
Winter wheat: growing, processing and varieties

Winter wheat is a valuable food crop. Irrigation creates excellent conditions for its full growth and normal development, increases its winter hardiness, which ensures a good viability of plants.

Winter wheat: the possibility of high yields

Using intensive technologies, in the UK, an average of 69.56 c / ha of wheat is grown, and in the Netherlands, 81.2 c / ha. Many farms, which are familiar with the intensive technology of winter wheat cultivation, receive stable yields on irrigated lands: 60 or even 70 quintals per hectare. The highest yield reached 92.4 quintals per hectare.

With favorable agro-climatic conditions, it is possible to get quite a high yield. Wheat winter feels great on irrigated land - yields up to a hundred centners per hectare. This crop in irrigated crop rotations is also grown for silage or for green fodder, and the area liberated after it is used after a slaughter for crops of grain, vegetable and fodder plants.

Biological features of wheat cultivation in winter

Wheat belongs to the family of cereals, by winter it sprouts, bushes and passes the autumn hardening. After wintering, the development of plants continues. The differentiation of the cone of build-up begins. Its strong growth depends on the strength of the leaves and roots, on the watering of the tissues. Complete saturation of the water cells is necessary to maintain their turgor, stretching, increase the number of embryos of future ears. This is a very important period for the life of plants. The critical period in the life of winter wheat continues from the exit into the tube to the milk ripeness of the grain.

Early watering prior to embryonic spikelets increases the number of grains, and watering at the beginning of the formation of flowers contributes to an increase in the number of developed flowers. In the period of flowering and fertilization, when the breathing of the plant and the consumption of organic matter are intensified, the plants are particularly sensitive to overheating and dry winds. The optimum run-off of air temperatures in this period is 14-19 ° C, at a temperature of 35 ° C, photosynthesis is strongly reduced in plants, yield decreases to 20, and at 40 ° C to 50%. Negatively low humidity and dry wind also act. Growing of winter wheat against the background of high temperatures and such humidity of air requires close attention.

Top-dressing of winter wheat

Wheat winter has a fairly long period of vegetation, this allows it to use more fully useful substances from the soil with greater completeness. However, the need for nutrients is different, depending on the period of plant development. Therefore, top dressing of winter wheat in the spring is expedient.

Nitrogen is needed during the growing season, but most intensively it is absorbed by the plants in phases, when they go into the tube and spike. Feeding of winter wheat is important in early spring, at this time, due to low temperatures and possible waterlogging of the soil, nitrification processes can be suppressed, and water flushes nitrate nitrogen into deeper soil layers, plants can experience nitrogen starvation even in well-endowed soils. This explains the high efficiency of the result, when the top dressing of winter wheat in the spring is correctly carried out.

During the sprouting and early development of wheat, there is a high demand for phosphorus nutrition, this stimulates the normal development of the root system. With a good supply of moisture, the roots can still penetrate to a depth of more than 1 meter in autumn, which contributes to the frost resistance of winter wheat. Phosphorus strengthens the degree of differentiation and a large number of grains on the ear. The lack of it at the beginning of growth can not be compensated by any increased supply of this fertilizer to plants at a later date.

The lack of easily assimilated potassium in the soil from the beginning of vegetation to the flowering of wheat leads to a considerable lag in the growth of the plant and to a delay in the development of plants - they become more sensitive to fluctuations in temperature and soil moisture. Satisfactory supply of plants in autumn with phosphorus and potassium enhances the winter hardiness of winter wheat, and sufficient supply of nitrogen increases the protein content in the grain. The excess of the latter, as well as the excessive moistening of the soil, leads to the lodging of plants.

Varieties of winter wheat

To the regions, breeders always have an individual approach. Varieties of winter wheat grown under irrigation conditions should be marked by a high response to fertilizers, additional moistening of the soil, and also resistance to lodging and fungal diseases.

The best for wheat are chestnut and chernozem soils, medium in texture, well aeration. That is, winter wheat is demanding for soils. Unsuitable for it - saline, overconsolidated and waterlogged places. Modern varieties of winter wheat, applied depending on the region, are as follows:

  • Tarasovo awned - cultivated in the Voronezh and Rostov regions.
  • Rosaska Tarasovskaya is a high-yielding variety.
  • Prestige - for regions with late frosts (the Volga region, the republic of the North Caucasus).
  • Severodonetsk Jubilee (grown in the Kuban, Krasnodar Territory, the Rostov lands, the republics of the North Caucasus).
  • The Tarasovsky spring is grown in the south.
  • August is a drought-resistant variety.
  • Governor of the Don.
  • Don 105.
  • Kamyshanka-3 - is cultivated in the Lower Volga region.
  • Nemchinovskaya-57 and 24.
  • Moscow-39 and 56.
  • Galina.

