
Valide Safiye-Sultan: biography, history, children and interesting facts

Very little information we knew about the Ottoman Empire. We were practically not familiar with the life of the Sultans, who ruled the state several centuries ago. This gap in our knowledge was filled up a little when the series "The Magnificent Age" appeared on the screens, in which the life of Suleiman I the Magnificent and his concubine, Hurrem, was presented. Having looked at it, many people realized that the history of the Ottoman Empire and the life of the harems are in fact very fascinating. When the series ended, its creators decided to withdraw the sequel. New heroes were introduced to the audience. One of the main personalities is the valid Safiye Sultan. Her life was interesting and full.

Origin of the Sultana

Valide Safiye was once one of the most important figures of the Ottoman Empire. She was born around 1550. Historians believe that Safiye was of Venetian origin. She, in accordance with some versions, was the daughter of Leonard Buffo, who was the Venetian governor of Corfu. The Muslim pirates captured her about the age of 13 and were brought to Istanbul.

Later, the girl was bought by Mikhrimah Sultan. The daughter of Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent and the Khurem Sultan made such an acquisition with the aim of making a gift to his nephew Murad III, born from Selim II and Nurbanu-Sultan, in the future. So the future Safiye-Sultan fell into the Ottoman Empire and the palace. At first she had a different name. Her name was Sophia. In the palace she received a new name - Safiye. It meant "pure, naive, innocent beauty."

Beloved Sultan

The gift presented to Murad III, I liked. Safiye became the only beloved of the Sultan. In 1568 she gave birth to Mehmed III's sheh-zade. For many years the sultan loved Safiye. Later, Safiye Sultan's children were born, but they all died very early, without living for several years. Nurbanu-sultan gave advice to her son - to take for the blessing of the dynasty other concubines.

The relationship between Murad III and Safiyya changed when Esmehan Sultan, the Sultan's sister, brought new slaves to the harem. In the life of the ruler of the Ottoman Empire, new beautiful and young concubines appeared. Safiye worried about this, but she tried not to show her jealousy. For wisdom, Murad greatly respected her. He consulted her, listened to her opinion. Murad was not officially married to Safiyya, but, despite this, she was all considered the wife of the Sultan.

About Nurbanu Sultan

Nurbanu-sultan saw the influence of Safiye on her son. She constantly tried to remove the concubine from the Sultan and shake her power over him. Walide Nurbanu-sultan acted with her daughters, she bought from all corners of the world slaves and gave them to her son.

Throughout his life, Nurbanu-Sultan had unlimited power. If Safiye Sultan wanted to do something at this time, then it would not work. Sultan loved his mother. Her death was for him the strongest blow. He arranged a funeral for his mother. Later, he ordered the construction of a mosque in honor of Nurbanu-Sultan. By its grandeur the structure is superior to the Suleiman mosque. And in occasion of Safiye it is worth noting that to her power passed only after the death of Murad's mother.

The formation of the Valid Sultan

In 1595 the sultan Murad III died. The ruler of the Ottoman Empire was Mehmed III. As the biography shows, Safiye-sultan became a valid, because her son ascended the throne. My mother did not have a fear of conspiracy by her next of kin. Mehmed III from the first days took care of their safety. He committed the largest fratricide in the history of the Ottomans - he ordered the strangling of 19 brothers. In the modern world such an act seems terrible, but earlier it was a custom that was followed by all the sultans.

Murad III's pregnant favorites were also killed. They were drowned in the Bosphorus by the order of the young sultan. In the sea were also thrown those people who could be feared. The remaining concubines of the Sultan, wives and daughters were taken to Eski Saray. In the palace remained Safiye-sultan. She received great power and income.

Influence on son

Valide Safiye subordinated her son to herself. This is evidenced by many historical sources. Warlords often complained about it. They said that the sultan ruled over Mehmed III and deceived him. The Sultan respected his mother and followed her advice.

Safiye sought to translate her desires, but not always she acted on her own. Some of the measures she took through other people, so as not to provoke the Sultan's anger to himself. One example may be cited. Mehmed III a year after the beginning of the board decided to organize a campaign against the Habsburgs. Valide Safiye-Sultan was worried about her son. She did not want him to go to war. Walide talked with the concubine, whom the young sultan loved very much, and ordered her to tell Mehmed that he would not go camping. The girl talked to the sultan, but it cost her life. The enraged Mehmed killed the concubine.

Sultansha could not dissuade her son from the war, but this does not mean that she did not have power. Her power was embodied in many other things. Walid corresponded with the Queen of England Elizabeth I. They respected each other, discussed business issues, exchanged luxurious gifts. The power of the Valid was also reflected in the construction of the New Mosque in Eminönü.

Life in the Old Palace

Power Validida Safiyya ended with the death of her son. There was this event in 1603. Ahmad I, the young Shekhzadeh, who was only 13 at the time, ascended to the Ottoman throne. He was born from Mehmed III and Khandan Sultan. It was she who became a new valida. The all-powerful Safiyya was once sent to the Old Palace on the orders of Ahmed.

The former Valid, lost its power, was forced to stop the construction of a mosque on the shores of the Golden Horn. The unfinished building was transferred to the power of the natural elements, because of what it began to deteriorate and collapse. The rest of her life, Safiye spent in the Old Palace. During the reign of Ahmed I, and after his death during the reign of Mustafa I received money. All payments were recorded in documents. At the end of 1618, this information had already ceased to occur. In this regard, historians date the death of Safiye Sultan in 1618. Thus ended the era of this great woman.

Safiye in the "Magnificent Century"

To learn about such a well-known personality of the Ottoman Empire, as Safiye, the audience was able to view the series "The Magnificent Age." Young concubine of young Murad was played by Gözde Turker, an actress. Safiye Sultan viewers saw in the series in which Shahhzade came to the palace to his mother Nurbanu-Sultan.

In the series, Murad met with Mikhrimah Sultan, who asked about his opinion about the present. Shehzadeh announced that Safiye-hatun became the sun of his happiness and that soon the first Shehzadeh will appear in the world. Nurbanu-sultan was disturbed by such a gift, because the concubine could execute the orders of Mikhrimah-Sultan. Later in the series they showed the conversation to Nurban and Safiye. It was clear from him that the concubine was a strong and far from stupid girl, who knew that her epoch would come.

Safiye in the continuation of the series

In the continuation of the series "The Magnificent Age" Safiye-sultan (the role played by Hulia Avshar) appears before the audience in adulthood. She is seen as a strong woman who does not want to lose her power and goes to any measures for the sake of it. The plot of the series is a bit at odds with the historical information. In it, viewers see that after the beginning of Ahmed's reign I Safiyya has been in the palace for a long time. She keeps a harem in her hands, wreathes intrigues, does not admit the Khandan Sultan to power.

In the series, Ahmed I respects Safiyya and does not see in it any danger to himself. However, from the valid, you can expect anything. If necessary, she could find a way to kill Ahmed I. Only the Kyosem, the beloved concubine of the Sultan, succeeds in getting rid of the sultan. Only after her done intrigues, which allowed to find out the truth, were the Valida sent to the Old Palace.

From all of the above, it can be concluded that the story of Safiye Sultan is interesting. From a young and inexperienced concubine grew a wise woman, who was able to achieve considerable in her life, something that other slaves could only dream about.

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