HealthQuit Smoking

Why people smoke

Not everyone can answer the question why people smoke. It would seem that everything is simple, but there are plenty of pitfalls. Yes, it's really a very bad habit that can cost a life, but some do not bother. Is nicotine addiction strong? Yes, it's strong. And in this case it is not only about physical, but also mental dependence.

People, start smoking, drop, start again. So it can last indefinitely. Why do people smoke? What is the power of tobacco? Perhaps it is that nicotine in fact causes the strongest addiction, and perhaps, that the person, having stopped smoking, is afraid to cease to be a part of society, his environment. Yes, acting not like everyone, we willy-nilly stand out, but is it bad to stand out as something good? Fortunately, there are still people who understand perfectly well that you should not follow the crowd if it goes to the precipice.

Everyone responds differently to the question "why do people smoke?". Some claim that they smoke to not gain excess weight, but this is not a healthy way of life. Smoking only dulls the feeling of hunger and slightly weakens the taste, so people who smoke, eat less.

Why people smoke, advertising has always been a big influence. For many years, tobacco companies have been advertising smoking in various ways: on television, in the cinema, on billboards. Even the fact that advertising is at least somehow managed, its influence is still perceptible. Tobacco companies are ready to go for everything for business, even give out prizes for the purchase of cigarettes. They print a variety of coupons, which are put into packs of cigarettes.

One can only guess how many percent of people smoke from a school bench. Most of the smoking teenagers began to smoke because of the pressure exerted by their peers. With a cigarette in their hands, they also feel more mature and more confident. Often, teenage smoking - this is one of the forms of rebellion against the authority of parents. In addition, it is proved that children of smoking parents are more likely to succumb to this addiction than children whose parents do not smoke.

Psychological dependence on smoking

Smoking leads to psychological dependence. Some people think that a cigarette helps them relax, and some argue that it gives them self-confidence. Others smoke when they are bored. According to some smokers, the process itself causes a sense of calm, a sense of moral satisfaction. Perhaps this is one of the reasons why people smoke, and therefore it is difficult for them to give up such an addiction. Basically, all smokers know that this is not good and that this habit will not have a far better effect on their health, but they all find an excuse that often reads: "everyone around me smokes, how can I quit in such conditions?".

Also, some people associate smoking with a certain ritual that involves several senses at the same time. Many smokers claim that they enjoy the sensation of a cigarette in their hand, from the taste or smell of cigarette smoke.

In the modern world, smoking is often associated with social activities. For most people who smoke, a cigarette is an occasion to start a conversation at a party or in another crowded place. This phenomenon is known as "social smoking", and often in addition to it is alcohol.

Instead of concluding

The reasons why people smoke, manifest differently in different people, and therefore for all there is no single recipe that helps to give up this habit. The main thing is a desire to quit. The only person who can really refuse from a cigarette is the one who really wanted it. Attempts to quit smoking, based only on the strength of the will, will not lead to anything good. Think with your head.

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