The last varieties in this list are bred for non-black soil, their grain has high baking qualities.

Fertilizer of winter wheat

With the correct application of fertilizers in irrigated agriculture, the yield increases from 40 to 70%. Fertilizers for winter wheat sharply increase the yield, as well as the quality of the grain. In the experiments of the Institute of Agriculture on irrigated lands, the yield of winter wheat increased from 28.3 to 51.9 quintals per hectare.

The increase in the yield from the optimal rate of nitrogen fertilizers in the south of the country was 10-10.6, of phosphorus - 1.2-1.6, and of their combined effect - 12.1-16.9 centner / ha. That is, winter wheat Reacts differently to individual batteries. According to the conclusion of scientists, potash fertilizers should be introduced only when less than 300 mg / kg of mobile potassium is present in the soil.

The application rate of fertilizers is calculated by the balance method, based on the level of the planned crop, the availability of nutrients in the soil and the digestibility factor of their plants. The contamination of winter wheat significantly reduces the effectiveness of the fertilizers used, the yield reduction reaches 12-15%.

An important reserve for increasing the efficiency of the application of various fertilizers for winter wheat is a very uniform spreading over the field. This condition needs to be approached carefully. Nitrogen fertilizers for winter wheat should be used selectively, taking into account local soil and climatic conditions, as well as the biology of cultivated varieties, the magnitude of the planned yield.

When growing on heavy and medium soils with a very deep bedding of groundwater and low nitrogen content in soils, it is better to apply fertilizer more finely - two-thirds of the norm for basic processing, and the rest - for top dressing at the end of spring tillering.

On light soils, as well as heavy, with fairly close groundwater deposits, losses of nitrogenous fertilizers are possible, so 30% of its annual norm should be applied for pre-sowing cultivation, the remaining part - in spring for fertilizing. In areas where nitrogen reserves in the soil are increased, it is not advisable to introduce nitrogen fertilizers in autumn, as this will lead to overgrowing of plants, thickening of crops. In such cases, 40% of the annual nitrogen rate is used in early spring, and 60% later.

Scientists in Germany, Belgium, Great Britain and Austria believe that to obtain 80-95 centners / ha of winter wheat it is undesirable to apply nitrogen fertilizers in the pre-seed period, therefore it is recommended to distribute the whole norm of nitrogen for 3-4 fertilizing, and the use of fertilizers should be combined with the introduction of fungicides.

To improve the quality of grain, winter wheat crops are fed with urea in the earing phase. In Germany, under winter wheat, liquid manure is applied at a rate of 20-30 cubic meters per hectare, it is used before sowing or during vegetation of plants. Scientists in France and the United States argue that the use of liquid fertilizers for a complex type of culture, which consists of macro- and microelements (Zn, Mg, Fe, B), must be used together with irrigation water for harvesting more than 80 centners per hectare. Such top dressing of winter wheat improves the quality of the crop and provides its growth by 2-6 centners per hectare.

Sowing wheat

The cross method of sowing on each hectare saves 50-60 kilograms of seeds, increasing the yield of grain, in comparison with the narrow-row seeding method, reaches seven quintals per hectare. Therefore, winter wheat is sown in cross, narrow-row, ribbon and scattered ways. The most common conventional method is with 15 cm aisles, observing the technological track.

When semi-dwarf varieties of winter wheat are cultivated in the holding, a three-line belt sowing is recommended, which ensures an increase in yield compared to line sowing. Well established and two-tiered sowing, which is carried out with a mixture of seeds of dwarf and common varieties. Due to longlines and improvement of the sowing structure, the phytoclimate improves by 10-15%, which results in more complete, economical and productive use of moisture reserves, reduction of the negative effects of high temperatures, while the resistance of wheat against, for example, root rot increases by 8-24%.

The harvest of winter wheat depends strongly on the timing of planting. Each day of the lost term reduces grain yield by 20-60 kg. Sowing of winter wheat should be done on time. Particularly sharply reduces the harvest of sowing in October, the shortest stem varieties that most demand this are earlier, which require earlier terms. Small seeds need to be sown shallowly, and large ones - deeper. Shallow sealing in the soil of seeds, carried out by pneumatic seeders or combined aggregates, contributes to a fairly significant increase in the crop yield of the crop.

Seed sowing rates in principle depend on the variety, the size of the seeds, the timing of sowing and the growing region. The seed sowing norm should be differentiated also depending on the degree of weediness of the field itself.

Care of crops

Care of crops includes packing, feeding, spring harrowing, combating lodging, as well as with weeds, various pests and diseases. In areas with sufficient snow cover, snow retention should be carried out, which improves the hibernation of plants and increases the moisture reserves in the soil. Spring care for crops begins with the application of fertilizers and harrowing sprouts. On the fields that are prepared for vegetative irrigation, harrowing should be carried out taking into account the features of the irrigation network. In the presence of irrigated belts it is necessary to harrow only along the sowing; On the boundary lines the best results are obtained by harrowing with a rotary hoe.

