HealthHealthy Eating

Unique vegetable cucumber: benefits, recommendations, harm

Surprisingly, cucumbers have roots of Indian origin. Even in ancient Egypt and ancient Greece, this vegetable was given a special place of honor at the festive table. To date, juicy cucumber is widely used, and not only in nutrition. It is successfully used in cosmetology, for the preparation of drinks and as a remedy.

Cucumber, the benefit of which is its chemical composition, is 95% water. With its help it is easy to quench your thirst, it retains some of the useful substances. The remaining flesh is rich in vitamins of group B, PP, A, and also contains iodine, iron, ascorbic acid, magnesium, aluminum, chlorine, silver and other useful substances. It is worth noting that the most valuable is a cucumber, the benefit of which was formed when grown outdoors. Hothouse their cousins have less active medicinal properties.

In folk medicine, a juicy vegetable is used as a diuretic. It perfectly supports the heart muscle, lowers blood pressure. Atherosclerotic, hypotensive, tonic, spasmolytic, laxative - whatever you call a cucumber, its usefulness for an organism is invaluable. That is why it is recommended for consumption by many people for both medical and preventive purposes.

Regular use of cucumbers helps to cleanse the joints and remove slag accumulations from the body. With its help, constipation of atonic type, meteorism, destroy putrefactive microflora in the intestine, increase the acidity of the gastric secretion.

Tartron acid, which contains cucumber, is the benefit and the lack of excess weight. It prevents the conversion of carbohydrates into fat cells. This wonderful vegetable perfectly fits into the composition of any diet. It can be used as the main product for a fasting day.

Cucumbers have a supporting effect in the treatment of diseases of the thyroid gland. The antipyretic property of a green vegetable is due to its sweating action on the body.

Do not know what to make of cucumbers? Most often they are used in fresh and salads. Also they are salted, marinated or consume salted. Cucumbers are included in the composition of summer cold soups: okroshka, beetroot, etc. It is worth noting that they are still very useful to the body in fresh form.

"Cucumbers: good and bad" - someone will find this statement strange, because if everything is useful, then is there really any harm from consuming cucumbers ?! This is more a warning, reminding a simple truth that everything is useful within the limits of the norm. Excessive consumption of cucumber fruits can provoke bloating and diarrhea. Persons with diseases of the digestive system, accompanied by high acidity, it is desirable to exclude cucumbers from the diet. The earliest fruits contain a lot of nitrates, which accumulate in the process of feeding fruits. In this regard, it is recommended to clean the fruit part of cucumbers from the peel. Their tips also need to be removed, because It is here that the bulk of harmful substances are concentrated.

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