
Venokle preparation: instructions for use, analogs, composition and reviews

Preparations for the treatment of diseases of veins and blood vessels have been gaining popularity in recent years. They are used by women and men who have similar problems, as well as persons who have undergone surgical treatment. This article will tell you about the medicine Venolek. Instructions for use, price, reviews about it will be described for you. It is also worth mentioning about what medicines can replace the treatment.

general characteristics

What information does the user give me about the Venolek tool? The abstract says that the main active substance of this drug is diosmin. One tablet contains 500 milligrams of this component. There are also additional components that do not have a significant impact on the state of human health and are only auxiliary.

Substitutes of the preparation

Among other things, in the article for you will be described to the preparation "Venolek" instructions for use. Price, reviews, analogues will also be indicated. About the latter I want to talk in more detail. It should be noted that the choice of substitutes for such drugs should be exclusively specialist after the inspection. If we talk about medications based on diosmin, the most popular analogues of "Venolek" will be "Detraleks" and "Venarus". In their composition, these drugs are identical, but Detralex costs several times more. Among the substitutes are such means as "Flebodia", "Diosmin", "Venotec".

There are analogues that have in their composition other active substances. However, the effect of their application is expected to be the same. These are medicines with the trade name "Troxevasin", "Lyoton", "Heparin", "Antistaks" and many others. Please note that these compounds also have other indications for use than the "Venolek".


What does the instruction for the application tell the patient about the Venolek preparation? The annotation always indicates the main indications for the use of a given medicine. In our case this is:

  • Chronic venous insufficiency;
  • Prevention of varicose veins ;
  • Condition after phlebectomy or other type of treatment;
  • Acute and chronic hemorrhoids (treatment and prevention).

It is unacceptable to take the medicine on your own. Recommendations for use should always be given by a qualified specialist after a preliminary examination and examination. In some cases, doctors recommend pills for tablets. In this situation, there is no need to visit the doctor before each use of the drug, unless you have other recommendations.

Contraindications to use

The abstract indicates that in some cases it is better to refrain from treatment with Venolek. Instruction for use says that the tablets have contraindications. They are never prescribed to patients under the age of 18 years, as well as individuals with increased sensitivity to the components. The drug is not allowed to use in women during lactation. If there is a need for such therapy, then it is necessary to stop breastfeeding for a while.

Venolek tablets: instructions for use

The medication is prescribed in accordance with the patient's complaints and his clinical condition. For the treatment and prevention of venous insufficiency , 2 capsules per day (day and night) are taken, preferably with meals. After surgical treatment, this therapy is prolonged for up to 2-4 months. If it is necessary to treat acute hemorrhoids, the patient is assigned to 6 tablets per day for 4 days. After that, go to a smaller dose - 4 tablets for three days. The total dose of the drug is always divided into two applications.

Special situations

Before using the medicine Venolek, the instructions for use should always be carefully studied. If you believe the annotations, then the described agent can be used during pregnancy. It will be an excellent prevention of stagnation of venous blood in the lower limbs, as well as a warning against the formation of hemorrhoids. After all, during pregnancy, expectant mothers get similar problems. Remember that doctors on this matter have a different point of view. Experts do not advise taking the medicine in the first trimester. Despite the absence of toxic action, it is better to warn the emerging fetus. If possible, the therapy is delayed up to 20 weeks.

Adverse Reactions

In most cases, with a properly selected dosage, the preparation Venolek is well tolerated. Instructions for use, reviews report that only in some cases it is possible to develop unpleasant reactions. These include allergies, digestive disorders, increased flatulence, headaches and general malaise. Treatment usually with such symptoms is not required. All unpleasant manifestations go away immediately after the drug is discontinued. To avoid such symptoms, do not recommend exceeding the prescribed dose of the medicine "Venolek" (tablets) instructions for use.

Price, reviews

Consumers say that the remedy has a fairly quick effect. Unlike the preparation "Venarus", which shows the effect only after two weeks of regular use, the "Venolec" agent works immediately. The composition is excreted mainly by the intestines and kidneys 11 hours after application. A medication is issued for 10, 30, 50 or 60 tablets per package. The greatest demand is for packs of medium size - 30 pieces. Such a medicine will cost about 500 rubles. Note that the more pills in the package, the more profitable to buy the goods.

Patients remain satisfied with the drug. A special effect is noted by representatives of the weaker sex. Women due to their appearance often have to walk on their heels. During the day, the legs are very tired and sometimes swell. At night, the fairer sex can feel cramps. However, with the beginning of therapy with the drug "Venolek" everything passes. The blood circulation is normalized, the elasticity of blood vessels and capillaries is improved. Blood circulates better in its own channel.

Men often have to use a medicine to treat hemorrhoids. Doctors say that such therapy should be short-term. If within a few days you do not feel better, then it's worth visiting a proctologist for a visit as soon as possible. Perhaps, it is in your case, such drugs will already be powerless.

Women who took the medicine during pregnancy talk about its safety. Even after prolonged therapy, the composition did not have any effect on the future baby. As a result, representatives of the weaker sex were able to prevent varicose veins and relieve themselves of hemorrhoids. During lactation and in the last weeks of pregnancy, the drug is not recommended for use due to the fact that there is no clinical data on the penetration of the drug into breast milk. It is still unknown how the newborn baby's body can react to the received portion of diosmin. In any case, it's better to be safe.

Small conclusion of the article: results

You learned about the effective Russian preparation Venolek. Instructions for use, price, reviews and analogs are presented to your attention. Despite all the positive opinions and information from the instructions, do not use the tool yourself. Always remember about adverse reactions and individual dosage. If you need to use a medicine, consult a doctor. Probably, the doctor will recommend to you complex therapy which will include not only medicines for oral administration, but local remedies (ointments, gels, suppositories and so on). Watch for the health of your veins and blood vessels. All the best to you!

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