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What is an aneurysm of cerebral vessels? Aneurysm of the brain: symptoms, diagnosis

An aneurysm of the brain, the symptoms of which will be described below, can occur at any age. However, more pathology is typical for adults than for children. Further we learn what an aneurysm is, how it manifests itself and what methods are used today to identify and eliminate it.

General information

What is an aneurysm? This is a small formation inside the skull. It appears on the blood vessel of the brain. Education is growing rapidly. Convex part of it can press on surrounding tissues or on a nerve. The greatest danger to life is the rupture of an aneurysm of the brain. In this case, blood enters the surrounding tissue. This condition is called a hemorrhage. Complications are not caused by small-size formation. Aneurysm can appear in any area of the brain. However, as practice shows, most often it is located on the branch of the branches of the artery. This place is located between the cranial base and the lower region of the brain. As for the structure, there is a neck in the aneurysm. It retains the three-layer structure of the artery, which makes it the most solid part of education. An aneurysm has a body. The elastic membrane in it is broken; The muscular layer is also absent. The most delicate place is the dome. It consists only of vascular intima. This is where the gap occurs.

Causes of pathology

The appearance of education can provoke a variety of diseases of the cerebral vessels. The cause of pathology can be a genetic disorder. In particular, it can be polycystic kidney disease or connective tissue damage. Promote the emergence of education and cerebral vascular disease associated with circulatory disorders. This, in particular, congenital arteriovenous defect. To provoking factors should also include injuries and other head injuries, infections, high blood pressure , swelling. The cause of an aneurysm can be atherosclerosis - vascular pathology, complicated by deposition on the walls of cholesterol. The situation is aggravated by bad habits: smoking, alcohol abuse, drugs. According to some researchers, when taking oral contraceptives, the risk of an aneurysm increases. The formations resulting from infection are called mycotic. Aneurysms that accompany cancer pathologies are often associated with metastatic or primary tumors of the neck and head. When you use drugs, blood circulation is disturbed. In particular, with frequent admission of cocaine develops vascular lesions, which can cause an aneurysm.


Treatment of cerebral vessels is carried out in accordance with the type of pathology and the severity of its course. As for the formations under consideration, then all three of them are distinguished. The first type is the saccular aneurysm. It looks like a round sack filled with blood. It is attached by a neck or base to the branch of the vessels or to the artery directly. Sickle type is considered the most common type of pathology. It is also called "berry" because of the similarity with the berry hanging from the stem. Typically, such an aneurysm appears in the arteries at the base of the brain. Sachet type of education is most often detected in adults. The second type is a lateral aneurysm. It is like a tumor on one of the walls. The third category includes a spindle-shaped formation. It is formed due to the expansion of the vascular wall on one of the sites. There is also a classification of formations by size. The small ones include those whose diameter is less than 11 mm. The average size of aneurysms is 11-25 mm, to gigantic - more than 25 mm.

Risk groups

Absolutely with all kinds of aneurysms, there is a possibility of their rupture and hemorrhage. In the high-risk group are people with some congenital pathologies. It is established that in women aneurysm is detected somewhat more often than in men. For every 10 thousand people, about 10 ruptures of aneurysms are recorded annually.

What is the danger of pathology?

As mentioned above, an aneurysm rupture results in a cerebral hemorrhage. This, in turn, causes serious enough, life-threatening complications. In particular, damage to the central nervous system, hemorrhagic stroke or death. The first break may be followed by the second. In this case, a hemorrhage will occur again. In addition, new aneurysms can form. As a rule, when the blood ruptures, the blood enters the cavity between the brain and the cranial bone. In this case, they speak of subarachnoid hemorrhage. Its rather dangerous consequence is hydrocephalus. This condition is characterized by an increased accumulation of cerebrospinal fluid in the cerebral ventricles, which expand and press on the brain tissue. There may be another, no less dangerous complication - vasospasm. In this case, we are talking about the narrowing of the blood vessels, as a result of which the flow of blood to the most important regions of the brain is limited. Lack of blood supply leads to tissue damage or stroke.

