HealthDiseases and Conditions

Ways of transmission of anthrax. Methods of prevention

Despite the high level of development of medicine, at the present time there are a number of pathogens that can provoke the development of infectious diseases in humans and animals . Many of them are very amenable to therapy, and some have to fight for a long time. We will talk about one of these diseases - we will consider how anthrax develops. The causative agent, the transmission routes, the treatment of the named ailment will also be covered later in the article.

What is the disease?

This disease is known since ancient times, for all this time it changed its name, but in Russia it received such a name for what was predominantly prevalent in the regions of Siberia. Fortunately, at present, cases of it are very rare.

The anthrax of the transmission route has different, but in any case this is an acute and rather dangerous infectious disease that is caused by the Bacillus anthracis microorganism. The development of the disease can not be overlooked, since specific carbuncles with cutaneous form or other pronounced symptoms appear on the skin of the infected.

Causes of the disease

The provocateur of infection is an optional anaerobic Gram-positive bacterium. Under a microscope, it looks like a stick with chopped ends. In the oxygen medium begins to form spores.

The pathogenicity of this pathogen is determined by the presence of a capsule and the synthesis of exotoxin. The toxin produced by the bacterium is able to have an inflammatory effect in the body of both humans and animals and lead to a lethal outcome. Effects on the body usually manifests itself:

  • Swelling of tissues;
  • Violation of tissue respiration;
  • Oppression of phagocytes.

The vegetative forms of the pathogen are rather unstable in the environment, almost instantly die by boiling or heating more than 60 degrees. But about the body spores this can not be said. They retain their viability in water and soil for several years, and even a few minutes of boiling do not deprive them of their ability to reproduce.

In the soil, disputes can not only wait for unfavorable conditions, but also sprout. Anthrax transmission routes can be different. Through the soil - one of them. Therefore, it is necessary to observe precautionary measures, especially in those areas where the cases are documented.

Sources of infection for humans

Anthrax is transmitted to a person, as already mentioned, in different ways, and this affects its clinical manifestations. Before you get acquainted with them, let's see how the source of infection can get inside the human body.

Anthrax transmission routes can be as follows:

  • Contact-household;
  • Air-dust;
  • Food.

Let's look at each of them in more detail.

Transmission of infection by contact and household

So how does the pathogen get into the human body with the diagnosis of anthrax? The transmission paths are different, but the most common are just a few. The most common infections are:

  • When caring for sick animals;
  • If there was contact with secretions of infected animals;
  • On contact with wool, meat, skin of sick animals;
  • As a result of contact with the corpses of animals;
  • When using products from contaminated materials, for example, skins or wool.

In this case, the gate for penetration of the infection is various damage to the skin. After the pathogen has penetrated inside, a carbuncle is formed in this place, surrounded by bubbles with liquid. Skin that is around, swells - so affects the effect of toxin, released by the bacterium. It disrupts blood circulation, causing swelling and death of tissues.

The causative agent begins to multiply intensively and through the lymph vessels can safely enter the general bloodstream, and then into other tissues and organs, thereby causing their defeat and disruption of work.

Infiltration by airborne dust

But with the diagnosis of "anthrax" the causative agent is transmitted to man and through the air. In this case, the respiratory tract serves as a gateway for infection. Disputes after ingestion are sent to the lungs. The struggle of the immune system with bacteria begins, it pushes them into the lymph nodes, whose task is to rid the body of foreign agents.

But bacterial spores also do not sleep and in the lymphatic system they kill immune cells, and then freely enter the bloodstream. There begins the process of their active reproduction, toxic substances are released, which cause heavy damage to the entire body.

Literally within 7 days the microorganisms multiply so much that the vessels can not stand and begin to bleed. The blood loss leads to disruption of the functioning of many important organs, which often ends in a fatal outcome.

Infection Pathways

We examined two ways of transmission of anthrax, but there is also a third - food. Infection in this case occurs if you eat the meat of an infected animal after a bad heat treatment. Gates for penetration of the pathogen in this case is the mucosa of the gastrointestinal tract.

After such infection, the cecal lesion is most often affected. Her mucous membrane becomes covered with ulcers, and then begins to die. Spores of bacteria are transported to the lymph nodes, and bacteremia develops.

Gradually, the number of bacteria grows in the lymphatic system, and the patient has ascites and intestinal obstruction.

