Spiritual development, Mystic
Mysterious Sapphire Stone: Properties and Influence
Precious stones have always been objects of study and attention from philosophers, astrologers, magicians, healers, doctors. With their help they treated, predicted destinies, protected from harm and protected from evil eye. The mystery and mystery surrounding the stones have not disappeared with the centuries past, and to this day mankind has attracted to itself.
Sapphire: stone, whose properties are multifaceted
He is one of the most unknown and attractive precious gems. Around him there are many legends, curses and stories. They decorated the outfits of the royal nobility, it was inserted into snuff-boxes, powder boxes, cufflinks and belts. Inlaying with sapphires was especially common in the East: the crowns and toiletries of the Maharajas were mainly trimmed with this mineral.
Direct assignment of all precious stones - to be ornaments. They are loved for their bizarre faces, incomprehensible depth of color and some special magnetism. However, not everyone knows that they have other functions - medical and magical (ritual, sacral, amulet). In sapphire they are expressed most clearly: our ancestors were confident that he heals from illnesses and builds the destiny of man.
Magical properties of sapphire
This mineral personifies the search for truth, friendship, selfless love, unselfishness, purposefulness, power, wisdom and composure. In the past, a sapphire stone, whose properties were appreciated by people of lawmaking professions, were used to gain clarity in intricate deeds and believed that it helped win litigation.
If a decent person was confused in difficult life circumstances, they believed that this mineral would bring relief in the form of a patron or patron.
There were cases when stone sapphire exhibited its properties in cardiac matters. He helped the lovers to find each other, to remove obstacles in their union, to strengthen fidelity and build reliable relations.
Sapphire favors people with a clearly stated goal. He helps in achieving it, strengthening the faith, giving perseverance and perseverance. Especially his magical qualities are manifested in the material sphere. To people seeking wealth, the mineral bestows prosperity and money, filling life with material success.
In general, the stone sapphire, whose properties are so multifaceted, empowers its owner with coolness, fearlessness, clarity of mind, perseverance. Those who carried this gem felt tranquility, pacification, and qualities such as irritability, fear and aggression left them.
In astrology, stones are distributed between zodiacal signs. Mineral sapphire, unlike other jewelry, is shown to all representatives of the Zodiac: its impact is beneficial and understandable to everyone.
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