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Ureaplasma during pregnancy

In our time, a rare pregnancy does without complications. Therefore, a comprehensive examination of the body before the planned pregnancy should become the norm. Ureaplasma during pregnancy has become quite common among women. For an unborn baby such a disease carries serious risks, so it's worth taking seriously to its availability. Normally, in any human body, a small number of ureaplasma bacteria live, which do not cause any harm, but during pregnancy their number increases and is dangerous for the baby.

How to recognize such a disease as ureaplasma in pregnancy? Symptoms of it are similar to male urethritis - there are mucous discharge, pain in the lower abdomen and during urination. These phenomena are usually short-lived, and it seems that all this does not really matter, since it passed so quickly. For this reason, women often do not pay attention to these temporary inconveniences and unpleasant symptoms. But the insidious virus settles in the body and waits for an opportunity, when the body weakens. During pregnancy, there is a major overhaul of the whole organism, so the defensive strength of it weakens, allowing many diseases to progress. The ureaplasma is transferred from one sexual partner to another and from mother to child during childbirth.

Ureaplasmosis gives complications to many body systems and is also manifested as problems with the genitourinary system, cystitis, meningitis, endometritis, bladder stones, pneumonia and other infections. Erosion of the cervix and endometritis are often the consequences of ureaplasma.

How is ureaplasma diagnosed during pregnancy? To determine the presence of the disease, a woman is gently done with a smear, this method is called PCR diagnostics. Special serological tests are also used - antibodies to the causative agent are identified by the blood test.

Ureaplasma parvum during pregnancy can cause a miscarriage, especially if it occurs during the period of fetal formation. Due to malformations in the first trimester, the disease can lead to the termination of pregnancy. That is why you need to contact the doctor in a timely manner and undergo all necessary examinations. In the second and last trimester, the disease contributes to the development of hypoxia and the lack of nutrients due to the occurrence of fetoplacental insufficiency. If ureaplasma is detected during pregnancy, you do not need to interrupt it. Think about the good, because now there are different methods of treating this disease.

Depending on how the pregnancy proceeds and from its term, ureaplasmosis is treated differently. If there is a threat of interruption, treatment should begin immediately. But if everything is more or less normal, then the treatment is postponed to a later date, after 30 weeks, so as not to strain the already hard work of the liver of a pregnant woman. Treatment will be a guarantee that during the passage through the birth canal the baby will not get infected from the mother. During recovery, the sex life should be minimized and treated both partners.

Currently, medicine is capable of much, and the treatment of such a disease as ureaplasma during pregnancy does not cause any problems, most importantly - in time to consult a qualified doctor. A competent specialist will select the most harmless drugs that will help overcome the disease and expel it from the body. If you turn to a professional in time, then the pregnancy will continue to develop. Self-medication without the help of a doctor and the delivery of the necessary tests can not be done, because only a specialist is able to assess the situation and make the right decision. Moreover, pregnant women need special supervision.

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