This way of infection implies in some cases the development of pathology in the oropharynx, then you can see damage in the form of skin ulcers at the entrance to this department.

Forms of the disease

As you can see, a serious disease is a serious anthrax. The ways of transmission of infection are different, and depending on this a certain form of pathology develops:

  1. Cutaneous form. It also has varieties:
  • Carbuncleous;
  • Edematous;
  • Bullous.

2. The generalized form. In this case we observe:

  • Pulmonary variety;
  • Intestinal;
  • Septic.

As already mentioned, the ways of transmission of anthrax determine the form of the disease. Each is manifested by its symptoms and manifestations, we will consider them.

Symptoms of a cutaneous form of the disease

It should be borne in mind that this disease has a relatively short incubation period, it can last from several hours to several days. And it does not matter what anthrax agent is, the ways of transmission, the reasons. A maximum of two weeks later, the disease begins to show its symptoms.

The cutaneous form is the most common. On the epidermis, in the place where the infection has penetrated, a speck of a few millimeters in diameter appears, red. After a while it becomes copper-red and rises above the skin. The sufferer at this time excruciates an itch and a small burning sensation.

After a few hours, the papule becomes a vesicle with serous contents, in which, after a short period of time, an admixture of blood is found. If the neoplasm is combed, the vesicle bursts and an ulcer appears that has raised edges. Secondary vesicles appear on them.

Passes a couple of weeks, and in the center of the ulcer appears black scab gradually increasing in size. It is formed as a result of necrosis of tissues.

An important sign of the disease is a loss of sensitivity in the area of the scab, around it an inflammatory crimson purple is formed. On the periphery there is edema, which is especially pronounced in places with loose subcutaneous tissue, for example, on the face. By the way, the localization of pathology on the face is quite dangerous, since swelling can affect the respiratory tract and lead to asphyxia and death.

Already at the very beginning (regardless of which anthrax has an anthrax, the transmission routes), the symptoms of the pathology are as follows:

  1. High body temperature.
  2. Strong headache.
  3. Intoxication of the body.
  4. There is an ache in the body, especially in the lower back.

During the disease, several carbuncles can form, their number is capable of reaching up to 10. Anthrax (the transmission routes of infection do not play a role in this case) can be of medium severity and severe. If ulcers appear on the head, neck, in the oral cavity, then the disease is most difficult and there is a risk of sepsis development.

But timely therapy suggests the outcome with the cutaneous form of the disease is quite favorable.

Symptoms of pulmonary form

We examined the ways of transmission of anthrax, among them air-dust, in which this form of the disease develops. After the incubation period has passed, typical signs of respiratory failure can be observed. In the first period, the disease exhibits the following symptoms:

  • headache;
  • General malaise;
  • Lacrimation;
  • muscle pain;
  • cough and runny nose;
  • tachycardia;
  • dyspnea.

The duration of manifestation of such symptoms is up to 2 days, and then the disease enters its second phase - begins a strong intoxication of the body, which manifests itself by raising the temperature to 40-41 degrees. There are pains in the chest, chills, cough, at which sputum with an admixture of blood departs.

If the doctor listens to the patient, then rattles are heard, large zones of blunting of percussion sound over the lungs are formed.

In the third phase, cardiovascular insufficiency, pulmonary edema and oliguria develop. Its duration is up to 12 hours.

This form can also be said to be amenable to therapy if it is started in a timely manner.

Manifestations of intestinal form

This kind of disease is quite difficult, and there is a big risk that it will end badly. Anthrax, the pathway of transmission of which we are considering, penetrates through the intestinal tract.

The first phase of the disease has a short duration of up to 36 hours and shows the following symptoms:

  • headache;
  • dizziness;
  • Pain in the throat;
  • chills;
  • High temperature.

When the first phase is replaced by the second, there is still pain in the abdomen, nausea, vomiting, with an admixture of blood, diarrhea. In stool, too, there are veins of blood.

The third phase is the most dangerous - there is an increase in cardiac decompensation. Patients experience fear, anxiety appears. The person acquires a pink-cyanotic color. Sometimes on skin integuments hemorrhagic rashes are formed. The liquid accumulates in the intestinal cavity, which leads to an increase in the abdomen.

The infectious process gradually progresses, and patients may have a violation of the swallowing process, bleeding, breathing problems, which can eventually lead to death.

