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What artists painted historical paintings? Historical and household paintings in the works of Russian artists of the XIX century

Historical paintings, written on real subjects, have always been interesting to Russian and Soviet artists of different levels. This legacy is comparable to the annals of all time. Realistic, supplemented by a certain amount of fiction colorful scenes, landscapes or people - everything is possible. Historical pictures do not know the boundaries in all the diversity of their genre. The main task of the artist is to convey to the judges of art of faith in the realism of even mythical stories. After all, any fairy tale has the right to life, if people want it.

History through the eyes of Ilya Repin

Who does not know the famous Repin "Burlakov" or "Zaporozhye Cossacks"? No one now knows for sure whether these events actually took place. But we believe Repin, because we want it.

Few people know, but the idea of the picture "Zaporozhtsi, writing a letter to the Turkish sultan" Repin hatched for many years. The first sketch was made by him in 1878, and compositionally it was not very different from the last version. There is already a scribe, and a Cossack, pulling up his hand, and some other characters. The composition is distinguished by openness, unlimited plan.

Next, the artist draws two large sketches with an interval of several years. The plot becomes more complete, and the composition is compact. A little later, or rather in 1891 and 1893 years. There are two pictures on the same topic. The first is completely finished, and the second one has remained unfinished. It is interesting that the latest picture is in fact not such. This is an early version, a sketch that Repin finalized at the request of Tretyakov.

Historical subjects in the paintings of G. Myasoedov

Historical and everyday paintings are represented in Myasoedov's work. He discovered love for other subjects in himself in the Academy of Art, where he received a gold medal and a recognition of his talent for his thesis.

Miasoyedova many learn from the picture "Zemstvo dines". This artwork has become one of the most significant in his work. Dark in colors, but surprisingly bright in emotions, the canvas captures the soul and does not let you take your eyes off you. The artist demonstrates the difference between the social strata: the peasants who came to bow to the zemstvos, are forced to wait humbly until the managerial employees are dining. Although the heroes of the picture may well be representatives of the self-government body, but, feeling uncomfortable at the same table with the nobility, huddle to the door and do not dare to have a meal next to them.

Against the background of poverty and disadvantage of the peasant class, the waiter in the zemstvo window looks particularly cynical. Historical events of the picture were discussed by many writers and artists, it was unequivocally accepted, someone tried to imitate the meat-eating style, but this canvas remained a qualitative historical characteristic of the past.

Surikov and his "Boyarina Morozova"

Surikov's historical paintings are always something more than just a story, artistically executed on canvas. The famous "Boyarina Morozova", in contrast to "Zemstvo" Myasoedova, shows not so much the difference of estates as the unity of ordinary people.

The main character is depicted in furs and shackles, she is taken to be executed. But how much pride and disobedience in her gaze! What sympathy in the eyes of the common people! With all the difference in the class status, now, at this moment, they are one. The boyar did not give up her faith, that is, from the people. Soon she will die, but no one will break her life values. Simple people respect her and escort the sleigh.

Surikov's historical paintings are always full of drama and unshakable faith. Bright colors add optimistic notes to works, so they are not perceived depressingly.

Instead of concluding

Historical paintings of artists and never leave anyone indifferent. In any person, at the genetic level, there is a desire to know your history. Emotionality and the transmitted veracity of the story lines make you think and internally cleaned.

Looking at historical pictures written for many decades, and sometimes several hundred years ago, you can see yourself or your friends, relatives, friends in them. After all, only fashion changes with time - people with their experiences, suffering and joy remain the same. History teaches us to live without repeating the mistakes of our ancestors and believing that good lives side by side.

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