
Who is fraer? We will try to answer!

The fact that the slang word is firmly rooted in the language of the people and even sometimes slips through the intelligentsia is no longer surprising. But who is fraer? Where does this word come from and what does it really mean? Unfortunately, the explanatory dictionaries give the reader too little information. This article is designed to expand those explanations that exist. And we begin with history ...

The birth of Russian fraera

Who is fraer? The very word was borrowed by criminals at the beginning of the century before the Germans (freier - "groom") through Yiddish (there were many Jews in criminal Russia). So at first they called their clients the keepers of brothels and prostitutes. Later, the Urkagans (criminal elements - bandits, thieves) called their victims so - people presentable, stylish, law-abiding. Soon, by the way, other meanings also went: "prifraeritsya" (dress with chic), "fraernutsya" (unexpectedly get into a slack). The popularity of the word gained in the twentieth century. Before the revolution.

About that, who is such a fraer, well-known pretty girls (more often prostitutes) and all the same criminal elements. It was already a well-constructed, well-practiced fishery. The young people (the frauer victims) were lured to rented apartments. In a piquant moment, suddenly burst into the "husband", who, seeing the lover, was enraged. The play was played out in such a way that the victim devastated the purse herself and did not even think to file a complaint with the police.

Freer Gulag

The sharp word "fraer" has survived, but already in the meaning of "burdock", "victim", "simpleton". In Stalin's camps this word was used to refer to those who from the underworld were in fact far away - politicians and so-called everyday life. There they were called "devils" and "deer". They were not considered people there. True, because of their own guilt - far from criminals who got into someone else's environment, who did not know and did not understand the prevailing rules, they clung to the "sidor" (things, food, knots), refusing to share. Most of the fraer was made by representatives of the party nomenclature. They considered themselves convicted unlawfully and despised the rabble from the criminals. Also, the blatari belonged to the tight-knit peasants from Western Ukraine ("Bandera"). The fact that "greed ruined the fraera", many heard. And this proverb went exactly from those same Stalinist camps. By the way, Dovlatov in his "Zone" very well explains who is a frauer, and who is a blatant. However, prisoners who agreed to share, and did it independently and regularly, lived relatively peacefully.

There were also "spoiled", "broken" frauera. They knew the convict and criminal laws and did not give themselves offense. Such people were respected by the Blatari, even sometimes they were afraid. In the rest, life went according to the law "the thief steals, and the plower plows".

Crucial moment

The schism of the thieves' world was brought about by the "bough war", which began in well-known circles in 1947 and lasted until 1953. It was then that the blatant front-line soldiers began to return to prisons again. But now they were automatically transferred to the category of fraerers, since they held in their hands the weapons issued by the authorities. And this is a "thievish law" is prohibited, and categorically. "You are fraera now, so you took the kylo and went to plow!". Naturally, the thieves who passed the front did not agree.

He warmed up the situation with a decree of the government from 1947, which received the name "four sixths". Now for the theft of property (both state and public) could "close" for 25 years. It was precisely these terms that were foreseen for recidivists. Non-fighting "honest" thieves, trying to occupy the warm posts of "idiots" (as the GULAG called the rationers, brigadiers, grain cutters), began to cooperate with the administration, which was also not allowed under the "thievish law".

Thus, new forces joined the warkeepers. Traitors of the thieves' idea of "honest thieves" were called "bitches". The massacre began, and with absolute lawlessness.

Realizing that it's impossible to mock the "peasants", "shtymps", "deer", "devils", "fraerians", and deprive them of their trunks, without humiliating them, "honest thieves" changed their tactics. It was necessary to inspire the rest that the thieves' law is not only strict, but also just, and will always protect. The lawlessness will be followed by punishment. "The peasant" (hard worker) should have carried what he had previously been extorted.

Before the beginning of the "bitchy war" it would be unrealistic. Who is fraer in the zone? This is the one who feeds the thieves and plows on him. Now the "lawyer" paid for the benefit of the prisoner, becoming his patron. The idea was clever and cunning: impudent urks scoffed at the weak intellectuals - those cut off their heads; They took healthy "foreheads" with a pass from the old man - the guilty ones were beaten with crowbars; His wife died at the "muzhik" - helped his children.

It was, really was. But "nobility" overgrown and decorated with details and spread. The results of such a powerful propaganda, palpable even now, are as follows: "the peasant" will quickly turn to a layman, not the administration, at a difficult time. And they will help. Usually a kind word. But sometimes it's deed. What will be known not only the whole area, but also friends beyond its limits, and relatives and friends of friends. A grateful "muzhik" begins to share with the "lawyer" himself.

"Fryer" - the meaning of the word today

By the 80th the concept is changing. And cardinally. What does the word "fraer" mean in the 80s? Professional criminal, ordinary criminal world. "Honest (trump card) fraer" - in general authority, close to the thief. The thieves' society is trying to erase the sharp distinction between the criminal world and the "fraer". It is worth remembering that dissidents and politicians belonged to the "estate of fraera" in the 60's. And these were people strong-willed, with courage, "spiritual" - qualities that are valued among thieves. Who is fraer today? A man of respect, a noble robber. The piercings are now called "pins", "lohs", "dies", "futsans".

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