
3 questions that are better not to ask at the interview

People who work as recruiters often meet applicants who ask really clever questions. They make it clear that a person who is looking for a job knows exactly what he wants and understands his future responsibilities. But also interviewers meet many people who make them think, for which they came for an interview and they understand that he needs them.

In fact, when hiring, managers expect you to come with questions. But there are many topics that you should never touch. To begin with, here are some of the questions that guarantee that you will not pass this interview.

1. How often do you organize parties for employees?

Working with people is not easy, so it is only natural that you need to relax after a particularly difficult day. And the reality is that you spend more time with your colleagues than with most other people in your life. But questions to the recruiter during the interview about how and where you can get together with colleagues tell him that you care much more about rest than about work. And again, you have to take care of culture, but it is this formulation of the question that is impermissible, even if the company is known for organizing leisure activities for its employees.

What to ask instead

Instead of asking about parties that are held in the company, it's better to try something like this: "I would like to learn more about teamwork. How would you define the culture of the company? "The answer to this question often leads to a discussion about funny traditions or weekly" happy hours ". Thus, you will receive an answer to the question you are interested in, but at the same time, do not expose yourself as an amateur to rest more than work.

2. I got a job?

Perhaps you will not ask this question so directly, but very many people use all possible ways, trying to influence the recruiter and make him say that you were hired. Even when you think that you have already established a connection with the interviewer, it is very important not to start falling apart in compliments and showing that you are not going to stop.

How to formulate the correct question

Again, an abundance of compliments is a good way to make a recruiter deny you work. Instead, ask: "What should an employee ideally do in this position to simplify the life of the manager?" Asking this, you will not get an answer to your question, but pay attention to the fact that you are ready to do as much useful work for the company as possible. At the interview stage, this is the main key that will help you open the doors for a new job.

3. If the best position appears, will you offer me it?

If a person is open to new experiences, the management of the company may well decide to transfer it to the best position or offer one that will be more interesting. But people who receive such proposals have a common feature: they never ask for it at the first interview. If you directly ask a recruiter to remember about you, when a more promising job opens, it can set him up against you. The fact is that, agreeing to help you in this, the recruiter would have to ask another person to meet with you, not to mention considering you for a full-time position in the company.

What questions can you ask?

If you ask a direct question, this will once again show the recruiter that you are in despair and are ready to ask for help even to strangers. If you do not want to look in the eyes of the future boss is not entirely adequate, it is better to formulate the question differently. In addition, this chance may be the last to increase interest. Say something simple, for example: "As a longtime admirer of your organization, I was excited when I had the opportunity to meet with you." This brief statement actually says a lot. It once again emphasizes your desire to work in the company and helps to leave a positive impression, even if the proposed work does not suit you. Throwing a "thank you" note as a note, you leave yourself open to other vacancies.

Sometimes it is very difficult to ask the right questions when you are interviewed. But, knowing which issues should be avoided in general, you will immediately find yourself in a winning position. You can assume that you have already won half the battle. Therefore, before you start asking everything that comes to mind, think more carefully about the impression you want to leave.

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