
A Few Words About Glazing Balconies

Did you know that the balcony can easily be converted into a very cozy room, well, or a logical extension of a large room? It's enough just to glaze it. Nevertheless, it will still be possible to smoke on it. So what are the benefits of a glass balcony? Everything is very simple:
• With the procedure for glazing the balcony, you can use it as a full-fledged room. For example, in summer you can safely have a tea party on it, and on hot nights you can even sleep on the balcony.
• In the winter, the balcony can be turned into a winter garden, well, or in extreme cases, a store room. There it will be possible to add all the blanks such as jam, pickled mushrooms and salines without fear that something might get messed up.
• The glazed balcony has good sound and heat insulation, which is positive for the inhabitants of the adjacent room.
• After all, from an aesthetic point of view, a glazed balcony looks much better than an open balcony.
So what methods of glazing does the modern market offer? There are several of them. Consider some that are in greatest demand.
1. Glazing using wooden frames.
I must say that this is probably the cheapest way of glazing, unless, of course, it is planned to use valuable wood species. This method was very common about twenty years ago. In addition to the obvious cheapness, this type of glazing attracts with its simplicity and environmental friendliness. As shortcomings in comparison with other types of glazing can be identified short-lived construction. The tree has the property of rot, spoil the sun and is afraid of many insects. But this factor can be minimized if systematically to produce high-quality processing.
2. Glazing using aluminum profiles.
This is the most durable and probably the most reliable type of glazing. Many companies and firms advise their customers exactly this way of glazing, considering it the most optimal. However, and here there are pluses and minuses. Undoubtedly, a significant advantage is that you can make sliding doors and take a part of the structure to the street. This will add space and increase the capacity of the balcony. The disadvantages include low heat resistance. Alas, on such a balcony in the winter to drink tea will be chilly. But the relatively low price makes this kind of glazing perhaps the most popular.
3. Glazing using metal-plastic profiles
The main advantage of this kind of glazing is the greatest degree of heat protection. In this case, windows and doors made of metal-plastic have good noise insulation. Not the best, but quite worthy. PVC is a more durable material than wood. It does not rot, is not afraid of bark beetles, does not so easily ignite and has a good thermoplasticity. But to install such units is not an easy job. This is due to the decent weight of the blocks, and therefore during installation, additional precautions should be observed. The installation should be carried out using a parapet made of a foam block or a wooden beam. Well, or in extreme cases the installation is made on brickwork. At the same time it is forbidden to take out metal plastic frames.
All the pluses of PVC can be felt if you produce not only the glazing of the balcony, but also its insulation, as well as put the double-glazed windows. Usually double-glazed windows are put on warmed balconies . It is worth noting that quite often due to the characteristics of PVC it is necessary to use wide vertical racks, which inevitably leads to a decrease in the light flux passing through the windows. But, as everyone knows, everything in the world has advantages and disadvantages.
4. Frameless glazing
This kind of glazing is not similar to the previous ones and is quite original. In this version, there are no frames, racks and all that, and the glasses move on rollers. It looks quite original and bold. Pros of this kind can be called high light transmission - absolutely nothing to interfere with the penetration of light into the apartment. In addition, this type provides good noise insulation and reliably protects from noise.
As a minus, you can distinguish between poor thermal insulation and only partial protection from dust and rain. In this sense, this kind of glazing loses glazing using aluminum profiles, wooden frames and metal-plastic profiles.

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