Spiritual developmentMystic

Kolyadnik (amulet): meaning and photo

In ancient times, the Slavic people worshiped a multitude of gods, among whom was Lada - the Blessed Virgin, intercessor of all women. From an early age, people were under the auspices of the gods, and the guardians were the connecting link. Such, for example, as the cross of the goddess Lada Ladinets and Kolyadnik - a guardian, the meaning of which is difficult to express monosyllabic. The influence of Kolyadnik spread primarily to men, but in some cases, women also needed help.

Wearing the amulet Kolyadnik obliged the representatives of the stronger sex to honor their kind, to defend his honor, freedom and traditions, to be ready at any time to defend his native land.

Koliadnik-amulet (meaning, photo)

In the swastika symbolism of the ancient Slavs, according to the information that has survived to this day, there is a force capable of transforming the existing order of things, if it is necessary for the revival of the culture of the ancestors.

The ancient Slavs believed that the guard was protected by the warlike and wise god Kolyada, whom modern public figures would rather call a great diplomat than a pagan idol. Kolyada owned the art of persuasion and could negotiate with anyone. He also understood that the word could be wounded no worse than a sharpened sword and skillfully "maneuvered", keeping the line between peace talks and bloodshed.

Kolyadnik is an amulet symbolizing the fateful and positive changes in fate, the inevitable victory of Good over Evil, a revival to a new life. The guardian, believed the ancients, changes the fate immediately, since the moment he was put on, and the power of the action of the Carrot depends on the faith of the person-bearer, provided that the life of the owner of the amulet is aimed at creation. The ancient Slavs believed that boys should wear this amulet as an attribute of a real man from the moment of birth.

Basic functions of Carol

Although Kolyadnik was considered a true male charm, the fairer sex also used his strength sometimes. In the lives of women, too, there were times when they needed to be resolute and persistent, especially on the eve of important life changes. Change is a natural phenomenon, but to make the wheel of Destiny turn in the right direction, the Slavs often needed helpers, who were for them amulets, among whose main functions was the materialization of human desires.

The main postulate of worldly wisdom

Kolyadnik, turning around the Sun, washes away from his media the despondency and bitterness of failure, giving it the qualities of a winner. The power of the guard takes from God Kolyada (hence its name - Kolyadnik-amulet). The meaning of the symbol is so universal that it is difficult to name the specific sphere of its influence. It is only known that warriors often resorted to the power contained in the amulet.

God was also portrayed as a warrior with a lowered sword (a sign of reconciliation). It was in reconciliation, believed the ancient Slavs, is the main postulate of everyday wisdom. The ability to avoid bloodshed, force each of the parties to find mutual benefit - all of the listed qualities, as well as the ability not to rest on achieved, inherent in diplomats, in those days were no less in demand than today.

Distinctive features of Carol

The pedigree was conducted among the Slavs in the male line, so much attention was paid to the education of boys. Since childhood, they have learned the lessons of courage, determination and dexterity. Every year the boys became smarter, more experienced and stronger, increasing their generic wisdom and strength. Kolyadnik, being also a symbol of masculinity, accompanied the boy ... the guy ... the man throughout his life.

Whatever purpose the bearer of the amulet has set for him, success was guaranteed to him, because Kolyadnik - a charm, whose value is almost forgotten today, was considered a very powerful energy talisman and assistant in any case. Slavic men wore a guard from the earliest childhood, and Kolyadnik, like a magnet, attracted to them luck and fearlessness, restored and multiplied the male power.

The modern society gives representatives of the strong half of humanity complete freedom of choice, on the results of which depends on how their male essence will develop. For a man who has chosen homosexuality, the influence of the ancient Slavic charms does not apply even if his goals and aspirations are directed solely for the benefit of his kind.

Obereg Ladinets

The giver of love and feminine happiness, Lada shared with her wards a particle of her energy, imprisoned in Ladinca - a female protective guard. Ladynets was the guardian of the family happiness of a woman and contributed to her spiritual development.

Ladynets protected not only married women. Girls wore it at the age of three (children under the age of three, protected by other wards) and received protection from negativity and magical attacks on the fragile child's psyche. So they grew up, became more beautiful and learned their feminine essence, and when their time came, the energy in the amulet helped each to attract the man who was most suited to it.

How Ladinets "works"

Ladynets represents eight rays directed against the motion of the solar disk - a symbolic representation of the connection between the consciousness of the carrier of the amulet and the Navay - the world of ancestors. The energy cycle, created by the eight rays, could have escaped outwards, had it not been restrained by the circle. Limited by the circle, the energy of Lada gives constant support to the bearer of the amulet.

What did Ladinets give to his bearer? The unconditional intercession of the mother of the gods served as a pledge of harmonious relations with the husband, unfading beauty, pacification, women's health and happiness.

If Ladino's female charm is reversed, then the male Slavic charm will be obtained. Kolyadnik, whose significance is difficult to overestimate.

The Power of Two Charms

Often happened and so: the Slavic warriors had to unite the power of two amulets - male and female. Being stacked together, they became the source of the most powerful energy vortex, which was compared to a chariot of fire, equal to the ground all the obstacles that stand in its way. On the eve of the fateful event, the soldiers were suspended by both wards at the bedside of their bed for the whole night, and in the morning woke up full of strength, ready to do justice.

Ladinets and Kolyadnik (the guard, the meaning of which is described above), combined together, symbolized a married couple or "heavenly family".

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