
What is MTS in the USSR? The procedure for providing collective farms with machinery

At the end of the 1920s and the beginning of the 1930s, mass collectivization was carried out in rural areas on the initiative of the CPSU (b). The process of collectivization and the creation of large-scale agricultural enterprises of the socialist type was hampered by the lack of a material and technical base in the countryside. The peasants were not interested in working for the state, which uses the physical labor of people, without giving it practically no payment.

What is MTS in the USSR?

In 1929, at the 15th Party Congress, the situation in the country's agriculture was analyzed. The party leadership once again stressed that it is necessary to create large agricultural production in the village so that the city is provided with bread, cereals and other products. Realizing that the state should provide the newly created collective enterprises with equipment to reduce the share of non-mechanized production processes, Stalin positively assessed the work of the first MTS. By the way, what is the MTS abbreviation? The USSR created machine-tractor stations, which were called abbreviated MTS.

The history of the creation and development of machine and tractor stations

The first machine and tractor station in the Union was established in 1927. The place of creation is the village of Shevchenkovo, Odessa region, Ukraine. By the way, this is not accidental, because the Odessa region has always been famous for the abundance of rationalization ideas, which almost immediately after their implementation showed their effectiveness and gave a real material result. At the above-mentioned congress, the party positively assessed the activities of the first Soviet MTS.

Stalin saw in the development of a network of tractor stations one of the foundations for implementing the party concept of collectivization in agriculture. The task posed by the congress to the leaders of the agrarian direction was the active coverage by the SRT of tractors of the whole country. Many party officers personally (was an excursion) saw what the MTS is. In the USSR, the number of such enterprises in 1931 was already 1228. As the rate of collectivization grew (in 1932 - the peak of the formation of collective farms), it was necessary to create new technical enterprises. Analyzing the statistical data for 1933, we see an increase in the number of MTS more than twice (up to 2886), and in 1934 the state opened about 500 more stations. On this, too, party leadership was not going to stop, so the next task was set. In 1937 (and we all know what it is in time) the number of stations should have been 6000. Of course, the result was achieved, because in the years of mass repression and the flowering of denunciations, the failure of party directives was often punished by camps or execution.

The order of interaction between MTS and collective farms

What is MTS in the USSR for the collective farms themselves? In each collective farm, managers also saw the need for labor mechanization, because this led to an increase in the productivity of labor and crop yields. Not having their own equipment, the collective farms in the person of MTS saw support from the state.

How was cooperation organized? The machine-tractor station owned machinery, the production of which was also constantly growing. Tractors, harvesters and other equipment were provided to collective farms for rent. Collective farms paid MTS the cost of renting equipment at the expense of money that they received for the delivery of the harvest to the state. In the event of a breakdown of the tractor, combine harvester, seeder mechanics MTS came on call to the collective farm, inspected the equipment and repaired it.

Political aspect of MTS activity

In the 1930s, any economic activity was directly related to political issues. A political department was working at each tractor station, headed by a deputy director for political work. The department's tasks included the leadership of the Party organizations of the MTS and the collective farms attached to it. Responsibility for the quality work of MTS was not only the director, but also the political department. This is not surprising, because any failure in the work of the economic mechanism in those years was regarded as sabotage, and this was already on the political side.

What is MTS in the USSR, now, we hope, it is clear to everyone. Without a technical basis, collectivization would most likely be impossible.

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