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Will there be a third world war? Prophecies about the third world war. Nostradamus on the Third World War

World wars, in which many countries are involved and a colossal number of people, to this day excite the idea of civilians. The political mood is becoming more and more tense, now and then there are various kinds of conflicts between countries. Of course, people do not leave the thought that the beginning of the Third World War is not far off. And such unrest is not groundless. History shows us a lot of examples when the war started because of one, at first glance, small conflict or the fault of the state, who wanted to gain more power. Let's get acquainted with the opinion of experts, as well as well- known predictors on this issue.

What do specialists say

Understand the political actions of various countries to date, as well as understand the overall picture of the interaction of foreign countries is quite difficult. Many of them are economic and trade partners, have a close relationship. Other states are in constant opposition to each other. In order to understand the situation in the world at least a little, it is necessary to turn to the opinion of experts in this matter.

If we ask specialists about the question of whether there will be a Third World War, then an unambiguous answer can hardly be waited. There is a mass of opinions. However, the world's leading experts have many points of contact in the vision of the situation today. Almost all of them believe that the situation is now extremely tense. The constant military conflicts of countries, the continued division of spheres of influence, the desire of the subjects to political and economic independence, and the very precarious financial condition of many states undermine general peace. In addition, in recent years, there have been increasing reports of popular discontent and even the revolutionary spirit of people. This is also a negative factor in the issue of the Third World War.

Experts argue that such a massive confrontation at the moment is not beneficial to any of the countries. However, the behavior of individual states is still alarming specialists. A striking example is America.

US and the influence of the state on the overall political situation in the world

Today the question of whether the Third World War will increasingly stir the minds of representatives of power structures. And for that there are quite understandable reasons. Recently, the most economically developed state has already been mentioned several times in the context when it comes to the military conflicts of other countries. There is an opinion that the US has taken on the role of sponsor of many wars. Of course, in this case, the country is interested in the final result, which should be beneficial for America. But do not consider this state solely as an aggressor. In fact, the relationship between countries is much more complex than they seem to civilians. And no one can confidently place positive and negative accents on the political map of the world. At the same time, the fact of economic and political interference on the part of America has been recorded many times. And not always this participation of the country in the conflicts of other states was approved.

As for the very influence of the United States and its authority, in fact, this country has not such an enviable position in terms of financial stability. The external debt of the country is too great for one to speak of America's complete economic independence. Therefore, any provocation by the US can be stopped at the initiative of its trading partners. In particular, we are talking about China.

The Ukrainian conflict

To date, the whole world follows the development of the situation in Europe. It is a question of the conflict that broke out not so long ago. And right away, many citizens were ripe for a very pressing question about whether the Third World War might soon break out. Ukraine for a few weeks has evolved from a peaceful state into a real test site for civil confrontation. Perhaps, prediction is already coming true, the Third World War has already begun?

To make at least some clarity, it is necessary to consider the causes of the conflict that arose between citizens of one country, which, in turn, led to serious unrest around the world. Ukraine was invited to join the European Union. However, the conditions at the same time for the country were offered very inconvenient, if not worse. The borders would remain closed. And practice shows that the primary introduction of a single currency (euro) immediately leads to a massive rise in price of all goods on the territory of the country.

Many experts support the view that Ukraine in such a case would be in the EU only as a source of cheap labor. However, not all citizens were in solidarity with this opinion. The conflict erupted due to the fact that a large number of people did not support the President in his decision to refuse to join the European Union. Citizens believed that this is a real betrayal of Ukraine and the omission of huge opportunities in the future. The confrontation acquired mass character, and soon an armed character.

So, will the Third World War be due to unrest in Ukraine? After all, many countries were involved in the conflict. Russia, as a long-standing ally and partner of Ukraine, as well as a state in the immediate vicinity of this country, took an active part in attempts to eliminate the opposition peacefully. However, these actions were perceived by many states in Europe and the US, as illegal. At the same time in the territory of Ukraine there is a huge number of citizens of Russia, who in any case should be protected. In general, we have a massive conflict that has already reached the world level. And if one of the countries decides to defend their interests through military actions, armed confrontation, alas, can not be avoided.

The harbingers of the Third World War

If we consider the global interrelations of states as a whole in recent times, we can note a rather large number of "weak" places. They can lead in the end to much more serious consequences. The third world war can receive a push for the development even in the form of a small opposition between citizens of one or several states. To date, the main precursors are, according to leading experts in the field of politics, extremely tense situation in Ukraine, possible sanctions against Russia from Europe and America, as well as dissatisfaction with other fairly large powers possessing nuclear weapons and impressive military might. Such dramatic negative changes in relations between countries can not but affect negatively on trade and world markets. As a result, the economy and currency will suffer. Traditional trade routes will be undermined. As a consequence, the weakening of some countries and the strengthening of the positions of others. Such inequality is most often the cause of the equalization of positions due to war.

