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AA Plastov: paintings of the master of realism

Arkady Alexandrovich Plastov (1893 - 1972) was born, lived his entire life and died in the village of Prislonikha, Ulyanovsk region. An exception for Arkady Aleksandrovich were the years of studying painting in St. Petersburg and Moscow. AA Plastov is an artist, primarily of the plot genre, although he was engaged in portraiture, and also worked on illustrations for Leo Tolstoy's stories "Holstomer" and "Three Deaths", made with watercolor and gouache. Since 1947 he was a full member of the Academy of Arts of the USSR. AA Plastov is an artist of the genre of socialist realism. His works are understandable and quite simple to understand.

Love for native places

Back in 1908, the boy, looking at the work of icon painters, for himself firmly decided that he would be only an artist, and no one else. After studying in 1917, he returned to his native penates and worked on the nature. But in 1931 there was a fire. He destroyed all his works, and sketches, and sketches created over forty years. Since that time AA. Plastov realized that it was impossible to distract himself from his activities, and he began to pay attention to painting all the time. Everything attracted his loving attention: both the changing life of the village, and the changes taking place in people. Listening to the call of time, AA. Plastov paintings painted with love for his fellow villagers. He watched how events in the country are changing, and how they affect the way of life and the way of life of people.


In the paintings created during the Great Patriotic War, the artist achieves a great drama. One of the most bitter canvases, "The Fascist Flying", shows the horror and senselessness of ragged lives on a clear day.

In this quiet corner, it would seem, there is no hint of war.


By this time AA Plastov's paintings were written as a great master.

July, the top of the summer, mowing. All work in unison, in a row, very skillfully, without harming each other with sharp braids. As if you hear the sound of a scythe ("zipper-zipper") and the falling grass. The spectator is fascinated by the blossoming edge of the birch-tree with its delicate branches. The birds were silent, the heat and aroma of freshly mowed meadow grass and flowers were felt all over. But it's fun. The hay will be dried well. The picture shows that it works both old and young. For a young boy, summer is not just idleness, but work that brings joy and benefit to everyone. Hay mowing is a time when everyone works very smoothly and quickly. Everything must be done in time. In the foreground is a boy who grew up during the war years. He was used to work from childhood.

Behind him is a woman, then a middle-aged man. Perhaps he came from the front and now happily works, forgetting about the horrors of battles. The last in a row is an elderly clever, indefatigable man, the braid keeps well in his worn out hands. Like everything written by AA Plastov, the paintings, including the "Hay mowing", are filled with love for the Motherland. The realist artist admired the surrounding fellow villagers with their beauty, truthful, verified by nature. Their work is difficult, but in complete harmony with nature. The topic of haymaking was often addressed by Plastov. His paintings attract the beauty and generosity of the summer and the spiritual work of people.

"In summer"

There are two mushroom pickers in the picture - a woman who has fallen asleep in the shadow of a birch tree, and a sitting girl, near the full baskets with heavy mushrooms. A true friend - a dog, is also gaining strength on the way back. Among the emerald green grass and white-birch birches, the girl's kumach scarf and her snow-white clothes and mother's cornflower blue dress stand out prominently. Fills AA Plastov paintings simple simple content, close to the Russian people.

"First snow"

The picture is cloudy, but it does not lose any charm or brightness.

The girl and her brother ran to the porch and watched the first large snowflakes slowly fall. The whole earth is covered with snow. Children chilly, but they do not go away - interesting. It is difficult to find a more lyrical work from AA Plastov. The children retained the ability to enjoy the beauty of simple phenomena. Plastov paintings sometimes wrote meager means, but from this they do not lose their charm.

In the paintings of AA Plastov you can see how difficult, but peasant work is also festive. In creating images, color prevails. He creates the mood of national paintings in his spirit. In his works Plastov continues the best classical traditions of Russian artists. He captures that life and life, which are already a thing of the past for our urbanized population.

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