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What is a western. Best western movies: titles and descriptions

What is a western? Coloring films of this category entices many viewers with an inimitable atmosphere, the film captivates the sight of brave cowboy heroes, dashing pursuits on fast-moving horses, charming girls and realistic duels. Particular success stories about the Wild West began to be used in the 70s of the last century, immediately after the appearance of this subject in the literature. The public took to heart the stories of the incredible adventures of valiant sheriffs and vicious robbers from the vast expanses of Texas.

"Western" - the meaning of the word, where it all began

The word "western" reflects as much as possible the terrain on the territory of which all large-scale battles and shootings take place - the West. The genre is fully dedicated to one of the most famous periods in US history - the turning point between total lawlessness and democracy. The meaning of the word "western" speaks for itself. Hence it is clear which films we can relate to this genre. It is about them that will be discussed.

Features of the genre of western

What is a western? What features of this genre? The classical concept of the western was brought out and revealed to the audience by Clint Eastwood, a multi-faceted actor and no less talented director. Thanks to his subtle instinct and his ability to entice the public, Eastwood became a real hero from the world of cowboys and Indian communities to many film and television viewers.

About Westerns now say many. This genre of cinema has found its spectator. To distinguish a real western from modern variations on this subject is quite simple, because many of them do not include the most important characteristics of the genre:

  1. The location of all the main characters is, of course, Texas (in recent years, many filmmakers have allowed liberties about the epicenter of events).
  2. The beginning of the events are robbery of the most spiteful of the local bandits, who keeps in fear the whole district of the town.
  3. In most cases, the sheriff is not distinguished by a special heroism or fortitude, he himself obeys the orders of the bandits and does not conduct legal actions against them.
  4. A real hero is a simple guy from the people, often a loner and a silent person who bravely comes out against a bandit gang and saves the most beautiful lady from the locals.
  5. In the hurricane of squabbles and chases, bounty hunters always appear who are obsessed with a lust for profit.
  6. After the maelstrom of heroic events, the star of the local sheriff (alive or dead) passes into the hands of the protagonist.

In all films devoted to cowboys, the dynamics of the plot depends entirely on the number and skill of shooting scenes with shooting. The weapons of this era were particularly spectacular: the powder flew with a characteristic bass sound, and the trickles of smoke were beautifully enveloped by an arrow.

Characteristic images and idols of the category "western"

Western films are different in that the main character always leads a rampant roaming lifestyle, his appearance and alienated behavior testify to many trials and hardships, and courage and the desire to defend justice sometimes go off scale.

The main scoundrel and robber has an unbearable character, the habit of insulting and attacking others, and also picking up with the guardians of the law. The type is very colorful, thought out, in many scenes can be revealed from an ambiguous side.

The main beauty of history has not only attractive external data, but also a rich inner world: thanks to her faithfulness, quickness and courage in most of the pictures, the main character wins.

Best westerns: names, list

To imbue with the atmosphere of a mysterious and dangerous Texas, it is worth reviewing the top ten pictures on this topic:

