LawState and Law

Legal Status

The legal status of any person is a complex state-legal institution, which consists of rights, duties, and freedoms. The legal status of each individual is extremely important, since it reflects its position in interaction with the state or society.

Legal status of a person

Perhaps no one will argue with the fact that the basis of all freedoms and rights of the individual is precisely the norms of the current Constitution. In 1993, for the first time in our country, the idea was legislatively enshrined that human rights are inalienable and natural. The 1993 Constitution really consolidated the legal status of people that was so necessary.

Constitutional freedoms and rights are the most important for a person. It is they who reveal the natural state of freedom. Not surprisingly, they are secured by the highest legal force.

We can say that many of the constitutional rights of people are directed against the state, although they are sanctioned by the state. The idea of inalienable human rights is purely constitutional. They are a powerful means of containing the state within certain limits. The legal status of a person must be respected and protected. Its violation will lead to violation of all existing bases of the country's legislation.

The doctrine of personal freedom is very important. Awareness of the state and society in general that respect and proper treatment is worthy of each, puts both that and the other at the forefront. Without this, the search for some higher ideals is simply impossible.

How is the legal status of a person formed? It is important not only what is established by the Constitution. Agree, the legal status of a lawyer and a deputy is not the same thing at all.

All of us from birth have many rights. It is about the right to life, to freedom, to receive a decent education and so on.

The ability to have rights is nothing more than legal capacity. We all have it, largely thanks to the norms that were prescribed in the Constitution.

In addition to legal capacity, they also provide legal capacity. The combination of the two is called legal personality.

What is capacity? It is understood not as an opportunity to have rights, but the opportunity to acquire them just like some duties. Since birth, it is zero, but over time its volume increases. According to the laws in force in our country, full legal capacity comes only from the age of eighteen. However, teens from the age of fourteen are already able to make any small household transactions.

Even an adult may be declared incompetent. Let's note that only a court can recognize it as such, and not someone else.

A person has responsibilities that stem not only from the contracts he has concluded, but his ability often determines the legal status. What does it depend on? In fact, from a lot. Consider, for example, the legal status of judges. A judge is an untouchable person, he can not be removed from his position, he does not report to anyone for the decisions made in procedural order. It is his legal status that determines his position, which he occupies in society.

We all carry out a certain role in the state in which we live. Yes, our legal status is different, but there is nothing wrong with this, because often they depend on how we see ourselves in this world. Anyone who wants to change something, sooner or later it will change to some extent. Most of the people are too inert, and in general are not interested in the legal status of themselves or their relatives. Legal status is not easy to change, but still quite real.

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