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Age features of the child 6-7 years: physiological, psychological. Adults and children

Children of 7 years are children who are in the senior preschool or at the younger school age. This means that in their psychology and physiology, changes are bound to occur soon. For many parents, the characteristics of the age characteristics of children aged 6-7 years will seem amazing, but this does not mean that it is bad. Just be prepared for the child to move to a new stage in his development.

This age is characterized by the fact that the kid is active, open to everything new and optimistic about life in society. He tries to learn more and more information, make friends with all the surrounding people. In parallel, he learns the communication skills that will be necessary for him in school.

In addition, the age features of the child 6-7 years old are also physiological. They are no less important than psychological ones.

Physiological features of preschool children

Physiology is a change in the structure of the body during the growth of a person. At the child of 6-7 years it is possible to allocate such features:

  • The body proportionately increases.
  • Growth varies mainly within the range of 113-122 cm.
  • Weight is 21-25 kg.
  • All the nervous processes in the body develop.
  • Mobility of nervous processes is weak. For example, a girl of 7 years old can not respond quickly to a boy who insulted her in the kindergarten, she usually takes offense and leaves or begins to cry.
  • The respiratory system is poorly developed, there is a strong need for oxygen.
  • The heart muscle becomes much thicker. The heart rate also increases, but it is not quite rhythmic.
  • The muscles of the child become larger and denser. The baby is getting stronger. However, the muscular system, as a rule, is unevenly developed, so that physical activity must be present in the child's life.
  • The work of the sense organs develops rapidly, this is facilitated by constant learning.

Adults and children should interact all the time. Parents should take an active part in the development of the child. Keep track of the health and behavior of the baby in order to notice possible violations in time. Caring and attentive parents usually prevent all sorts of problems, and if this is not done, the diseases quickly cure.

Do not neglect the words of the child. If he wants to tell you something, listen to him. Often children themselves report that they feel uncomfortable. This information helps to quickly solve the problem from the life of the family. In a timely manner, lead a child to a doctor for an examination, this is a good prevention of all sorts of diseases.

What happens to the mental state of the preschooler

Children of 7 years actively learn the world around them. Usually in the behavior of a child of this age, you can notice some features:

  • He readily accepts the new rules that he was told at school. The child is open to communication with peers and teachers.
  • The child is able to treat any problem not only for his part. Gradually, he gets used to take into account the point of view of others.
  • The child understands the signs of many objects and can analyze them. For example, a boy of 7 years of age understands that the radio control car will stop working if you immerse it in water, and the stone that he throws can break glass. In this regard, children become more cautious.
  • The child begins to understand that in life there are not only games. The cognitive process is actively developing. But at the same time, it is difficult for a child to concentrate on one task for a long time, especially if he does not consider it interesting.
  • The baby is emotionally and physically fully ready for school. He is able to concentrate on one task for 30-45 minutes. In addition, in an effort to learn something new preschooler surpasses any adult person.
  • Be careful, because the child is very sensitive to the opinion of others. A 7-year-old girl, for example, will consider herself to be ugly, if she has been told about this by her classmate. It is important to explain to the child that not always the words of others are true, so that he does not form his own wrong image for himself.

It is also worth noting that the age-related psychological characteristics of children 6-7 years do not end on general provisions. There are other factors that indicate that the child develops according to his age.

Mathematical features of children of senior preschool age

Age features of a child of 6-7 years suggest that the baby:

  • Is able to add and subtract numbers.
  • Can solve simple problems and disassemble simple puzzles.
  • Is able to correctly determine the direction of motion.
  • Can count at least to 10.
  • Correctly determines which number is greater, which is less.
  • Correctly determines the shape of objects. Knows how simple geometric shapes look.
  • He knows the simplest mathematical signs.
  • Solves problems in one action, can make such tasks independently.
  • Is able to name the numerical sequence in reverse order.

Along with such mathematical abilities, the child must develop thinking.

Age features of the child 6-7 years: logical thinking

Age features of older preschoolers are also evident in logical thinking:

  • The child should be able to identify the pattern and complement a number of subjects, following the logic.
  • The kid is able to find an extra object, a sign or a number from the proposed series.
  • The child should be able to make simple stories based on the proposed pictures. In addition, he must independently come up with the ending of various stories.
  • A preschooler should be able to combine subjects into groups on the basis of common characteristics.

Mathematical abilities do not always determine the level of development of a child. It is also important to consider other components in his thinking. In particular, pay attention to the development of speech.

The speech of the senior preschooler

Age features of the child 6-7 years are also evident in his speech:

  • The kid should know how to name his name, the surname, the city in which he lives. He also needs to know the same information about his parents.
  • The child must know by heart his home address and telephone number.
  • Adults and children should communicate without feeling uncomfortable. The speech of the child must be coherent and well-coordinated so that parents can understand it without hindrance.
  • The child should be able to color his thoughts intonationally.
  • A kid should know when they tell him something, when they ask a question, when they need to perform a task.
  • A child is able to lead a discussion and enter into disputes, ask questions and formulate his own requirements.
  • In addition to dialogue, the kid must also possess a monologue.
  • The child must know a large number of poems by heart. In addition, it is desirable that he is able to tell them with an expression.

A full development of a preschooler's speech is impossible without knowing the world around him.

Cognition of the world around us

Age features of a child of 6-7 years must necessarily affect his desire to know the world around him. He must know the names of the objects that surround him, who he comes to people with whom he lives and communicates, what are the names of domestic animals.

That is, the kid must fully orientate himself in the environment and adequately assess it. A preschool child who develops harmoniously, is always aware of his position in society and behaves in accordance with it.

Behavior of preschoolers in everyday life

A kid, being a part of society, should be able to:

  • Call on the phone.
  • Self-sew a button or sew a small hole.
  • Culturally behave at the table.
  • Observe the basic rules of personal hygiene.
  • Independently wear outerwear, zip up buttons and buttons, tie laces.
  • Keep track of the purity of your clothes and shoes, the state of your hair and nails.
  • Recognize the signs that the traffic light gives. That is, he must be competent in elementary rules of the road.
  • Understand the calendar system. He must be able to determine the month, the day of the week, the number and time on the clock.

An essential factor in the development of a preschooler is self-esteem.

Self-evaluation of a child

Self-esteem is an important indicator that speaks about the correctness of the preschooler's development. Features of this criterion are as follows:

  • The child should strive to meet the expectations of adults.
  • His self-esteem in different spheres of life can significantly differ.
  • Adequacy of self-esteem is absent. It largely depends on the opinions of others.

However, the child should not strive to fulfill all the requirements of adults.

Arbitrary features

A child of senior preschool age can make his own decisions. This means that his behavior will not always be predictable.

The development of the baby can be considered normal, if he periodically shows perseverance, enters into discussions, disputes, independently tries to overcome difficulties and cope with problems.

Tips for parents

For a child it is important that you:

  • They picked up for him a school suitable for his personality type.
  • They did not give him to school if he was not ready for it.
  • Leave him time for games and hobbies.
  • Adequately assessed his readiness for school.
  • Do not oppress his self-esteem with angry comments. Understand that the kid takes everything to heart.
  • They taught him to evaluate themselves and the results of their activities.
  • Understood that the successes and failures of the baby are temporary factors. Do not take them to your account and do not upset the child with criticism.

Thus, the features of the child of the senior preschool age are expressed in his psychology and physiology. Therefore, watch for changes in the behavior of the baby, in order to anticipate possible problems and to deal with them in time.

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