
Acriderm from acne: instructions for use, composition, reviews

In inflammatory diseases of the skin, ointments and creams help not only to eliminate symptoms, but also have a powerful therapeutic effect. One effective means is Acriderm. From acne it is often prescribed by dermatologists, especially in the severe course of the disease. Let's consider in detail the composition of the local remedy and recommendations for use.

Description of the preparation

To treat such an unpleasant problem as acne, pharmaceutical companies offer a huge number of preparations of systemic and local effects. Especially popular are creams and ointments. "Akriderm" is a dermatological agent used to treat various inflammatory processes on the skin of mild to moderate severity. In its composition, the drug contains a hormone glucocorticosteroid, which has anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic, anti-edematous and anti-exsudative properties.

The well-known pharmaceutical manufacturer Akrihin (Russia) is developing and producing this medication. The average price of an ordinary ointment "Akriderm" - 80-100 rubles. The cost of external drugs, which contain several active substances, will be higher and fluctuates within 270-580 rubles.

Cream and ointment "Akriderm" instructions for use recommends use only after consulting a dermatologist, because the agent is hormonal and has some contraindications.


Betamethasone is an active hormonal component. In 1 g of ointment and cream contains 0.64 mg. The action of glucocorticoid is to inhibit the accumulation of leukocytes and enzymes in the focus of the inflammatory process. This reduces the swelling and redness of the skin. The substance helps to narrow the blood vessels, eliminates itching and speeds up the process of regeneration of the dermis.

What other ingredients does the Acriderm tool contain? The composition of this medication may vary. So, ointment and cream "Akriderm Genta", in addition to the hormone, contain antibacterial substance gentamycin. In addition, such a drug will also have an antimicrobial effect.

"Akriderm GK" is a multicomponent preparation in the form of ointment and cream. The composition contains betamethasone (a hormone), gentamicin (antibiotic) and clotrimazole (antimycotic). An additional antifungal component can effectively fight fungal microorganisms, destroying their membranes.

Betamethasone and salicylic acid are the basis of the drug Acriderm SK. Due to the second component, the medication is able to exert a pronounced keratolytic effect. This allows you to remove the keratinized areas of the dermis and regenerate damaged tissues faster.

As auxiliary components in the composition of the ointment and cream include solid paraffin, petrolatum, trilon B, nipagin, petrolatum oil, propylene glycol, sodium and potassium phosphate.

Indication for appointment

The external agent is usually used to treat various skin rashes. Does Acriderm help acne and for how long can I use hormonal remedies? The manufacturer warns that ointment and cream are often prescribed for the treatment of acne and acne, but only if they are of bacterial origin. With a confirmed diagnosis, you can use an ointment, which additionally contains gentamicin. The drug is not suitable for long-term use.

Direct indications for the appointment of external medicament "Akriderm" are the following pathologies:

  • Contact dermatitis of any complexity;
  • seborrheic dermatitis;
  • atopic dermatitis;
  • Neurodermatitis;
  • Sunny dermatitis;
  • eczema;
  • Simple chronic lichen;
  • Drug dermatitis;
  • Non-allergic types of dermatitis (diaper, exfoliative type);
  • psoriasis;
  • Allergic rash with insect bites.

Peculiarities of Acne Treatment

Glucocorticosteroid Acryderm from acne should be used with extreme caution. The hormonal agent copes well with a purulent-inflammatory rash on the face and body. However, it is forbidden to apply it to large areas of the skin. Do not apply external remedy on the mucous membranes of the nose, mouth, eyes. If the skin is prone to dryness, it is better to use the preparation as an ointment. It has a more oily texture. Fat type of dermis is suitable cream.

If acne is allergic, it is sufficient to use a one-component ointment. It quickly enough itchy itching, burning, swelling of the skin. When joining a secondary bacterial infection and the appearance of abscesses, the drug with gentamycin and betamethasone will be more effective. Ointment in this case it is better to apply under a bandage.

If, when combing the pimples, infection with a fungal pathogen occurs, it will be necessary to use an external preparation containing clotrimazole.


Acriderm SK and Akriderm from acne on the face of any origin are forbidden to use for dermal infections of the dermis, melanoma, hemangioma, bacterial and fungal skin lesions, vulgar acne, trophic ulcers, open wounds. Also, the contraindications of the manufacturer includes skin cancer, chicken pox, xanthoma, skin symptoms of syphilis, perioral dermatitis.

It is forbidden to use any kind of drug at increased sensitivity, intolerance of components in the composition. Cream with gentamycin and ointment "Akriderm" instruction for use does not allow to use with herpes rash, warts, tuberculosis. Skin allergic reactions to vaccinations and the age of up to 2 years are also a contraindication for the appointment of a hormonal drug.

The drug of three active substances is not used during pregnancy and lactation, with glaucoma and cataract, diabetes, atrophy of the skin, chicken pox.

How correctly to use "Akriderm"?

From acne, the external agent is applied only pointwise. Applying ointment or cream on large areas of the skin, you can quickly get a number of unpleasant side effects and deterioration.

Apply hormonal drug should only be pre-cleaned skin. For these purposes, you should use means for washing: gels, tonics, lotions. Do not apply a local medicine for a rash localized in the scalp.

Cream for pimples "Acriderm" in a small amount is applied to the focus of inflammation with a cotton swab. The product is carefully rubbed into the dermis and waiting for complete drying. On the face to apply ointment is recommended only in the most extreme cases. Such manipulations are allowed to be performed no longer than 5 days. If there is no improvement in the condition, it is necessary to consult a dermatologist.

For treatment of other skin ailments the drug is allowed to use up to 4 weeks. Positive dynamics is observed after 5-7 days of such therapy. In mild cases, symptoms disappear after 1-2 days.

Side effects

Patients who follow the recommendations of a specialist regarding treatment and dosage may not be afraid of side effects. After all, most often unpleasant symptoms are manifested when an overdose of hormonal substance. This can be determined by a local skin reaction (itching, change in shade, the appearance of dryness), the appearance of striae and acne-like rashes, vascular "stars".

With the long-term use of Acriderm from acne, systemic disorders occur in the form of Cushing's syndrome (weight gain, fat deposition), increased blood pressure, hyperglycemia, and glucosuria. To restore the normal condition will help to cancel the ointment or reduce dosage.


To eliminate acne and acne, you can use safer medicines. The following are considered to be the most effective:

  1. Tetracycline ointment.
  2. Zinc ointment.
  3. Synthomycin ointment.
  4. Retinoic ointment.
  5. "Baneocin".
  6. "Zinerit."
  7. "Differin."

The same active substances, as well as the original preparation, contain such drugs as "Betaderm", "Avecourt", "Beloderm", "Celestoderm".

Akriderm: reviews

From acne, the local remedy will help only if there is a bacterial or fungal infection in the combed wounds. To apply on the face of the hormone is rarely used. It is best to use it to eliminate the rash on the body. The maximum glucocorticosteroid is prescribed only for 5 days.

The most effective "Akriderm" will be only with the allergic etiology of rashes. The remedy can cope with various types of dermatitis, lichen, symptoms of eczema and psoriasis. The medicine quickly eliminates the symptoms of skin allergy.

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