Aneurysm of the brain: symptoms

Very often, pathology does not manifest itself. Signs of an aneurysm of the brain begin to appear when it reaches a large size or bursts, which in turn can happen against a background of perfect well-being, just after a physical or emotional load. Small, non-increasing formations may not be accompanied by any manifestations throughout the life of a person. At the same time, the constantly growing aneurysm of the brain, the symptoms of which are easily confused with other pathologies, exerts constant pressure on the tissues and nerves. The average age of patients with pathology is 30-50 years. Many live long enough that they have an aneurysm of the brain. Symptoms of the pathology are as follows: pain in the eye area, paralysis, numbness or weakness of the muscles of one side of the face. Also noted blurred vision, dilated pupils.

Signs of an aneurysm in the posterior artery - a distortion of the outlines of objects, loss or narrowing of the fields of vision. With lesions in the anterior part, the transient weakness of the lower extremities is noted. Vascular aneurysm in the posterior part is accompanied by peripheral paresis of the facial nerve, hearing loss (one-sided). Also there is a strong blowing noise in the ear. When the aortic aneurysm bursts, the person feels sudden and very severe pain. Also begins vomiting or nausea, there is stiff neck muscles. Probably even a loss of consciousness. As the patients themselves say, describing this condition, this is the most terrible headache that can happen in life. The condition is characterized by intensity and severity. In some cases, before the rupture of an aneurysm, a person has warning pains in the head. They can last several days or even weeks after the attack occurs. Other symptoms of pathology include the drooping eyelid, changes in the mental state, increased anxiety, the appearance of sensitivity to light. In rare cases, the patient may fall into a coma. With the localization of pain in the frontal-orbital region, lesions are likely in the antero-connective and antero-cerebral region, in the temple and occiput - in the posterior half, in the skull - in the basilar artery. If there are periodic paroxysmal pains, combined with other symptoms mentioned above, you should immediately visit a doctor.

Diagnosis of cerebral vessels: general information

In some cases, the pathology is revealed quite accidentally, during the examinations related to other conditions. Differential diagnosis is performed with neoplastic diseases of the brain. The risk of hemorrhage from the detected formation is high enough. The higher the probability, the greater the size of the lesion. Also, the risk will depend on the somatic status (general), the location of the aneurysm. Subsequent hemorrhages increase the likelihood of death and proceed much heavier than previous ones. Most often an aneurysm of the brain, the treatment of which must be carried out exclusively in a specialized department, is detected during the rupture. The patient may lose consciousness, have convulsions, an epileptic seizure, anisocoria, an increase in temperature. It must be remembered that only a doctor should treat cerebral vessels. If these manifestations occur, the patient should be urgently hospitalized. An aneurysm is likely to spasm of the vessels with an increase in the ischemia, a breakthrough of blood into the ventricular system, the appearance of an intracerebral hematoma.

Methods of research

Diagnosis of cerebral vessels allows you to obtain the necessary information about the lesion. And then, on the basis of her, to prescribe adequate therapy. As a rule, studies are performed after subarachnoid hemorrhage. The following diagnostic methods are available:

  • Angiography. This type of X-ray examination is carried out with the introduction of a contrast medium. Intracerebral angiogram allows to detect the degree of narrowing or destruction of the vessels of the neck, head, brain. With the help of the study, it is possible to identify venous or arterial changes, including the appearance of formations. Angiography is used for circulatory disorders. It allows you to determine exactly the location, shape and size of the tumor or aneurysm. Angiography is performed in specially equipped rooms. After anesthesia, a flexible catheter is inserted into the artery. He is promoted to the affected vessel. Some volume of contrast medium is released into the bloodstream. After it spreads through the vascular network of the neck and head, the required number of X-rays is performed.
  • CT scan. This is a fairly informative, non-invasive, quick and painless diagnostic method. With its help, you can identify the presence of an aneurysm, and if it is ruptured, determine whether a brain hemorrhage has occurred. Usually CT is assigned primarily if there is a suspicion that the formation may burst. X-ray images are processed on a computer in the form of two-dimensional images of the cross sections of the skull and brain. In some cases, before the CT scan, a contrast agent is injected into the bloodstream. Such an angiography gives a clearer and more detailed image. CT is carried out in special offices equipped with appropriate equipment.
  • MRI is a type of study in which a magnetic field and radio waves are used. Conducting MRA (magnetic resonance angiography) allows you to get even clearer and more detailed images of the vessels. Images can be viewed both in three-dimensional form, and in the form of two-dimensional cross-sections. MRA is painless. During the study, you can determine the shape and size of an unexploded aneurysm, and determine whether a hemorrhage has occurred.
  • Analysis of cerebrospinal fluid. If an aneurysm rupture is suspected, the specialist can refer the patient to taking the cerebrospinal fluid. The procedure is performed under local anesthesia. Using a needle from the subarachnoid space, a small amount of material is extracted. Cerebrospinal fluid is then examined for hemorrhage and bleeding. The material is taken in a special hospital room.

