
What doctors treat kidneys, or who is a nephrologist?

First of all, when there are any symptoms of the disease people are accustomed to seek help from the local therapist. Having listened to the problems and having carried out a certain diagnosis, the doctor will already send for consultation to a specialist. But why waste so much time, if you can immediately go to the doctor's office, which deals directly with the problem you are interested in?

Patients who first encounter "kidney" or "liver problems" are interested in what doctors are treating the kidneys and liver. These organs are examined and treated by different specialists, since they relate to two different systems of the body.

What kind of doctors treat the kidneys?

Kidneys are organs that belong to the urinary system of the body. They are engaged in the filtration of blood, cleaning it from the results of metabolic processes, toxic substances, as well as separation from the blood of urea.

What kind of doctors treat the kidneys? The duty to treat and diagnose kidney disease belongs to two different specialists:

  • urologist;
  • A nephrologist.

Urologist - a doctor of a broader profile, since, in addition to the kidneys, he deals with diseases of the urinary and reproductive system. The nephrologist has a narrower focus. This specialist is exclusively a doctor in the kidneys.

In addition to the nephrologist and urologist, the therapist or the family doctor can also help the patient, however, their work ends at the stage of conducting adequate diagnostics. The creation of individual treatment regimens already belongs to narrow specialists.

At what clinical signs to address to the urologist?

What doctors treat the kidneys, we figured out above. Now it is necessary to determine the difference, with what symptomatology to which doctor to handle.

For consultation with a urologist, you must go to the following symptoms:

  • Pain in the projection of the kidneys, in the lower abdomen, in the groin, the genital area;
  • Appearance of signs of renal colic;
  • Soreness in the process of urination, a feeling of overflow of the bladder with the inability to withdraw urine;
  • urinary incontinence;
  • Puffiness under the eyes;
  • Pathological discharge from the urethra or signs of an infectious process;
  • Prostatitis, impotence, sexual impotence.

The urologist conducts an examination, collects an anamnesis of life and illness of the patient, conducts differential diagnosis and prescribes treatment. In addition to medical treatment, the doctor of this specialization also practices surgical interventions. This is another difference from a nephrologist.

In what cases should I contact a nephrologist?

The nephrologist treats, diagnoses and conducts preventive measures for kidney disease. The specialist-nephrologist should be consulted in the following cases:

  • Painful syndrome in the projection of the kidneys;
  • Frequent urination;
  • The appearance of pain and feelings of rubbing in the process of urination;
  • The appearance of swelling of the lower limbs and face;
  • Urine changes color or smell.

The nephrologist is engaged in outpatient and inpatient treatment of patients. In comparison with a urologist, he does not use surgical interventions in his therapy and is only concerned with the kidneys. The urinary system and diseases of the genital organs, this specialist is not engaged.

"Hepatic" problems - who to ask for help?

We have specified, under what conditions the doctor on kidneys is necessary. What is the name of the specialist who deals with liver problems and in what cases should he be treated? We will understand more in detail.

The liver belongs to the organs of the digestive system. It is an organ that performs simultaneously a huge number of functions:

  1. Inactivation of toxic substances, poisonous elements found in the body;
  2. Participation in metabolic processes with the acceleration of the output of their final results.
  3. Active participation in gluconeogenesis.
  4. Production, deposition and excretion of bile for participation in digestion processes.
  5. Accumulation of vitamins and microelements.
  6. Keeping a large number of blood elements.

The painful conditions of this body are also dealt with by two narrow specialists - gastroenterologist and hepatologist. The gastroenterologist treats the liver directly as an element of the digestive system. He is engaged in its treatment in case of appearance of violations on the part of the digestive functions against the background of a morbid condition.

The hepatologist has a broader profile in the field of liver disease. To it it is necessary to address for the help for treatment of the following diseases:

  • Toxic and viral hepatitis;
  • Hepatomegaly or hepatosis;
  • Liver damage due to tuberculosis or syphilis;
  • The formation of liver abscess ;
  • Traumatic and tumor lesions;
  • Thrombosis of the hepatic veins;
  • Infection or invasion of parasites;
  • Hereditary anomalies and autoimmune diseases.


Let's make a brief conclusion in a few words. What doctors treat kidneys - therapist, urologist, nephrologist. What kind of doctors are involved in liver diseases - therapist, gastroenterologist, hepatologist.

When the first symptoms of the disease appear, you should contact the clinic at the place of residence for a qualified diagnosis and choice of treatment. It is in this case that there will be a favorable outcome of the disease.

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