The prophecies of Vanga

The third world war, the year of the beginning of which, according to experts, may already be close, at one time was mentioned in the prophecies of various clairvoyants. A vivid example is the world-famous Wang. Scientists have determined that its predictions concerning the world's future come true with an accuracy of 80%. However, the rest, most likely, simply could not be correctly deciphered. After all, all her prophecies are rather blurry and consist of veiled images. At the same time, they clearly traced the main high-profile events of the 20th and 21st centuries.

To make sure the veracity of the words of this amazing woman, you need to read her predictions several times. The third world war is affected in them quite often. She spoke about the "fall of Syria", the confrontation of Muslims in Europe, as well as mass bloodshed. However, there is hope for a positive outcome. Vanga in her predictions mentioned a special "Teaching of the White Brotherhood", which will come from Russia. From that moment the world, according to her, will begin to recover.

The Third World War: predictions of Nostradamus

Not only Wang talked about the upcoming bloody confrontations of the countries. There are no less accurate predictions of Nostradamus. He also quite clearly saw in his time a lot of modern events that have already occurred. Therefore, many scientists and experts attach great importance to the prophecies of Nostradamus.

And again the dreamer says in his quatrains about the aggression from the Muslims. According to him, in the West (you can perceive this as Europe) chaos will begin. The rulers will take flight. It is possible that this is an armed invasion of eastern countries into the territory of Europe. Nostradamus about the Third World War spoke of as an inevitable phenomenon. And many people believe him.

As Mahomet said

Prophecies about the Third World War can be found in the records of many clairvoyants. Mohammed predicted a real Apocalypse. According to him, the Third World War will inevitably cover modern mankind. Mohammed called the obvious signs of a bloody battle the spread of human vices, ignorance, lack of knowledge, the free use of narcotic substances and "intoxicating" beverages, murders, tears of family ties. As can be seen from modern society, all these precursors already exist. The universal spread of human cruelty, indifference, greed invariably, according to the prophet, will lead to another large-scale war.

From whom one should expect aggression

There are several opinions on this matter. Someone is sure that the greatest danger is China because of the huge number of citizens, military forces, as well as the incredible patriotism that has survived to this day. Many experts carry out the quite understandable analogy of this country with the USSR. In both cases, a powerful cult of personality emerged in the first place .

In connection with the latest events in the world, the United States became the aggressor. Since this state constantly interferes in all world conflicts, and also regularly uses weapons to solve certain issues, America is considered to be one of the main threats.

No less dangerous are the countries in which they profess Islam. Muslims have always been quite a conflict people. It is from there that bloody terrorist attacks in developed countries and suicide bombers begin. It is possible that the prophecies about the Third World War, based on the mass invasion of Muslims into the states of Europe, may well come true.

What can cause the Third World War

Today, weapons have reached a new level. There were nuclear bombs. People destroy each other with greater zeal. If the Third World War breaks out in the near future, its consequences will be truly catastrophic. Most likely, one or more nuclear powers will take advantage of it and inflict deadly blows. In this case, an incredible number of civilians will die. The earth will be contaminated with radiation. Humanity is waiting for degradation and inevitable destruction.

Lessons from the past

As can be seen from the history, many wars began with small conflicts. Also there was a revolutionary mood of the peaceful population of the countries, a mass discontent of people with the emerged situation, economic global shocks. Today, the relations between countries are very closely related to many complex factors. Based on the sad experience of past generations, we can draw the following conclusion. In no case should it be allowed to spread to radical political movements. As Nostradamus said, the Third World War will be the Apocalypse that people have been waiting for throughout their entire history. Therefore, all countries need to closely monitor all movements based on the theory of racial hatred, the superiority of one nation over others. Otherwise, there is a risk of repeating the mistakes of the past.

Is it possible to avoid bloodshed?

Many experts say that there is a very real chance to prevent another war. To do this, it is necessary to stabilize the economic state of the most financially unstable states, localize internal conflicts in countries and prevent outside interference. In addition, tremendous efforts will be required to eliminate the main reason for confrontations in the modern world - racial hatred.

The Third World War: Russia and its role

A growing number of specialists pay special attention to the Russian Federation against the background of the complicated situation in the world. Russia is one of the largest exporters of natural resources, has a serious political and economic influence on other countries. It is quite logical that many states are afraid of the Russian Federation and see in it a potential threat. However, the Russian government does not conduct any political provocations. Most likely, the country has to defend itself for the most part and protect its own interests. The third world war, prophesies about which often mention Russia as one of the main participants in the conflict, may well begin in the RF itself. Therefore, the government of the country must carefully weigh each of its decisions and actions. It is possible that the strengthening of the state will cause a negative reaction from Europe and America, which will lead to war.

Action by Heads of State

Will there be a Third World War? Perhaps, no one of the current rulers can give a concrete answer to this question today. After all, the situation changes every day. Predicting something is extremely difficult. A huge role in this issue is played by accurate and timely decisions taken by the heads of different states. In particular, we are talking about the countries of Europe, America, China, Russia. They, in the opinion of experts, occupy leading positions when it comes to the risk of military confrontation. Nostradamus on the Third World War spoke of an armed conflict between several countries of the East and the West. If you interpret these words in a modern way, it turns out that only one careless action by the head of a large state - and bloodshed can not be avoided.

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