HealthDiseases and Conditions

To itself the otolaryngologist, or how to treat an otitis in house conditions?

Inflammation of the auricle, called otitis and accompanied by purulent discharge and persistent aching pain, is an extremely common ailment. So for many people the question of how to treat otitis in the home is not idle. Specificity of the earplug is such that any of its diseases manifests itself immediately and sometimes in a rather severe form. To joke with ears is not necessary - it can lead to too heavy and unpredictable consequences.

The answer to the question of how to treat otitis media at home depends primarily on what kind of otitis it is. Inflammatory process can be affected by various departments of the body of hearing. There are three of them, therefore, the types of this disease are classified as otitis externa , middle or inner otitis . Here it should be noted that the question of how to treat otitis media at home is appropriate only in the first two cases. When it comes to the otitis of the inner ear (labyrinthitis), which is too serious a diagnosis that requires clinical treatment only in a medical hospital, you should immediately contact a qualified specialist. It must be remembered that self-medication not only will not bring benefits, but it can also cause significant harm. In addition, it is such a rapidly developing and dangerous variety that literally every minute counts.

In other cases, otitis treatment at home can be very effective. But, one way or another, the help of an otolaryngologist will be required, since only an examination of a qualified specialist will help to establish absolutely unequivocally what kind of disease it is. In addition, it is extremely important to prevent this extremely unpleasant disease, since it is easier to prevent than to cure later. Therefore, in addition to answering the question of how to treat otitis media at home, it is necessary to form a clear picture of the causes of its otitis.

Otitis of the external type is often a consequence of violation of basic sanitary and hygienic rules. For example, many people try to clean their ears completely unsuitable for this procedure with objects that also contain a lot of pathogenic bacteria: matches, pins, even toothpicks that not only can damage an extremely fragile ear membrane, but also infect an infection. Relevant are also such causes as contamination of the ear concha and the common cold.

To recognize external otitis can be on the following symptoms: severe ear pain (sometimes irradiating type), increasing when pressed, puffiness of neighboring tissues, purulent discharge. The occurrence of otitis media is often associated with the penetration of pathogens into this area. Most often this type of otitis is triggered by a cold, sore throat, measles, scarlet fever or another disease that affects the nasopharynx. The nature of the pain in this case is more often acute-pulsating with a feeling of rapid lumbago. Ears pawns, noise appears in them. Often all this is accompanied by a decrease in hearing and an increase in temperature.

Symptoms of much more dangerous internal otitis have a pronounced character: from unbearable pains to severe dizziness, bouts of nausea, vomiting and even loss of orientation. There is a sharp temperature jump. Home treatment in this case is completely excluded. This process can be extinguished only in the conditions of a specialized medical institution. Often, the labyrinthite requires surgical intervention, after which hearing-repair procedures are prescribed.

It should be noted here that no single case of otitis can be left without proper attention. Even if you have an easy degree, with which you have coped without medical help exclusively at home. Of course, the treatment of otitis in adults is much easier than that of children, but it also requires the most serious and responsible attitude towards oneself. In other words, it is necessary to inform medical workers of the appropriate profile about their propensity to ear inflammatory processes. A proper examination and subsequent preventive measures, carried out according to the recommendations of a specialist, will help to avoid relapses.

As for the home methods of fighting this disease, gauze turundas impregnated with 70% alcohol solution and introduced into the ear aperture can help with the otitisation of the external ear. In parallel, you can put a compress on the ear with camphor oil. Its heating effect can quickly relieve inflammation. In case of wrinkling it is necessary to clean with furacilin or boric acid. With abundant purulent discharge, this procedure must be repeated at least three times a day. For this, ordinary ear wands are quite suitable. If the pus has a too thick consistency, then the cleaning process must begin with pouring into the auricle of a three per cent solution of hydrogen peroxide. The final stage of the treatment process should be instillation of the affected ear with the drug "Tsipromed". For this purpose, a solution of dioxidine may also be used.

Treatment of otitis media of the middle ear involves procedures similar to those described above. In addition, instillation of the ear with a warm alcohol solution can help, but only if there is no purulent discharge. This type of otitis provides for mandatory bed rest. In the case of intense purulent discharge it is possible to resort to the help of such antibacterial drugs as "Levomycetin" and "Sofreks".

As a rule, a full course of treatment of otitis takes no more than ten days. But be sure to remember: if after three days of treatment purulent discharge does not stop, it is necessary to urgently resort to qualified medical care.

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