
When and why did the first states appear? Where did the first states appear? Which state appeared first?

The first states appeared in the southern regions of our planet, where for this were the most favorable natural and geographical conditions. They were born approximately in one period about five thousand years ago.

What is the reason for the emergence of a new type of social relations

When and why the first states appeared, that is their origin, is one of the controversial issues in science. According to the version of the famous German philosophers Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, the state arises in the process of increasing social inequality, increasing the role of property and the emergence of a class of wealthy people. They, in turn, require a special apparatus to protect their interests and preserve their influence on their fellow tribesmen. Undoubtedly, this phenomenon took place, but not only it contributed to the emergence of the state. There is also a theory according to which a new type of organization of society became the consequence of the need to control and distribute resources, a kind of supreme administrator of economic objects, with the purpose of their effective development, this way of organizing the state is most applicable to Ancient Egypt, where the irrigation system acted as the main economic and economic object.

Criteria for their appearance

When and why did the first states arise? This is a natural process, taking place everywhere, but at different times. In ancient times, the basis of life for all people was farming and cattle breeding. In order for it to develop successfully, the necessary natural and climatic conditions were necessary. Therefore, the ancient people settled, mainly on the banks of large rivers, which allowed to fully meet the needs of people in this important resource. Of particular importance was the location of the source of water: the farther south it is, the warmer the climate and, accordingly, the more favorable opportunities for farming. Here you can harvest more than once, as in most parts of the world, but several times a year. This gave the peoples living in these regions an undoubted advantage in the development of life-support methods and obtaining surplus product.

The oldest regions of state construction

Mesopotamia, or Mesopotamia, is a very favorable region for agriculture, a mild, warm climate, excellent location and the presence of two large rivers of Western Asia, the Tigris and the Euphrates, provided the necessary amount of water for the development of the irrigation system and the irrigation mode of land use. The people inhabiting these lands were less dependent on weather vagabonds than others, so they could receive stable and rich harvests. Approximately the same situation developed in the valley of the largest river of Africa - the Nile. But in order to build irrigation systems , irrigation complexes, it was required to organize the collective work of a large number of people, otherwise it was simply impossible to create effective agriculture. Thus, the first prototypes of the state formations originate, and that's where the first states appeared, but, strictly speaking, they were not yet quite state entities. They were their embryos, from which later the most ancient countries of the world were formed.

Peripetias of socio-economic and political components in ancient countries

Emerging in these territories, city-states, begin to monitor a strictly defined area. Relations between neighbors were always strained and often led to conflicts. Many independent associations hampered the economic development of this region and stronger rulers were aware of this, so gradually they are trying to subordinate their authority to a large territory on which to establish uniform orders. It is according to such a scheme that two strong and large kingdoms appear in the Nile valley-the Northern, or the Upper, Egypt and the Southern, or the Lower, Egypt. The rulers of both kingdoms had a strong enough power and army. However, success smiled to the king of Upper Egypt, in a fierce struggle he triumphed over his southern rival, and around 3118 he conquered the lower Egyptian kingdom, and Mina became the first pharaoh of one Egypt and the founder of the state, that's when and why the first states appeared.

Egypt is the first state

Now, in the hands of one ruler, all the productive resources of the Nile were concentrated, all conditions for the development of a single state system of irrigation farming appeared, and now the one who controlled it had considerable material resources. Weakening country fragmentation was replaced by a strong, unified state, and the further development of Egypt perfectly demonstrates all the positive aspects of this process. For many years, this country has dominated the entire Middle East region. Another favorable area of the Earth, Mesopotamia, could not overcome the centrifugal forces, the city-states that existed here could not unite under the authority of a single monarch. Therefore, the constant conflicts destabilized the political and economic situation, which enabled Egypt to get ahead, and soon the Sumerian states fall into the sphere of influence of the Egyptian state, and then of other powerful states of the region. And to say which state appeared first, with chronological accuracy is not possible, therefore the first state of the planet is Egypt.

Theories of the genesis of political entities

The most objective theory on the question, when and why the first states appeared, is that according to which social differentiation has already been formed, a rather stable social structure of society has appeared, and the state that is formed as a result of these processes and phenomena is only a law designed to provide the necessary stability The entire social system. That's when and why the first states appeared. This path is applicable to all power relations in the history of mankind. But the reasons for the emergence of the state are much greater, it can be a hostile environment that promotes the consolidation of society, the strengthening of the role of the individual, in which the ruler acts. Borrowing from the surrounding more developed nations also plays an important role. The religious-ideological component also contributes to this, it is enough to recall Muhammad, the founder of the new religion of Islam, and the importance that she played in the formation of the Arab Caliphate. Therefore, the first states appeared as a result of a complex of conditions, but the main criterion was the level of economic development.

Summing up

The first states, basically, were based on power, the power always assumes submission. And in the ancient world it was the only way to save huge territories, often inhabited by very different and different tribes. Therefore, many states emerged as distinctive organizations for fruitful development, but did not interfere in local affairs, demanding only the performance of certain duties and obedience. Often it was of a formal nature, because of this the first states were extremely unstable.

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