Symptoms of septic form

This form of the disease is not so common and can develop as a consequence of the severe course of any other species. It begins because the anthrax and its toxins are circulated through the circulatory system and affect various tissues and organs. Negative effects of the pathogen and its metabolic products can lead to the development of an infectious-toxic shock.

In patients with this form of pathology, the following symptoms are observed:

  • Increase body temperature to 41 degrees.
  • Appears shortness of breath.
  • Chills.
  • The respiratory rate increases.
  • There are pains in the chest.
  • Cough with phlegm and impurity of blood.
  • Stomach ache.
  • Nausea and vomiting, with blood.
  • The chair is thin and bloody.

If you do not take urgent measures, then everything can end badly.

Diagnosis of the disease

To make an accurate diagnosis, you need to go through three stages:

  1. Microscopic examination.
  2. Isolation of bacterial culture by inoculation on nutrient medium.
  3. Bioassays on laboratory animals.

If there is anthrax, a pathogen, ways of transmission from a person, to make a diagnosis are not important. A blood test can show:

  • Reduction of white blood cell count.
  • Increase of lymphocytes.
  • The rate of erythrocyte sedimentation increases.

For the formulation of an accurate diagnosis, the following materials are examined:

  • Blood.
  • Contents of carbuncle and vesicles.
  • Take the separated scab.
  • With a pulmonary form, sputum is examined.
  • If there is a suspicion of intestinal form, then examine the vaginal and vomiting masses.

Serological diagnostic methods are also used, such as the Ascoli thermocompatibility reaction, luminescent serological analysis, and others. Patients who are suspected of anthrax carry out a skin-allergic test with Anthraxin.

It should be clarified that, given that anthrax is a dangerous and contagious disease, all studies are conducted in special closed laboratories.

Disease therapy

We examined the ways of anthrax transmission, prevention and treatment of anthrax should also be studied. Let's start with therapy, which includes the following methods:

  1. Infusion therapy. In this case, infusion of intravenous solutions that support and make up the volume of intracellular and cellular fluid in the body. Solutions can be poured in: colloid (Polyglucin), crystalloid (glucose solution, Ringer's solution), blood products (albumin, blood plasma)
  2. Reception of antibacterial drugs. Appointed drugs to which the bacterium is sensitive, most often these are drugs from the penicillin group. With intolerance, "Penicillin" is prescribed:
  • "Tetracycline."
  • Ciprofloxacin.
  • "Levofloxacin".
  • "Dioxycycline."
  • If the disease is severe, then glucocorticosteroids are used. This is especially true of the septic form of the disease.

3. Introduction of anti-STI immunoglobulin. It contains already ready antibodies. This is done in order to create immunity to the pathogen. Immunoglobulin can be administered both for therapeutic and preventive purposes.

It should be noted that the treatment will give its positive results if the diagnosis is timely made and adequate therapy is prescribed.

Prevention of disease

We examined the ways of anthrax transmission, while prevention will reduce the risk of infection. It includes the following measures:

  • Vaccination of people who have a high risk of getting infected.
  • Veterinary services should regularly check pets for the presence of an agent.
  • Carrying out vaccination of animals.
  • Workers of farms should be supplied with overalls: masks, gowns, gloves.
  • Implementation of sanitary and veterinary control over transportation, storage, processing of meat products.
  • Carrying out sanitary-educational work among the population.

If we consider anti-epidemiological measures, then they include:

  1. Identification of infected, in the early stages.
  2. Registration of all cases of disease and communication to the appropriate authorities.
  3. Implementation of transportation by special transport, which is then subject to disinfection.
  4. Timely hospitalization of infected patients.
  5. To write out from hospital the patient it is possible only after full recover, when analyzes and researches confirm absence of the originator.
  6. Infection carriers (meat, animals) should be destroyed.
  7. Identify the disease among animals and isolate them at an early stage.
  8. The corpses of sick animals should not just be buried, but burned.
  9. If an anthrax dies a person, then the corpse is wrapped with an oilcloth, and chlorine lime is poured onto the bottom of the coffin .

Despite the fact that this disease is now occurring less and less, its cases among domestic and wild animals are periodically observed, and every person should know which ways of anthrax transmission are in order to protect themselves from infection as much as possible. If you have livestock, you should regularly invite veterinarians to take tests and examine the animal. This is required for your own safety.

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