When weeds are present in the crops, winter wheat must be treated with herbicides. Before the plants enter the tube, the crops are sprayed. In the same period, crops should be treated against powdery mildew or brown rust. Diseases of winter wheat are treated with systemic drugs, these are "Bayletonomil" and "Fundazol".

If in crops there are bedbugs, turtles, aphids, piyavitsi, then use the means "Metaphase" or "Phosphamide", 40%. Operations for the care of wheat crops must be combined and carried out two or three times, which saves money, labor and time. It is desirable to carry out the treatment of crops with watering, combining the application of the above preparations with irrigation water.

The decrease in the yield of winter wheat depends on the intensity and duration of lodging of crops and can reach 25-50% in irrigation conditions, the labor and money spent on harvesting grow three times, and the quality of the crop decreases drastically. The application of TUR on irrigated lands is mandatory, the optimum norm of the preparation is three kg / ha. The treatment is carried out during the tillering period. On varieties prone to lodging, they make a greater rate, and on others - smaller. Treating short-stalked varieties of winter wheat with TUR is impractical.


Irrigation - the main factor of high wheat yield of winter wheat in all regions of its cultivation. The increase in the grain yield by irrigation is the technology of growing winter wheat, while the efficiency of irrigation of crops increases with its combined action along with fertilizers.

When growing winter wheat, it is necessary to ensure optimum soil moisture for obtaining amicable shoots and normal autumn plant development. This is achieved by presowing or traditional watering. Their significance is not the same in different zones of agriculture. In areas where precipitation falls frequently and the soil dries deeply in the spring, the intensity of irrigation decreases. In areas with arid autumn and insufficient moistening of the soil in autumn rains, irrigation is critical for the high yield of winter wheat.

When setting the irrigation norm, the depth of the saline horizons and the level of groundwater must be taken into account. Irrigation water should not reach the salt horizon, because the salts dissolved in it can rise with a capillary current and salinize the soil layer where the roots are. Irrigation is ineffective at a near groundwater level. Excessive irrigation rates can cause waterlogging of the soil. Watering is effective at a depth of groundwater of 3 m or more. At a depth of up to one and a half meters watering is replaced by irrigation of the soil before planting. The need for irrigation after emergence occurs in dry autumn conditions and on lands with a deep groundwater level. The timing of irrigation should be determined by the time of winter wheat sowing, water supply, irrigation technology and harvesting time.


The optimal harvesting time for winter wheat is the so-called wax ripeness of wheat grain. This stage occurs when the content of dry matter in grains is already high. Senikatsiya (spraying before harvesting) crops contributes to a better maturation of the crop, increases the yield of winter wheat, so you should try to clean in a short time and with the lowest possible loss.

Operative harvesting will reduce its losses and preserve the high quality of the grain. It should be remembered that detention with harvesting of winter wheat for more than ten days leads to an inevitable reduction in the grain yield by seven centners per hectare, while the content of protein in the grain decreases by one and a half percent.

Ecological approach

The cultivation of winter wheat implies, like any agricultural production, many factors:

  • Natural resources - direct solar energy, atmospheric heat, water in the form of precipitation, soil;
  • Direct energy costs for the production of products for a particular technology or for an enterprise;
  • Indirect costs of energy, which are used in technologies of plant cultivation in the field, collection, processing and storage of products.

In the world there is a tendency of over-expenditure of power capacities. To increase 1% of the gross domestic product in the village, energy use is increased by 2-3%. Soil cultivation by traditional methods is the most costly. This technology over the past years has led to a decrease in humus and soil degradation. World trends in the development of winter wheat, changes in cultivation technologies point the way to economical farming.

More than 124 million hectares of land in the world are transferred to sparing technologies. One of the measures for increasing energy efficiency and energy saving is the arrangement of innovative new farms - models of ecological and economic efficient production with the concentration of modern energy and resource-saving technologies. These technologies include: mulching crops, direct sowing, effective irrigation. The development of winter wheat provides for the introduction of these technologies.

The use of waste that is obtained in agriculture is becoming a way of implementing projects for the use of renewable energy sources around the world. In particular, when growing wheat for each ton of grain, 2 tons of straw are obtained. Pre-chopped straw is mostly smelt to restore land fertility. But some of the straw can also be used to turn it into energy fuel briquettes.

Wheat is the main food culture in many countries, which is due to the exceptional nutritional value of the grain and its rich composition. Where winter wheat grows well, it is traditionally the leading grain crop. These are the republics of the North Caucasus, the Central Black Earth region, Ukraine. Winter wheat perfectly uses the moisture of autumn and spring, bush, ripen very early and much less suffers from drought and dry wind.

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