LawCriminal law

What does it mean to live by concepts? Thieves' ideas. Prison jargon

Prison slang over the past few years densely entered the everyday speech circulation of many people. This happened in part because of the popularization of such a category of people as "Gopnik", partly because of the harsh conditions of the current reality, where ordinary laws often do not work anymore, but thieves are quite capable of educating people in morality and diligence. What does it mean to live by concepts and is it really bad in reality, as it seems? A lot of people are familiar with thieves' ideas, and they support them too often. In what way are these people right, and what is not?

When there were thieves' laws

"Blatnye" concepts have been formed for quite some time, starting from the 1930s, when the authorities actively began to fight against thieves and criminals, one by one, seizing them behind bars even for the slightest fault. In response to such aggressive actions of the state, the criminals rallied in more organized groups, where there was a certain order and code of rules, violating which, a person became a traitor. It was this period of time that influenced the formation of the basic laws of the criminal world. Everyone was mainly engaged in theft, for which they went to the zone where "brothers in reason" taught people to live by concepts.

There appeared the so-called elite of the underworld - thieves in the law, "their" people in posts in law enforcement agencies, who, if necessary, "covered" their comrades, since they had great privileges and some connections in the higher circles, as thieves' ideas do not allow cooperating with Any state structures.

The criminal world underwent many changes during the Second World War, when many prisoners went to the front to defend their homeland, for which they were called "bitches" and forever branded as traitors, so after the Great Patriotic War, another war was already taking place between prisoners. One side explained to the departed at the front what it means to live by concepts, while the other, the so-called "bitches", took the path of correction and cooperated with the administration. This order on the zone remains to this day.

The main provisions of thieves in the law

With thieves' notions, anyone who has ever met with representatives of the underworld is familiar, since they are the basis of the behavior of any criminal. What does it mean to live by thieves' notions? It means to follow a set of rules, to be an honest and decent person. Naturally, in their circles.

Among the set of laws, there are 7 main points, from which many others follow:

  1. Support "thieves' ideas." Behind your own people stand a mountain.
  2. Never and under no circumstances will not cooperate with state structures and law enforcement agencies. Do not testify, do not testify against yourself or someone else, do not admit guilt by being convicted.
  3. In relation to each other, be honest. All criminals are brothers, and betrayal in the family is unacceptable, otherwise a person will simply be rotted or killed.
  4. It is important to constantly involve new members in your environment. It is desirable - young people, because they are more capable and understandable.
  5. It is forbidden to engage in political activities. Do not be in the party. Do not deal with documents, do not register at the place of residence, do not work.
  6. Observe the subordination, establish the power of thieves in the law in the zones, in pre-trial detention facilities and ITU. The authority in the criminal circle is won by the one who has more life experience, who not for the first time "shakes" the term, periodically "sits out" in the zone for crimes and does not work alone, actively interacts with those who are free.
  7. You must know how to play cards. To cheat in the game for money, you can get it.

From these concepts there are many others, for example, such as maintaining order in the zone, settling conflicts, collecting tribute from those sitting and so on. What does it mean to "live by concepts"? To comply with these rules, if ugorazdilo get into a similar circle of communication.

What people do in prison

Getting to the zone, a person, one way or another, is influenced by generally accepted concepts that are obliged to comply, but at the same time he is allowed some freedom of action in relation to his hobbies, while this does not hurt others. In prison, many authors wrote their books, composed poems, most "prisoners" have their hobby, and as a rule, no one climbs in the affairs of strangers, but if they say something against someone else, they will get it for their merit , Because "for the market should be answered." In general, most blatant phrases have a deeper meaning than it may seem from the beginning. With criminal concepts is familiar, including the administration of the prison, and "leave" at the expense of the law will not work. Since the concepts exist in parallel with the laws, and sometimes even put above the laws, therefore, in order to survive in this habitat, it is necessary to feel the boundaries that can not be crossed.

There are also two kinds of colonies. Some do not work, they are on unpaid leave, another part of the prisoners prefers to engage in some kind of work. On the territory of the prison there can be whole shops for sewing clothes, baking bread and much more. In general - "black" and ungrateful work.