Therapeutic events: general information

It must be said that education is not always bursting. As it was said above, a person can live all his life with an aneurysm, which in no way manifests itself. Such patients need constant control over the dynamics of the development of education. It is necessary to constantly monitor the blood pressure level, undergo appropriate therapy with an elevated cholesterol level, and also treat (if any) the consequences of craniocerebral trauma and infectious diseases. It is also necessary to note new manifestations, which may be accompanied by an aneurysm of the brain. Treatment in this case will be appointed as soon as possible. The results of research and observations allow choosing the most effective tactics. It should be noted that each defeat is unique in its own way. Treatment of cerebral vessels should be carried out taking into account the location, type and size of the lesion. Of no small importance is the patient's age, heredity, medical history, general health. The risk of aneurysm rupture is also taken into account.

Surgical intervention

Treatment of cerebral vessels in this case can be carried out in two ways. The first method is the so-called clipping. Any operation on the brain is fraught with risks. These interventions pose the greatest danger to patients. The operation of cerebral aneurysm by the clipping method is a "shutdown" of the damaged area and preservation of blood circulation along the main canal. On education, a clip is put on, bleeding is eliminated. There is an alternative method by which an aneurysm is removed. The endovascular embolization operation can be performed several times during the life of the patient. During the intervention on the femoral artery , special agents are introduced. They fill the aneurysm of the brain. The operation is performed with the use of the newest drugs or with micro-coils, gluing the damage. This method is currently considered the most progressive.

Is it possible to prevent the development of pathology?

At present, measures have not yet been developed to prevent the appearance and increase in the size of education. Patients who are at risk should carefully monitor their health, observe the daily routine, control the pressure, do not smoke and do not take drugs (cocaine and others). In addition, you need to consult a doctor about taking such drugs as "Aspirin" and other drugs that help to thin the blood. Women should consult a specialist on the use of oral contraceptives. These are the main activities for people who have a predisposition or already have an aneurysm of the brain. The operation is considered necessary with intensive growth of education and increased risk for the life of the patient.

Consequences and Forecast

Unexploded aneurysm in the brain may remain undetected for a long period, and in some cases, for the whole life. In other situations, bursting education can cause death, hemorrhagic stroke, or vasospasm. The last complication is the main factor provoking disability or fatal outcome due to aneurysm rupture. Bursting education can provoke someone, hydrocephalus. It is also likely irreversible or temporary damage to the brain. The prognosis after a hemorrhage will depend on the age of the patient, the characteristics of his body, and other associated neurological conditions. The importance is the location of education, its size, the degree of bleeding, and also, again it is either primary. In assessing the consequences, one should also take into account the period between the provision of care and the immediate hemorrhage. Patients who have been treated for unexploded education need less recovery time than patients who have an aneurysm. The recovery period in the latter case can be several weeks or months. Rehabilitation after an operation should be under the supervision of a doctor. As maintenance therapy, medicinal herbs can be used.

General preventive measures

Many vascular pathologies can be prevented. First of all, you should pay attention to the way of your life. In the conditions of a sufficiently high rhythm of modern life, it is necessary to find time for the right rest. In this case we are talking about active sports, preferably in the open air. Experts recommend all possible methods to combat hypodynamia. Also important is the emotional background of a person. If possible, it is necessary to eliminate stressful situations, mental overstrain. All this has a very negative effect on the state of the vessels. All medications prescribed by the doctor should be taken solely in accordance with the regimen, do not exceed the dosage. Specialists strongly recommend that you listen to your body, do not ignore the signals that it gives. If you have regular headaches, you need to see a doctor and get a checkup. In no case is it advisable to prescribe yourself any medications. With pathologies of cerebral vessels, self-medication can lead to serious consequences, life-threatening. The earlier a visit to a doctor, the easier it is to identify the cause of a condition, to prescribe adequate therapy or surgical intervention. It must be remembered that in the body all systems are interconnected. Vascular pathologies are not isolated from other conditions that act as a consequence or cause of disorders in the blood supply and nutrition of the brain. Timely access to a doctor in many cases avoids disability or death.

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