LawRegulatory Compliance

Where can I smoke electronic cigarettes by law?

Since the electronic rivalry of tobacco products has entered the everyday life of Russians, one often hears: "Already with her, powerful protests from the non-smoking public are not frightening! You can hover around (anywhere)! "No side effects: no smoke without open fire. We'll figure it out, is it all right and where is it really possible to smoke an electronic cigarette by law?

Chinese miracle

Pharmacist from China Hong Link invented the device in 2003. The fact is that his father was an avid smoker and died of lung cancer. They say that Link, who also likes to indulge in snuff, after the funeral of a native person, gave himself the say to abandon a bad habit. A smokeless cigarette was invented to ease the weaning.

Initially, the novelty and positioning, later in the annotation appeared and more serious "indications for use." Skeptics say that some people just changed one not too healthy hobby for another. In our country, the first specialized stores selling electronic cigarettes, chargers and replaceable cartridges (in a set), appeared in 2008.

Pure nicotine - is it good?

Probably, at the same time there was a need at the official level to approve, where it is possible to smoke electronic cigarettes in Russia. But practice shows that after many years the problem is still in the solution stage. Recall that the action of the "substitute" is as follows: in mini-balloons, a concentrated mixture (with or without nicotine) is heated with a special element. The process starts as soon as a person takes a puff.

In the process of vaping, there is no smoke, no ash. It is believed that the "swimmers" consume pure nicotine, whereas with traditional smoking in the lungs and the brain, the "whole Mendeleyev table" falls, some of which are extremely harmful to the body. Probably, all this not fully studied positive and led to the fact that a clear definition of places where you can smoke electronic cigarettes was left for later.

Let off steam in a traffic jam

The dilemma can be traced today. Some categorically state: "Wake up" is everywhere! The steam gizmo is good in all positions! Want to smoke at the stop, at work or on the way to it - please! You will no longer irritate non-smokers, you do not need to throw cigarette butts, polluting the environment. Turned off the "electronics", hid in his pocket - and all about , kei!

Is it possible that the car falls into the number of points where one can smoke an electronic cigarette by law? Those who endow a personal special inhaler with solid pluses say: yes! If you are a driver, you have something to do in traffic. A hover does not harm either you or the children who are with you in the car. Two hares are killed at once: letting the steam clubs, adults reduce the stress from idle time, but in the cabin you do not need to "hang an ax": the air is clean, transparent and fresh. The driver can spend long hours driving, without disturbing the passengers' peace.

Soar in the sky

Optimists do not stop! In their opinion, there are a lot of places where you can smoke electronic cigarettes in the Russian Federation (and not only)! An electronic cigarette will become a wand-pin in the cabin of the aircraft (we will clarify: there are airlines where any smoking is restricted or completely banned). They even give practical advice: if strict taboos are not present, and you behave tactfully (to reduce vaporization mix the liquid with a small amount of glycerin, exclude flavors, do not immediately exhale the steam), then "colleagues on the flight" will not resent.

And on the train? You are no longer threatened by a cold smoked tambour. Some people say that it's possible to "wake up" directly in the compartment (air travel will come at the right time). As for hotels, there are some pluses here. You do not have to go to the places reserved for smoking, but to soar right in the room. You will not become persona non grata even in hotels where the signs "Do not smoke!" Are installed everywhere.

At work and at home

The most problematic place is work (in the sense here we spend most of the time, and if the internal rules do not allow to drag on the cigarette, the smokers suffer physically and psychologically from this). There is an opinion that an electronic cigarette will not interfere with other employees, will allow you to work more efficiently, pensively releasing steam from your mouth.

Judging by the information outlined above, the question "where can I smoke an electronic cigarette at home?" Is generally removed from the agenda. In the bedroom, in the kitchen, in the living room watching TV - there's no smoke! For the sake of justice, we give other arguments. There are more opponents of waking than some think, including at the highest level.

Wait family

Where can I smoke electronic cigarettes? And to sell? For example, the Moscow City Duma deputies recently passed a resolution proposing a ban on the sale of novelties in public places (educational, medical institutions, sports complexes, playgrounds, transportation, etc.).

People's representatives suggest to narrow the "interpretation corridor", to unify the concepts "electronic means for the delivery of nicotine" and the same, but "for the delivery of non-nicotine products." In their opinion, the term should make smokeless cigarettes, hookahs, evaporators, steam generators, etc., one "family of wakes".

This can be regarded as a kind of answer to the question, where you can smoke electronic cigarettes in Moscow. In fact, the people's representatives joined the opinion of the World Health Organization. WHO argues that it does not have scientifically proven information about the harmlessness of the veins and recommends that the same restrictions on sales, advertising and use be applied to them, as with conventional cigarettes.

Given that the impact of custom-made single-use inhalers has not been fully understood, physicians in 2008 stated that they do not consider electronic cigarettes as a nicotine-substituting therapy.

Equal sign

It is noteworthy that they decided to show rigor in Belarus. In April 2016 in Minsk - the capital of one of the republics of the former USSR - a press conference took place. Lyudmila Naroichik, deputy head physician of the state institution "Republican Center for Hygiene, Epidemiology and Public Health", indirectly answered the journalists' question about where they can smoke electronic cigarettes in Belarus. She said that after the approval of the government in the country will act updated anti-tobacco decree of President A. Lukashenko, which will touch the veiling.

In Belarus, it was decided that it would be better to respond in a timely manner than to wait for the situation to get out of control. Causes of tightening: the harm of products has not been studied, the market is not regulated. This is a good reason to put an equal sign between "novelties" and ordinary cigarettes.

These proposals will inevitably entail the appropriate restrictions (the ban on the sale of electronic cigarettes to persons under the age of eighteen, the inadmissibility of an open layout on store shelves, etc.). In the course of communication with the press, cases of nicotine poisoning were mentioned in the application of personal scintillators. If the amendments are adopted, the ban in force in Minsk will be extended to the whole country.

Take care of your health

Of course, knowing where you can smoke electronic cigarettes, and comply with the law - is important. But it is even more important to be reasonable in choosing the ways to get out of smoking. Psychiatrists-narcologists of Russia believe that such initiatives, in particular, that which the deputies of the Moscow City Duma showed, opposing both tobacco and substitutes, are legitimate. They correspond to the world trends in the field of combating smoking.

Experts argue that wakes not only allow "innocent" use of psychoactive substances, but also contain polyhydric alcohols, leading to dementia.

Foreign and Russian researchers continue to study the benefits and harm of wicking. Some tend to the fact that the composition of liquids of electronic cigarettes include dozens of toxic substances and entrainment threatens the onset of pulmonary insufficiency.

Others argue that the "smoking" inhaler is much safer than tobacco. But even so, there were cases when the batteries of electronic cigarettes exploded, leading to severe injuries in the "steamers" (for example, a Russian teenager lost three fingers on his hand, before the cigarette "jerked" right in the pocket of the 33-year-old man's trousers, citing To burn the thigh of the 4th degree). Do you still think about where you can smoke? Electronic cigarettes or usual? Can, in general, do without, and without the other? Well, the choice is yours.

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