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Why did Dubrovsky become a robber? A non-trivial story, described by A. Pushkin

Why did Dubrovsky become a robber? Of course, to this turn life brought him not in a single moment: this was preceded by a lot of events, which we will now talk about.

Friendship with Troekurov

The father of the main character, Andrei Gavrilovich Dubrovsky, for a long time was familiar with his neighbor - Troekurov Kirill Petrovich. Friendship was established between them. However, Troyekurov was quite complex in character, a man cruel and even despotic at some point. In addition to Andrey Gavrilovich, he had practically no friends-some people simply feared him and preferred to keep aloof, while others despised him altogether. The material condition of the neighbors also differed: if Troyekurov was rich enough, then only his family estate was left at the disposal of Dubrovsky's father - a small village, which for a long time needed various improvements. His friend Kirill Petrovich repeatedly offered material assistance, but every time he refused, being by nature a man of his own independent and not without pride.

The outbreak of hostility between old friends

Speaking about why Dubrovsky became a robber, it is important to note the beginning of enmity between his father, Andrei Gavrilovich, and Troekurov. They both did not imagine their life without a hunt and always accompanied each other during this entertainment. But if at the disposal of Dubrovsky senior there were only two hounds, then Troekurov was the owner of a whole kennel, in which the dogs were surrounded by incredible care and care. Seeing this, Andrei Gavrilovich suggested that it would be nice if the people of Troekurov lived as well as his dogs. He was answered by his neighbor's neighbor, a joke about the fact that Troekurov's dogs live better than some noblemen. Thus began the quarrel, which later strongly influenced why Dubrovsky became a robber. Andrei Gavrilovich, a man, as already said, proud, decided that it was a stone in his garden and was the only one in the kennel who did not cheer this joke. Dubrovsky-senior takes the decision not to contact Troekurov any more. However, he makes an attempt to restore the relationship and invites the old friend to return. Dubrovsky, in turn, demanded that at first Troyekurov sent him a joker-joker and allowed him to punish him on conscience. This demand greatly angered Kirill Petrovich - he was sure that he and only he is the sole patron of his subordinates and have the right to pardon or punish them.

Troekurov announces war against Dubrovsky

So, old friends become enemies. Troekurov sets himself a new goal - to steal everything from Andrey Gavrilovich Kistenevka, his family estate and the last thing he has left with all the truths and crooks. And the rich Troyekurov succeeds. The sad news was for Dubrovsky-elders a real shock, shaking his health and strength. It is at this moment that the reader will get acquainted with the son of the landowner, Vladimir Andreevich. Further, the reasons for why Dubrovsky became a robber are growing like a snowball. After graduating from the Cadet Corps, Dubrovsky-son went to serve in St. Petersburg, where he led a free and full of life entertainment. This was possible due to the large sums of money that his father regularly sent him. However, having received from his old nurse the news of his father's illness, Vladimir quickly returns to his homeland, in Kistenevka. He finds his father almost on his deathbed. Unable to withstand one of the meetings with Troekurov, Dubrovsky the elder dies from the blow. And from this moment in the soul of Vladimir the hatred to the former friend of the father awakens. Troekurov becomes his sworn enemy.

Towards a free life

Proud, like his father, Vladimir did not go to the service of his enemy and begged for mercy to return the estate, although Troyekurov apparently hoped for it. In order that none of the things that belonged to the family of the Dubrovskys fell into the hands of Cyril Petrovich, Vladimir arranges an arson, destroys his estate and leaves for the forest with his faithful comrades. Dubrovsky becomes a robber, but, so to speak, "noble". After all, this man is robbing only the estates of the rich noblemen. A man who could not find support from the law, simply did not see any other way out. However, it is noteworthy that Vladimir considered revenge to be above his dignity, and therefore he did not even touch Troyekurov's estate.

Thus, the work "Why Dubrovsky became a robber?" Can not be written without referring to the prehistory - the relationship between Father Vladimir and Troyekurov, each event that brought Dubrovsky, Jr. closer to such a life.

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