EducationThe science

Administrative law

Administrative law is an independent branch and is part of the legal system of the Russian Federation. Depending on the tasks facing and taking into account its focus, this sphere has some distinctive features.

As an industry, administrative law has been formed since the time in the legal system a certain place was occupied by the norms that enshrine the rights of the individual, as well as guarantees against arbitrariness in the administrative sphere.

This industry is considered to be one of the largest and most complex in Russia. This is due to the variety of tasks that administrative law performs. In social life, there is no sphere in which the state administration does not participate. However, in some areas (state security, health care, communications, transport, energy, public education and others) of its (administration), the role is considered decisive. It determines the effectiveness in the management and implementation of many citizens' rights. In Russia, therefore, administrative law is a very important legal field. This is due to the importance of the role played by the state administration.

The subject of administrative law is the totality of social relations that are formed in the process of forming activities in the sphere of executive power. Thus, the implementation of relations that arise in the process of education and work of the state administration, as well as servicing the sphere of municipal and state administration, takes place.

It should be noted that management is present in all social spheres and has a diverse content and large volume. In a number of cases, management activities have such a particular specificity that it is regulated not only by the administrative, but also by other branches of law. So, for example, the management connected with the finance, realizes the financial, preliminary investigation and inquiry - the criminal procedural legal branch. Thus, defining the subject of administrative law, it is necessary to clarify that regulation is carried out in all management relations, except for those established by other legal branches in the Russian Federation. Regulation of public relations is carried out by means of establishing rules of conduct, fixed in the norms and binding for compliance by all participants of regulated relations.

Fundamentals of administrative law can be divided into two groups. The first include internal relations, the second - the relationship of the administration's authority with citizens, as well as non-governmental and state organizations.

On the ongoing changes related to the needs of the economic and social life of the population, the branch of public administration is called upon to respond clearly. In this regard, there is a need to improve the legal norms.

The subject of administrative law has certain duties and rights assigned to him in connection with the implementation of his needs. As a participant in public relations, a citizen, a state body, a public association and others can act.

Obligations and rights of the subject form in its complex its legal status, which forms general norms. For example, the rules on compliance with fire safety rules are common.

According to the administrative and legal status, the subjects are subdivided into organizations and individuals. The latter include the following types: a citizen of the Russian Federation, a stateless person and a foreign citizen. Organizations are divided into state and non-state actors.

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