated person is one who graduated from school. For others, these are people who have received a specialty in a certain field. Still others consider all intelligent people, scientists, researchers, those who read a lot and self-educated to be educated. But education is the basis of all definitions. It radically changed life on Earth, gave a chance to self-actualize and prove to ourselves that everything depends on the person. Education gives a chance to take a step into another world.

At each stage of the formation of personality, a person perceives the concept of education in different ways. Children and students are sure that this is simply the most intelligent person who knows and reads a lot. Students look at this concept from the point of view of education, believing that by graduating from an educational institution, they will become educated people. The older generation perceives this image more broadly and thoughtfully, realizing that, in addition to teaching, such a person must have his own baggage of knowledge, social experience, be erudite, well-read. As we see, everyone has his own idea of what an educated person should know.


When a person finishes school, he experiences unusual joy, positive emotions, accepts congratulations and wishes to become a worthy person in the future. Having received the certificate, each graduate becomes a new life path to self-realization, independence. Now we need to take an important step - choose an educational institution and a future profession. Many choose a difficult path to achieve the cherished dream. Perhaps, this is the most important moment in a person's life - to choose professional activities for the soul, interests, abilities and talents. On this depends self-realization of the individual in society, his further happy life. After all, an educated person is, among other things, a person who has achieved success in one area or another.

The Importance of Education in Our Time

The concept of "education" includes the words "to form," "to form," which means the formation of a person as a person. Forms its internal "I". Both in front of him in the first place, and before the society in which he lives, he is engaged in his field of activity, he works and simply enjoys spending his free time. Undoubtedly, a good education in our time is simply irreplaceable. It is this worthy education that opens all doors to the individual, gives an opportunity to get into the "higher society", get a first-class job with decent wages and achieve universal recognition and respect. Because knowledge is never much. With each our day we learn something new, we get a certain amount of information.

Unfortunately, in our twenty-first century, the age of digital technologies, communications and the Internet, such a notion as "education" is gradually receding into the background. On the one hand, it would seem, it should be vice versa. Internet, a bottomless source of useful information, where everything is available. You do not need to run around libraries, classmates in search of a missed lecture, etc. However, along with useful on the Internet, there is a huge amount of useless, unnecessary and even harmful information that clogs the human brain, kills in it the ability to adequately think, From the path. Often, poor-quality resources, useless social networks attract humanity much more than information useful for self-development from libraries.

What causes lack of education

An uneducated person is in the delusion that he knows everything and has nothing to learn. While educated for the rest of his life will be confident that his education is not finished. He will always strive to know what will make his life even better. If a person does not aspire to knowledge of the world and self-development, he eventually comes to the ordinary, routine, where work brings neither pleasure nor sufficient earnings. Of course, ignorance does not mean the complete absence of any knowledge, certificates. A person can have several formations, but be illiterate. Conversely, there are well-educated, well-read people who do not have a diploma, but possess high intelligence, erudition due to independent study of the surrounding world, sciences, society.

Uneducated people find it harder to fulfill oneself, to achieve what they want, to find an occupation to their liking. Of course, remembering our grandmothers and grandfathers, who at one time worked more than they did, we understand that one can go through life without education. However, it is necessary to overcome a difficult road, to work physically, spoiling both mental and physical health. Uneducatedness can be imagined as an isolated cube in which a person lives, not wishing to go beyond its boundaries. A raging life, with magnificent colors, filled with bright emotions, understanding, awareness of reality will be around and boil over. And whether to go beyond the face of the cube to enjoy the true, fresh air of knowledge - it is up to the individual to decide.

Let's sum up the results

An educated person is not only one who has graduated from a high school, an educational institution and has a highly paid job in the specialty. This image is extraordinarily multifaceted, it includes a culture of behavior, intelligence, education.

The basic qualities of an educated person:

  • education;
  • literacy;
  • The ability to communicate correctly and express your thoughts;
  • politeness;
  • Purposefulness;
  • Culture;
  • The ability to behave in a society;
  • Erudition;
  • Aspiration for self-realization and self-improvement;
  • The ability to feel the world subtly;
  • nobility;
  • generosity;
  • excerpt;
  • Hard work;
  • sense of humor;
  • determination;
  • wit;
  • observation;
  • ingenuity;
  • decency.

The concept of an "educated person" is interpreted differently, but the main thing in all definitions is the availability of education obtained in various ways: with the help of a school, university, self-education, books, life experience. Thanks to knowledge, each of us can reach any heights, become a successful, self-realized person, a full-fledged cell of society that perceives this world especially.

At present it is difficult to do without education, because any field of activity requires certain skills and abilities. And to live in peace, knowing nothing about him, like a primitive man, is absolutely meaningless.


In the article, we examined the basic criteria, the definitions of an educated personality, answered the question of what it means to be a cultural person. Each of us regards and looks at things according to his social status and ability to perceive the world around him. Some do not even realize that it is wrong for an intelligent person to speak offensive things to the addressee. Some have learned this truth from a small age. After all, the worldview of a person is primarily affected by the education of people who put in it certain information, were guides to this life.

We also found out that a well-read person is an individual who reads not only special, educational literature, but also works of classics. Much of this world is interconnected, but it is education that plays the main and decisive role. Therefore, it is worth treating it with all seriousness, desire and understanding. We are the masters of our life. We are the creators of our destiny. And the way we live this life, entirely depends on us. Despite the difficulties, political or military, our ancestors created excellent conditions for our life. And it is in our hands to make these conditions even better for our descendants. We need education in order to arrange our life of our own free will and become a happy person.

It is difficult to raise the level of education through the Internet. In order to become an erudite person, one must remember to visit the library and read the books of an educated person. We bring to your attention popular editions, which every educated person must certainly read, this will make you interesting, well-read, cultural interlocutor.

  1. Abulkhanova-Slavskaya K. A. Activities and psychology of personality.
  2. Afanasyev VG Society: system, cognition and management.
  3. Brauner J. Psychology of cognition.

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