
What is antifreeze? Where to pour antifreeze? Instructions

Normal operation of the car is impossible without a cooling liquid. A clarification of what it is, where to fill the antifreeze, photo of this process and other useful information, we will provide further in the article.

What is antifreeze

Antifreeze is a special fluid designed for the cooling system of the car. The peculiarity of this substance is that it does not freeze even at the lowest temperature. This effect becomes possible due to a special composition of the liquid - ethylene glycol and water, which together form a dihydric alcohol. The composition of antifreeze, in addition, includes the so-called inhibitors - substances, due to which the process of corrosion significantly slows down.

Typically, the manufacturers of the liquid in question indicate the freezing point on the package (for example, OJ-30 or "Tosol-50", etc.). That's why for each individual car there is a type of coolant. The most famous of them is "Tosol". There is a common misconception that this substance is not an antifreeze and is intended for outdated car models. This, of course, is not so.

Tosol is a type of antifreeze. It is used mainly by owners of domestic machines. By the way, for many car owners the concepts of "antifreeze" and "antifreeze" are equivalent, which is why confusion sometimes arises. About what antifreeze is needed for, where it is necessary to fill it, and when exactly it should be done, will be told further.

What is antifreeze used for?

Coolant is necessary for the car always. It removes excess heat from the running engine and does not freeze under severe frosts, thus preventing the engine from breaking.

Thanks to a special pump, sometimes called a pump, antifreeze (where to fill it, you'll find out a little later) circulates through the named system of the car. If the machine needs to be heated, the liquid will pass a so-called small circle - without touching the radiator and helping to distribute heat evenly.

In the case where the engine is heated to a certain temperature, the "large circle" system is turned on, and the cooler used for circulating the antifreeze is the radiator.

Movement of the antifreeze is carried out inside the cylinder block. Its walls are a whole system. Due to the rapid heating of the liquid, the cylinders quickly transfer the heat to the pump, which also removes the antifreeze to the radiator. The cooled liquid enters the special tanks, from which it returns to the engine block.

Thus, the question of why all the same antifreeze is needed, you can answer this: for the optimal functioning of the car.

When it is necessary to change the antifreeze

Drivers, especially beginners and inexperienced, must remember about the timely replacement of the coolant.

The first thing to note here is that antifreeze must be changed every 70-80 thousand kilometers. However, most people in Russia do not go much at all, and such figures are collected only in ten years. Therefore, a complete renewal of the antifreeze must be carried out every 2 years. In this case, it is worth remembering and various additional factors: a large age, not the best technical condition of the car - all this indicates that the replacement of the coolant costs as often as possible. Also you need to change the antifreeze:

  • If the liquid has darkened;
  • If the engine needs major repairs;
  • If there is a leak in the cooling system.

Draining antifreeze

Before you address the question, where to fill the antifreeze, you need to talk about how to properly merge it. By the way, it is much more difficult to remove unnecessary remnants of a coolant than to fill this liquid:

  1. First you need to find a flat surface to park your car. If the machine is inclined, the risk that the liquid can not be easily discerned will increase significantly.
  2. Next, you need to place the container under the place where the antifreeze will flow. After that, drain valves are opened in the system (on some machines there are special nozzles that will have to be removed). It needs to be done very carefully, because the coolant can begin to pour out of uncontrolled flow.
  3. After all the antifreeze is evenly poured out, it is necessary to close the tap or to twist the nozzle.

Thus, there is nothing particularly difficult in pouring antifreeze. Where to fill the coolant and how it is necessary to do, we'll talk further.

Antifreeze Gulf

How to fill in the antifreeze correctly? Where should I fill it? Experienced, already having some experience drivers for a long time know the answer to this question. Moreover, they do not see anything complicated in the sink and the coolant fill.

  1. It is necessary to unscrew the cap of the surge tank.
  2. A special ruler is inserted into the hole of this tank.
  3. Only after that, calmly and without sudden movements it is necessary to pour coolant inside. Do this should be strictly according to the established line - otherwise the antifreeze will be spilled.
  4. Do not pour too quickly and a lot - in this case, an air cork may form. This cork will not do anything good, only the poor functioning of the cooling system in the future. If the expansion tank has the notation of "maximum" and "minimum", then you need to navigate them.
  5. After the liquid has been filled, the cover of the tank must be tightly closed, but neatly closed.
  6. Next, you must turn on the engine. Approximately about 10 minutes will have to monitor the condition of the antifreeze. Then you need to top it up to the final mark.

Only after that all the work with the replacement of the cooling liquid will be completed.

Faults at the antifreeze fill

Beginning car owners often make mistakes when draining or pouring coolant into a car. This is usually due to inexperience or negligence. We will tell you about the most frequent such mistakes.

The most dangerous thing that can be done when the antifreeze is filled is to start the engine in advance. In no case should you unscrew the cap of the expansion tank while the car's engine is running. It can lead to the most unpleasant consequences like burns on hands and face. The fact that the liquid with the engine running begins to splash strongly, and its temperature at the same time is very high.

The next common mistake of newcomers is to fill the new coolant without draining the old one. Needless to say, how stupid and simply dangerous. Banal laziness can lead to the most unpleasant consequences. Of course, the drain and the bay must be carried out entirely.

Allow novice drivers and many other errors. Here and the lack of verification of the level of coolant, and use it for a car of another brand, etc. Always and in everything related to cars, you need to be very careful and cautious. It is always necessary for professionals and specialists to find out where the antifreeze is poured into the car and what coolant it is best to choose.

Antifreeze replacement on different cars

"Renault Logan", "Ford Focus", "Lada Vesta" or "Hyundai-Solaris" - where to pour antifreeze on different brands of cars, and most importantly, how to do it?

This question can not be answered unambiguously. Models of cars really a lot, and the type of replacement of coolant can sometimes vary slightly. However, it is worth giving one piece of advice.

All questions concerning the replacement of something or the functioning of any individual elements must necessarily be agreed only with the sellers or companies where the machine was purchased. Before buying it is necessary to clarify how and where to fill the antifreeze. "Hyundai", "Renault", "Mazda" and many other brands do not differ much from each other on the issue under consideration, however, the details should be specified without fail.

Do I need an auto service to replace the antifreeze?

In most cases, contacting a service center for the replacement of a coolant is not necessary.

However, if the owner of the car does not want to deal with the contents of the hood or simply does not have time, you can contact the car service. Many people do not even want to delve into the issues related to servicing the car. They are not at all interested in why and where to fill the antifreeze.

"Toyota-Corolla" or, for example, "Ford-Fusion" service in the car service will not be so expensive. The average price for a change of antifreeze in Russia is 500-800 rubles. In addition, in the car service will do everything extremely professionally and will produce a high-quality washing.

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