  1. "Wild Gang" in 1969 release. At the center of a complex plot is the decline of an entire era of the Wild West. The territory of the country is shrouded in the shadow of the First World War. Traditions and laws of cowboys and thugs gradually erased from the memory of the population, giving way to more pressing issues. A gang of 6 experienced but not young already robbers decides to crank out the last decisive "deal", after which it will repeat the destiny of the entire Wild West ...
  2. No less successful premiere in 1969, "Butch Cassidy and Sundance Kid," which tells of two partners and loyal comrades from the gangster society "Hole in the wall." Thanks to the flexible mind of Buch and the unconditional fidelity of Sandace, they manage to rob twice a train transporting stocks of money around the country. Leaders of the gang are put on the wanted list, supervised by the capture ordered by the super-sniffer of the country Baltimore. To escape from the field of view of the pathfinder, two bandits decide to flee to Bolivia ...
  3. An earlier version from Fred Zinnemman entitled "Exactly at noon" will tell the story of inner reincarnation. Will wants to take roots with his wife Emily in one of the stable towns. But the former convict Miller returns to his native town for Will, that he will take revenge on everyone who committed his arrest. The first thing Will decides to escape to the nearby prairies with his wife and friends, but half the way realizes the need to correct past mistakes and save the townspeople from death.
  4. "The man who shot Liberty Valance" from the magnificent John Ford. The central line of the plot is the life of Senator Stoddard, whose name is widely heard. Once the politician appears in one of the old cities of the Wild West - Shibone, to honor the memory of kind comrade Tom. A local journalist decides to ask the senator about the reason for his arrival and receives in return an incredible material - a story about the victory over the savage bandit Liberty Valance.
  5. "A few dollars more" from Sergio Leone. The painting highlights events from the life of a bounty hunter (a Man without a name) and a desperate colonel of the local police of Mortimer. A difficult duet formed against the background of a common desire to catch the Mexican Indigo, who terrorizes the Wild West. The state authorities offer hunters decent money for every caught villain, and for the Indigo gang everyone will receive a few dollars more.
  6. "For a Fistful of Dollars" tells about the life of a suburban village of San Miguel, which for several years turned into an arena for the two largest gangs of the Wild West. A visiting tramp-shooter decides to intervene in the established rhythm of life and save the locals from attacking thugs.
  7. "Seekers" (1956) . The era of the Wild West was not easy. There, their laws and customs reigned, which many people drove into unimaginable situations, depriving the slightest right to act according to the principles of humanity. Ethan Edwards lost his own niece - the girl was kidnapped by the evil Comanche. Five years of unremitting search and staying in constant solitude instruct the former soldier of the Confederate army on the true path.
  8. "Train to Yuma" (2007) - a modern vision of war between bandits and arrows from small towns. The head of the local gang of Ben Wade residents want to send by rail to the protected fort Yuma, and decided to escort such a dangerous bandit could only Dan Evans, a former veteran of the terrible Civil War, but on the first spot of spending the night on Evans and Wade attack robbers.
  9. "Once Upon a Time in the Wild West" (1969) - tells the story of an unfortunate widow, whose land was sunk in the soul of a local businessman. Having secured the territory, the extortioner will be able to build a railway and count on a significant profit afterwards. To save the widow was decided by an ambiguous couple: the bandit Cheyenne and the mysterious vagabond.
  10. The leader among the Western movies is the picture "Good, Bad, Evil" (1967) , which reveals a veil of secrecy over the Wild West during the Civil War. The trinity of brave men decides to find the lost gold, but the devastation in the country and constant fighting deprive the heroes of the only way to receive information - trust in others.

Ten of the best products of cinematography will not only brighten up a couple of hours of free time, but also give an unlimited number of positive emotions from watching broadcasts.

A selection of westerns with elements of an action movie

Mixing several genres in one movie is a skillful focus of filmmakers trying to close holes in the script and give the plot a dynamic and intriguing. With what genre of cinema can you combine a western? The militants became the best "companions" for the western. The following pictures are recommended for viewing:

  • "The Hangman" (2015) - the picture is devoted to the story of Aman, the mysterious and elusive shooter, who is hunting for two prey: the bandits of the Wild West and their personal demons of the past.
  • "Barbarians and Thieves" (2012) . The escape of the two killers, which seemed initially ideal, is turning into another test. In the forest, among the darkness and the beasts, two fugitives fall into the hands of the marshal, who is at war with the Chinese entrepreneur.
  • "Fort Alamo" . Authorities conduct extensive agitation, urging everyone to go to buy land. This period in the history of the Wild West is marked by the campaign of the President of Mexico to the dream of many nomads - Fort Alamo. The film is based on real historical events, tells about the Battle of Alamo - the largest battle of the forces of the Mexican army with rebel detachments of American settlers

Wild Western - a new wave of popularity of the genre

A new influx of fans of the genre of western appeared right after the release of the famous movie "Wild, Wild West" with inimitable Will Smith. The attractive side of the film was the crushing humor of the main character, interesting scenery and no less multifaceted characters of secondary characters. Also to the wild western, many critics attribute the "Slow West", which is filled with the true spirit of the cowboy era and conveys as accurately as possible their inner experiences and dreams.

The entourage is the main bait of a western

In movies, landscape frames are given the lion's share of the whole time, because thanks to them the viewer is immersed in the atmosphere of events and can not tear himself away from viewing literally until the last frame. Classic isolated areas for filming are isolated forts of Texas, which in the country left a huge number, abandoned or restored ranches, real farms and, of course, small towns with themed saloons.

External stimuli, or What influenced the genre

Many historians and scriptwriters note a great influence on the development of western Japanese film masterpieces about the adventures of samurai, their characters and the desire to win justice and truth. Well, we will not deny that there are truths in such statements. What do the lovely ladies think about the pictures of the genre we are considering?

Western from the female point of view

What is a western for the fair sex? Especially for the female audience, some directors released several juicy prime ministers at once. One of the most colorful and original can be considered the film "Bandits", which demonstrates fragile women in the role of brave riders and shooters. Charming bandits became a true thunderstorm of the Wild West of the 1888 period.

Spaghetti Western and its features

What is a western? The meaning of the word and the specifics of the films of this genre we already know. In the world of cinema appeared such a thing as spaghetti western. What it is? This name was fixed for Italian versions of films about the Wild West. A feature of this variety of westerns is their romantic picture: the characters have an attractive appearance, the background always has a touching melody, and at the end of the viewer a happy ending always awaits. The Italian films are full of real irony and subtle sarcasm.

Enjoy watching!

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