Spiritual developmentDream Interpreter

What is the dream of a rainbow? No doubt this is fortunately!

Rainbow not without reason has one root with the word "joy". Surprisingly, it is in general the usual physical phenomenon that causes any of us to have a good mood, even happiness. The answer to the question of what the rainbow dreams about, we all know without a dream book. Certainly to good luck, good, good news. Religious people perceive this symbol as a divine sign, a revelation or a blessing from above.
But as you know, any interpretation involves a detailed analysis of the image, so the rainbow in the dream has a variety of meanings.
In any case, the rainbow is a harbinger of well-being and good changes in life.

For business people dreams in which a rainbow appears, heralds success in the business sphere, mutual understanding with partners and successful financial investments.

Of course, each source gives an explanation of what the rainbow is dreaming about. For example, the compilers of the "Esoteric Dream Book" assure that a special omen is a dream in which a rainbow is located above your house or you manage to pass under it. In this case, you are guaranteed the support of the higher forces in any endeavors. Your house will be filled with love and mutual understanding. But if the rainbow goes out and dissipates before your eyes, it means that you need to be more attentive to your loved ones.
To see the rainbow cloudy, with faint colors - to gossip and rumors, which will soon be disproved.
A rainbow stretching over the river promises a pleasant long trip, interesting trips and a life full of impressions.
According to "Velesov dream book", a rainbow in a dream from Wednesday to Thursday - a good sign, meaning the fulfillment of the most cherished desires, and for unmarried girls - a quick acquaintance with the future spouse. Sleep from Thursday to Friday promises a gift or an unexpected pleasant offer from a loved one.
In many sources, the symbol "rainbow" is related to human relations. It is believed that in love this dream promises a long and happy life together.
To find out what the rainbow is dreaming about and what changes it promises on the personal front, let's look at the "Intimate dream book".
Bright, colorful rainbow promises you a new life, interesting, eventful. Your new lover will be generous, cheerful, with a good imagination.
Miller's dream interpretation gives a clearer answer to what the rainbow is dreaming about. According to the author, this dream for a girl unmarried means a quick matchmaking and wonderful prospects in marriage.
For clarification, what the rainbow dreams about, let us turn to the two most popular dream books composed by Vanga and Nostradamus.
It should be noted that the interpretation of the famous prophetesses differs little from the generally accepted one. Vanga also sees in the symbol the divine principle, the highest predestination. Extinguished rainbow, in her opinion, portends an early separation from her beloved, as his feelings faded.

Michel Nostradamus' dream book complements the general interpretation of dreams. According to this source, the double rainbow promises reconciliation of enemies. For a girl, such a dream means a powerful patronage of a high-ranking person. The combination in the dream of the rainbow and the symbol of peace - a dove - promises great prospects for not one person, but the whole people.
If you believe another, no less popular source, Miller's dream book, to see a rainbow in a dream after a rain - to an abundant harvest. Also, the rainbow means significant changes in life, a happy turn of fate, a lot of bright events and impressions.
As you can see, dear readers, the forecasts are the most "rainbow". I ask you to forgive me for the tautology. So, if you saw a rainbow in a dream - be attuned to the very best and positive, then joy will certainly come to your life. Although the main thing is not dreams, but our desire to make our own lives more interesting and brighter.

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