How concepts work

It should be borne in mind that in everyday life and in prison jargon, the concepts are often fundamentally different from what the blatant guys on the street mean. The society actively borrows some words from prison jargon, diluting the whole original meaning of the invented terms. People who serve punishment are in fact quite a different language, they mostly talk in the jargon, and what it means to live by the concepts in the zone is remembered in the first months of the stay in the colony.

Why is there such a word "concept"? What is the meaning of it originally? The concept - because it should be clear to everyone. If a person begins to "slide" a long philosophy and try to convince someone of his wrong, in terms of and turning facts upside down, roughly speaking "pouring water" and "powdering the brain," then the matter is unclean. Long rantings are not peculiar to people living by concepts, the easier the explanation is, the better.

These laws work in prison, as there is a need, but according to what concepts do "gopnik" live, who have never been in the zone in their lives? The answer is very simple: human. To act like a human, it means not to substitute close people, not to steal and respect your family and mother. Some "gopnik" for some reason prefer not to work under any circumstances, and not because they struggle so much with the system and the state, but because there is such a thing. Or they heard about it so remotely.

How to communicate with such people

The so-called "Gopnik" are people who live by concepts. Basically, it's young people who are close to the criminal world, or who are directly related to it. But most often criminal behavior is not related to the attitude of these people to the thieves' world, in other words, they borrow someone else's jargon and use it as they like. If you ask them what it means to live by concepts, then in return you can get an inarticulate murmur and a weak explanation of your views. The fact is that thieves' ideas are different and people interpret it in their own way, which creates certain disagreements, and each person's concepts may have their own. So what are the concepts of gopnik living in the end? Their vague idea of the world and discipline often has nothing to do with organized crime and the hierarchy that is going on in the underworld.

While conducting a dialogue with representatives of this social stratum, one should be careful in terms, and in principle, do not talk too much. To the question: "By what concepts do you live?" How to answer is quite obvious: according to people, like all people. Any unnecessary word can provoke conflict.

Another rather beloved question: who are you in life? Here the main thing is not to start to mumble and answer clearly, to make it clear that you can stand up for yourself. The more insecure the person behaves with the representatives of this group, the easier it is to make a victim out of it.

Why it became popular to be a bandit

About the criminal world, in principle, little was known to remote people, at least in the pre-war time, no one went into details of how the hierarchy in the society is built of those who know how to live by concepts. The rules of the criminal world were public after many decades, and already in the 90s the laws on which the criminal world was built were most clearly formulated.

At the beginning of the twenty-first century, films with criminal themes appeared on the screens, where the realities of the underground world were shown in all its glory. The multi-part film "Brigade", which became cult in Russia and tells about the authorities in the criminal world, made a strong impression on the youth. Then came the movie "Boomer", which also did not remain without attention. In the domestic cinema, in principle, the topic of confrontation between the police and the criminal world is often raised, which is reflected in the views of the population as a whole, because it shows exactly what it means to live by concepts.

Many believe that the criminal world of the Mafiosi and the criminal world of thieves are intertwined with each other, since both people have similar views on life in principle, but between them there is a colossal difference in actions and methods of survival. A good example is the criminal saga "Godfather".

Contradictions in the laws

Criminal groups for the most part do not behave aggressively towards ordinary citizens, but if it happens that someone decided to steal someone in a dark corner because of a lack of money, then no laws and references to their own moral rules by which they live , Can not be persuaded. For many who are aware of what it means to live by concepts, there are, as a rule, only their own principles, which if desired and in any convenient case the offender will treat as it is beneficial to him, but not to his victim.

Therefore, although there are some vague ideas that thieves' ideas are actually honest and noble, this does not negate the fact that people who have been in prison give themselves the right to behave as they want. "Gopnik" differ from really sitting people by the fact that they are mostly poor young people who, in all this behavior and the code of rules, see some coolness and try to apply it in everyday life. In real circles, this behavior is not respected at all. This is called "posturing". A person who has not been to the zone, "their own" is not considered.

Hearing their jargon, there are many questions, the answers to which sometimes can not be found even in the explanatory dictionary. For example, who is "fraer" in thieves' jargon? This is a favorite appeal to their "victims", which emphasizes the colossal difference between people from the zone and those who simply try to live a normal life.

