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Smoking teenagers

Today, the situation around the world is becoming more and more aggravated by the increase in the smoking population, including adolescents and children under 10 years old. The situation with smoking teenagers is especially dangerous, as this leads to further increase in the world's smoking population. Adolescents, growing up, replenish the ranks of the sick disabled population, who can not cope with many social roles.

Smoking today is an acute social problem, which, in general, is associated with a low social culture of modern society, and it can be solved only at the state level, cooperating with WHO and psychologists.

Adults have long known the negative effects of tobacco smoke on the body and health in general. However, it is not possible to correctly inform the children about adolescents about the effect of smoking on the teenager's body . In schools and public organizations, children are often told that "it's harmful and bad," but no one can explain to teenagers in an exact and inexpensive way why it's "bad" and how it will affect his health, mental and physical development in the future . In the social survey of adolescents, why it is harmful, neither can clearly and clearly answer the question posed.

Most children try smoking for the first time in prepubertate (age less than 10 years), and during the transition period the risk of becoming an avid smoker increases. Among the causes of smoking, adolescents note the desire to be an adult and resemble authoritative members of adolescent groups. Authorities at this age for teens can serve as well-known actors who smoke in films that play "cool guys", whose behavior is wanted to emulate emotionally labile adolescents. In their unformed consciousness, adolescent smoking is associated with status, which is why they seek to enter a group of smoking teenagers, where they simply have to smoke to "assert their status" among peers.

Even if a teenager is against smoking and does not bring him any pleasure, he will continue to smoke, in order to correspond to a more authoritative group, in his opinion, of children.

The big role is that smoking teenagers has a lot of activity, the society plays. To date, existing norms of smoking throughout the world are taken for granted. Smoking is welcome in everything: advertising, the distribution of tobacco products everywhere without age restrictions, the dissemination of information about cigarettes in the media, films and youth programs. All this makes tobacco smoking the generally accepted social norms and in this case it will be impossible to get rid of smoking among adolescents.

Smoking in adolescents largely depends on the accepted norms of behavior in the family. In modern families, every second family smokes a father, in every fifth a mother, and in 20% of families both parents smoke. The attitude to smoking of their teenage child can also be different. Some strictly prohibit, what causes an even greater desire to start smoking, some encourage (which does not fit into the norms of child upbringing), while others simply do not know that their child smokes.

Prevention of smoking in adolescents should be carried out in a comprehensive manner, and should include reliable full information about the dangers of smoking on the body of a teenager, its correct delivery to a teenage audience. Organization of state programs to combat the smoking of minors. The lessons of psychologists with schoolchildren to develop clear positions against smoking and argumentation in case of psychological onslaught of older adolescents. Visualize the consequences of smoking for schoolchildren.

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