
What breeds of laying hens are bred in Russia?

Chickens have long been the most popular kind of poultry for breeding both on an industrial scale and on their own farmsteads. Other varieties enjoy selective popularity, but almost every family of rural residents buys chickens. This bird is characterized by low demands on the conditions of detention, rapid growth, good productivity.

However, not all chickens are the same. If the farmer wants to succeed in breeding them, one must take into account the direction of productivity and other characteristics of the breed groups. Choosing the right breed of laying hens is the key to the success of your own egg business. The content of the poultry will be profitable, with minimal costs, and the receipt of products - the maximum.

Requirements for hen hens

Of course, the main one is high egg production, that is, egg production. It should be more than 200 eggs per year. What other features distinguish such a bird? Representatives of the breed of hens should have:

  • Early maturity (the beginning of the laying of eggs as early as 4-4.5 months);
  • Light weight;
  • Light skeleton;
  • Low feed intake;
  • Lack of instinct of incubation.

List of popular breeds of chickens

Their pedigree lines are pretty much even without taking into account the inter-linear crosses. Chickens produce two main types of products: meat and eggs, so in general all breeds are divided into meat, egg and mixed. The latter differ in good productivity in both directions, but for each of them it is lower than for specialized ones. What are the best breeds of laying hens? Probably, in this issue it is necessary to focus on their popularity among farmers. This is a good indicator of quality. In Russia, the most actively bred:

  1. Leggornov and their crosses.
  2. White Russian.

The following breeds of hens can also be used:

  1. Orpington.
  2. Rhode Island.
  3. Moscow.
  4. Poltava clayey.
  5. Plymouth Rock.
  6. Sussex.

The bird from the second list refers to the meat-egg direction. It is usually the subject of choice for small household plots, as it has two types of productivity. For industrial production of eggs, on the contrary, their content becomes less profitable, since they consume a lot of food and require more space in the hen house, yielding fewer eggs than a bird of the egg direction.

Brief characteristics of egg breeds

Representatives of the leopard hen breed produce up to 280 eggs per year. They are early and relatively resistant to negative environmental factors. However, for the second year the egg production is significantly reduced, for more than two years they should not be used. Meat they are not very good in taste.

The laying hens of the Loman-Brown breed are cross-legged. They early start to be carried (about 20 weeks from a sort), their productivity - about 300 large eggs a year. Also, their meat is much better in taste than in Leygorn.

White Russian chicken is from the age of five months to 230 small eggs a year. Further, the number of eggs decreases, but their mass increases. The bird itself has a greater weight than leggorms, it has a higher survival rate.

The choice of breed is very important: all of them have advantages and disadvantages. Everything depends on the goals pursued by the farmer. Having identified with them, he will acquire the bird of the desired breed and will get the maximum benefit.

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