
Adaptogens (preparations): a list of drugs to increase the resistance of the human body

The rapid rhythm of modern life forces a person to adapt to increasing loads. Often, unfavorable conditions, having a physical, chemical or biological nature, seem to test our body for strength. Adaptogens have the ability to help a person quickly restore strength and increase resistance to external negative factors. Preparations, the list of which consists of mono-ingredients and combined biologically active substances (elixirs, vitamins, balsams, energy agents and others), can be of vegetable, animal and mineral origin. There are synthetic adaptogens (for example, tablets "Trekrezan").

Mechanisms of action

Generalizing (adaptogenic) agents differ by a slight specific effect on the work of the central nervous system, normalize endocrine processes, accelerate metabolic reactions, cause the body to adapt to unfavorable factors. Almost without changing the normal functioning of all human systems and organs, general toning agents and adaptogens significantly increase mental and physical performance, promote better tolerance of loads, maintain the stability of our immunity in conditions of heat, cold, thirst, hunger, oxygen deficiency, the threat of infections, psychoemotional stresses and Other adverse factors. These natural phytopreparations noticeably shorten the period of adaptation without the onset of negative consequences for humans. The neuroregulatory effect of various doses of adaptogens varies depending on their magnitude: small ones inhibit nervous processes and have a relaxing effect, the medium tones up the body and moderately increases the overall tone of the central nervous system, and the highest ones mobilize it. However, even very large doses of adaptogens that cause overexcitation of the organism do not lead to malfunctions and serious disturbances in the functioning of organs and systems, and overexcitation, insomnia and excessive irritability are due to the withdrawal of the drug. These tonic compounds can be rapidly absorbed in the digestive tract in full, and then distributed to all organs and systems. Adaptogens are allocated mainly with urine, only a small part of them can leave the body together with feces.


First and foremost, adaptogenic preparations and their treatment are prescribed for those patients who experience great physical exertion (to workers and sportsmen), and also to people who work in hazardous industries under severe climatic conditions. To keep cheerfulness of the spirit for any person, tonic agents also help with emotional stress, increased fatigue (chronic fatigue syndrome, apathy, seasonal mood swings) and acclimatization, with hypotension or anorexia. During mental or physical overloads, adaptogens improve their adaptability to them without losing muscle or brain activity. In what cases are adaptogens (preparations) still shown? The list can be replenished with the prevention of colds, the restoration of health during the rehabilitation period after acute acute infectious diseases, as well as with gipofunction of the sexual glands or a decrease in libido.

Types of adaptogenic drugs and agents

The classification of adaptogens depends on the category of the main active substance obtained from different sources: the plant or animal world, the mineral environment or created in chemical laboratories. Features of these components cause a variety of the effect of the drug on the human body. Adaptogens of plant origin, the most popular of which are the ginseng root and lemongrass, aralia and radiola rosea, ginger and eleutherococcus, sea buckthorn and echinacea, sterculia and levzeya, are presented to the person by mother nature. They are produced by manufacturers in the form of tinctures and liquid extracts, prepared from a single plant. Balsams - "Vigor" and "Monomah", elixirs - "Grail" and "Svyatogor", "Antistress" (female and male formulas), "Vitalism" (complex tincture), and energy preparations: "Ginseng royal jelly" and "Yanshen Hubao" - refer to the combined tonic tools, for the production of which recipes from a variety of components are used. Adaptogens of plant origin, which contain several natural elements, can have different effects on this or that organism. Therefore, phytotherapeutists recommend to consult specialists who select special mixtures of soothing or toning herbs to solve individual patient problems.

In the world of fauna, it is also possible to find sources of adaptogens. They serve for effective influence on the biochemical processes in the human body, the synthesis of proteins, the strengthening of intercellular connections, which help to increase the resistance and endurance of the immune system, improve the response to infectious attacks, and also prevent the onset of cancer. Their list includes: pantocrine (extract from the young antlers of the maral), rantocrin, pantohematogen, rhinoceros horn and musk (secret glands of musk deer), lipocerebrine derived from brain tissue of cattle, powder from the bone tissue of bears and tigers, muscles of snakes, hedgehogs, and Also extracts and powders from snails, crickets, other insects and reptiles. Tonic products from bee products (pergus and pollen, royal jelly (with ginseng), honeycomb with adaptogenic preparations (rhodiola rosea, ginseng or leuzea) are widely known .Today, also fortifying means of energy from marine and oceanic mammals-the cucumber , Sea lions and other animals: sea scallops, mussels, sea turtles.Ministry of mineral adaptogen-preparations is in demand, synthetic tablets are Trekresan tablets.

Contraindications and side effects

Even absolutely natural remedies, such as biologically active adaptogens (preparations), the list of contraindications is quite impressive. They can not be taken to people with increased nervous excitability and insomnia, in the acute phase of myocardial infarction and with hypertension, with acute infectious diseases and high fever. Pregnancy, breast-feeding, as well as the child's age of the patient (under 16 years) are also the reasons for rejection of adaptogens. In healthy people, tonic-based supplements do not cause any side effects. Drugs do not have toxicity, even in high doses. Sometimes such phenomena as insomnia or individual intolerance, allergy or an increase in the tone of the myometrium occur immediately after the drug is discontinued.

How to take adaptogens

Preparations, the list of which most often includes tonic and fortifying tinctures, without a prescription today are available in any pharmacy. However, the dosage and appropriateness of their use must be agreed with the doctor. Necessity of constant use of tonic agents does not exist, usually people to strengthen their immunity drink courses in the off-season (fall and spring). Take adaptogens better in the morning or in the morning to avoid sleep disorders. Old "grandmother's recipes" could recommend lemongrass, eleutherococcus, ginseng and rhodiola rosea in the morning, and soothing - mint, valerian, oregano or motherwort - before going to bed. The appointment of a dosage, which is very important in the selection of adaptogens, is best entrusted to the doctor. If Schizandra excites the central nervous system from about five to six drops, then ginseng is effective from two to three.

Important to remember…

The optimal amount of general tonic drugs is calculated experimentally. If the minimum dose, for example, tinctures of aralia (6 drops) helps the patient to increase efficiency during the day, feel a surge of energy and energy, then it is sufficient. If after its reception no effect is followed, then increase 1 drop until the effect is achieved. The maximum possible amount is 15 drops, then it is necessary to lower the aralia gradually, decreasing by 1 a day a day.

Adaptogens (preparations): a list for athletes

Adaptogens are widely used in sports, especially in bodybuilding. General drugs are prescribed for athletes (both during the competition and for recovery after serious power and stressful loads). They provide an opportunity to increase the energy reserves necessary for intensive training and better digestibility of the protein. The best adaptogens of this species are the root of ginseng, Chinese magnolia vine, rhodiola rosea, elutherococcus. As a result of a two-four-week course, they help to increase efficiency, effectively combat overtraining of the body, and increase the concentration of testosterone in the blood. In addition to these three drugs, athletes are popular: zamanicha, sterculia, aralia, leuzea and eleutherococcus. Unique drugs alternate for maximum effect.

Features of the use of general toning agents for athletes

Adaptogens for power sports are a true "multipurpose": they help to make the training process more effective, increase the production of testosterone, which promotes the activation of anabolic processes in the body, accelerate metabolic processes and improve concentration, and build muscle mass and feel comfortable with greater physical exertion. The influx of energy and the desire to work arising after the adoption of adaptogens allow successfully to solve competitive problems and show the best results. In this case, tonic agents are not doping. Adaptogen preparations are taken to increase testosterone only in the form of tablets, capsules or powder, alcohol tinctures, extracts or balms are excluded.

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