Compliance with laws

But what does it mean to live by thieves' notions, if you do not engage in any crime? In pursuit of prestige, glory and dream to get the coveted title of "thief in law", to rise, so to speak, on the criminal social ladder, many go to commit serious crimes. And if in the 30th and 90th years of the last century such behavior was actual for the most part because of poverty and inflation, the question remains: is this really relevant now?

The expression "thief-in-law" suggests that criminals get rid of all their deeds by having a law. In the true sense, the expression in the "law" does not imply just the jurisprudence of the country, but it means precisely thieves' notions, the laws of the second, hidden world. Peace, where there are people of the four "suits", shared among themselves in a certain kind of activity.

Due to the fact that new social groups have formed, the so-called "Gopnik", which pushes thieves' ideas into the masses, prison jargon has long penetrated the ordinary vocabulary of many. A dictionary-translator with many words may not be familiar in part from the fact that this version of the Russian language is replenished daily with new adverbs.

Dictionary of slang terms used in everyday life

The jargon is varied and large. A dictionary-translator of slang phrases, if there was one at all, would certainly not be inferior to the volume of the Soviet encyclopedia. As mentioned earlier, jargon is updated daily with new words, moreover, the knowledge of slang expressions is passed on from generation to generation, and many words are used even in everyday life. Below is a list of the most used expressions and their meaning. The most basic thing to understand an ordinary person, if he encounters gopnik:

  • Authority - a person who has power in criminal circles.
  • Azhur, or "all in a jade" - means that everything is in order.
  • Babka, balabani - money.
  • Bazaar - conversation or cries, "responsible for the bazaar" - means to explain your words, your point of view, to bear responsibility for what has been said.
  • Roll cylinders / crumbling loaves - to criticize someone more authoritative.
  • Baryga - merchant-speculator, collector of stolen junk, seller of banned substances.
  • Blat in the city - police bribe-takers, thieves - having ties to the underworld.
  • To bring down - either to run away, or to kill / beat.
  • To be cut / not to get to grips with something - to understand or not to understand, is the same as catching up.
  • Slowly, quietly - secretly do something, stealthily.
  • A lousy man is a bad person.
  • A rooster / lowered - a man guilty of something, which is festered, he is not authoritative.
  • Gad - violated the thieves' laws.
  • Nit / wing - a man who acted meanly, not according to concepts.
  • Jamb is a violation of the rules by which all the representatives of the criminal world live.
  • Ment / garbage is an employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
  • Previava is a charge of something, a claim.
  • Disassembly - clarification of relations, open conflict.
  • Shkonka - bed in prison, bed.
  • The point is the place of work or place of meeting.

It is these expressions that are most often heard on the street, when people from the criminal world communicate with each other. When it comes to outsiders, they also have their own nicknames for them. For example, it is not clear to everyone who is a frauer in thieves' jargon, although such treatment occurs quite often.

Fryer is a person who has absolutely nothing to do with the criminal world. In other words, a law-abiding citizen. Appeal "fraer" or "fraerok" means a hidden mockery of a man who devotes all his life to "serving" the state. Such a person is not respected in criminal circles for nothing.

The role of the criminal world in society

It is not necessary to mention that the justice system is not always ideal and does not particularly suit the people who are going against it. There are also life situations when there is no other way out than to go to a crime. At least, people who are used to living by the notion of thieves, the commission of a crime seems to be the right thing to do.

However, the court, although aware of how thieves live by the concepts, nevertheless, does not take this into account and considers any proceedings only from the point of view of the law. To prove anything in court, only in terms and invented dogmas, formulated by the fuzzy language of the criminal world, is impossible. Consequently, at the legislative level, the question of the concepts of the criminal world and other worldviews is not even raised. Any jurisdiction based on existing human rights laws can protect an ordinary citizen from attacks on him.

As for how to understand "live by concepts" - the phrase that many people say, but put their meaning in it? To really understand and feel this, you need to turn around in a circle of criminal authorities, taking certain steps in their own hierarchical ladder, and living "in accordance with conscience". Times when people could plunder and deceive with impunity have long since passed, theft became a bad form, not a way to survive. Indeed, it is necessary to explain the concepts in prison, where everyone has his own place, but on the freedom of people, however, the constitution and the law, which is adamant to any gangster, still protects.

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