Spiritual developmentDream Interpreter

We study the dream book. Bread dreaming of good or bad?

A man sleeps and dreams. Often he remembers these dreams and tries to figure out - what would that mean, I dreamed, probably, not in vain? Perhaps, in this way, he is warned about something, some sign is given to him in a dream? Man is a curious creature, he wants to know everything, so people have tried to learn to solve dreams since ancient times. Even the Bible often mentions cases when the correct interpretation of dreams solved some problems and made it possible to find the right way out of the situation.

What does the dream book tell us, the bread that we have dreamed is explained to us? It all depends on what kind of bread - white or black, dry or fresh, what manipulations were carried out with him in a dream. For example, if a person has dreamed that he shares with someone a crust of bread - this indicates that his condition is strong and he lives in prosperity. Dried, stale bread, on the contrary, portends a need and various troubles. If you have taken bread in your sleep - this may portend a loss of well-being.

Vanga, for example, had his own dream book. Bread, according to its interpretation, foreshadows wealth, and if a person eats it, then a good deal will be waiting for him. According to her predictions, the person cutting bread, does not expect anything good - difficulties in business, obstacles, setbacks. But, in the end, as Vanga interprets, adhering to his opinion about bread, the dreamer will come to well-being, all obstacles are punished.

We look through the oriental dream book - bread, according to its interpretation, also foretells a comfortable life. But baking it means that a person makes great efforts to acquire material goods and succeed in business. The Islamic dream book tells that if a person sees a hard bread in a dream, then he expects his worsening in affairs, which can even lead to poverty.

Following the interpretations given by the Islamic dream book, bread can mean a lot depending on who he dreams about. For example, a trader he talks about honesty, and a craftsman - about good, stable work. But if you dreamed of moldy, unhealthy bread, then it says that you will have wealth that will not bring any rental for the family.

It is also interesting to interpret dreams according to the type of cereals from which bread is baked. What does the dream book say about this? White bread, for example, is almost always associated with well-being and justice, especially if it is well baked and fresh. There is such bread in a dream - good luck and joy for a person, wealth will come to his house and he will not need anything.

Rye, serving as a starting product for baking, does not impart such properties to the product made from it, its dream book does not favor it. Black bread can lead to a complete decline in the material well-being of the person to whom he dreams. This is confirmed by the Italian dream book composed by Meneghetti. He also warns that buying bread in a dream - to profit, there is it - for joy, to sell - to well-being, to get out of the oven - to health and success in business.

In the world there are many books that describe how to explain this or that dream. There is even a love dream. This, for example, says that if a woman in a dream eats bread, then this heralds a disappointment in love. Most likely, she is tired of fleeting connections and strives to create a family hearth. If a woman saw a fresh, only baked, fragrant bread in a dream - she is expected to get acquainted with a pleasant and easy person.

Stale bread, seen in a dream by a single woman, can warn her that on the way she will meet long-forgotten love. Should I go back to the past? It is unlikely that anything good will come of it. If a lonely person dreams that he is standing in a long queue to buy a loaf of bread, this indicates that he is trying to arrange his family life, but, alas, so far, unsuccessfully.

Whatever the different dream books say, they all boil down to one thing: bread is a very important product in a person's life, and he will necessarily symbolize some important changes in life.

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