The InternetBlogging

Why does not the site open?

Recently, more and more users of the Internet face a problem in which the site does not open. The situation should be treated with maximum responsibility, since often the culprit of this state of affairs is a malicious virus that penetrated the user's computer.

But, it should be noted that the virus does not always cause such trouble. Sometimes it's enough just to clean your browser's cache or just reboot your computer. However, it will be better to make sure of the security of your system after all, and certainly one should not ignore this point, especially if it repeats itself, since the consequences can be very deplorable.

The main way to solve the problem, in which the site does not open, will be installing a reliable antivirus and mandatory update. But often the virus creates a situation in which the site of Kaspersky and other leading developers in this segment does not open, accordingly, it will be impossible even to get to the site of the anti-virus program. Alternatively, loading the last system save point can help.

The reason for the spread of situations in which the site does not open is the desire of the attackers to earn money by gullible users. The thing is that the distributed virus changes the host file on the computer , which is responsible for accessing the DNS server and is located at: C: \ windows \ system32 \ drivers \ etc \. As a result, if you want to go to a specific address on the Internet, the user will be redirected to an intruder's resource where various untrue information will be given out.

As a rule, most often the victims are social networking sites. Therefore, if the computer, for example, does not open the site Odnoklassniki or Vkontakte, and in return appears similar, where they offer to enter personal information or send SMS from the mobile phone, the user should understand that they are trying to deceive him. Such sites, similar to the real ones, but they are not, are called phishing.

At the moment, developers of all popular browsers are trying to help in the fight against the spread of "phishing", informing users about the potential harm of sites that can spread this type of threat. This set of actions was called "antiphishing." This leads to the need to install fresh versions of your favorite browsers.

The main things that cybercriminals are trying to play that spread the virus are a sense of security. Therefore, as a rule, a user who does not open a site will be offered the opportunity to make sure that access to social network accounts or using the browser is secure. The most common inscription that appears as a result of the actions of the virus is "Threat detected" or "Suspicious activity".

Thus, if a situation arises that indicates the presence of a virus activity in the system, you do not need to panic, however, you must be especially careful with actions that could expose the intruder's personal information to the user.

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