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"There is a person - there is a problem, there is no person - there is no problem" ... Who said the meaning of the utterance

Winged expressions, stable phrases, turns of speech - all this is found in our life everywhere. They are full of speech, they are full of movies and radio, television, and literature.

It will be interesting to understand who said: "There is no person - there is no problem". These words often put into the mouth villains, heroes of numerous criminal serials of one famous television channel.


If we conduct a small survey among the reading population of our country, many will reply that the winged expression first flew out of the mouth of the "Leader of the Peoples" - Comrade Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin (Dzhugashvili). From the history of the Land of Soviets it is for certain known that this man was a cruel personality capable of taking extreme measures against the "enemies of the people".

Who were they, these same "enemies of the people"? According to historians, the leader very often suspected people of conspiracies and betrayals. This kind of mistrust in itself is alarming. Probably, the man had developed a persecution mania - one of the mental disorders. His companions noted that the head of the country had a hard look, suppressed his energy, was suspicious and kept his entourage in fear.

But, being "at the helm" of power, Stalin could afford any actions, urging them into the framework of political expediency. Finding out the question of who said: "There is no man - no problem", it is quite possible to assume that this expression belongs to Joseph Stalin.

The meaning of the statement

It is important to understand the meaning of such a "bold" statement, how a person could say such things at all.

Indeed, in those days, death solved all problems: there is no person - there are no problems. The black funnel at the entrance to the years of repression caused horror among the population. Arrests, camps, "enemies of the people" - gloomy symbols of the 30s and 40s for the USSR. Historians call the stages of repression "waves." The arrests occurred as if by magic, a magical schizophrenic wand.

Stalin saw enemies everywhere: in the army (talented generals were shot), in medicine (the famous "doctors' case"). Moreover, among the ordinary people - workers, peasants and intelligentsia - there were a sufficient number of "traitors to Soviet power." Actually, eliminating people, the "leader of the peoples" eliminated problems, as he himself thought.

The shootings and the camps spread so much that no one was surprised. And the terms of imprisonment are simply amazing - an average of 25 years. There was no question of any freedom of speech. But the worst thing that was encouraged as a civic consciousness: denunciation and slander. A friend could write a denunciation to a friend, a neighbor to a neighbor. There was an atmosphere of distrust and suspicion. It's strange that in such a grim reality, people managed to somehow live, love, build families and raise children.

So who said this?

All of the above characterizes Comrade Dzhugashvili as a tyrant, a despot, not quite an adequate person, by the will of fate placed on the post of leader. The fact that Joseph Stalin literally physically destroyed his people, speaks of the great likelihood of his authorship of the winged expression.

So who said: "No man - no problem"? Let's be honest, the "leader of the peoples" could say it, it was in his manner. Like no other, he would dare to say such words with impunity, based on historical facts. What is not true, since no one could prove this.

Fishermen. Children of Arbat

No matter how cruel "Comrade Stalin", at the same time he was cautious and cunning as a politician. He did not consider it right to declare his bloody intentions openly. But still there is a solution to the riddle, to whom the saying "There is a person - there is a problem, there is no person - there is no problem".

Famous Soviet writer Anatoly Rybakov created the novel "Children of the Arbat", which was published in 1987. From the "light hand" of the writer, a winged phrase was embedded in the mouth of the leader. It was in this work that Stalin said: "Death solves all problems." There is no man, and there is no problem. " The work was about the shooting in the city of Tsaritsyn (in 1918) military specialists.

The famous expression fit into the image of Dzhugashvili himself so much that the reader did not doubt the authenticity of the historical moment. Although entirely this fact is an artistic invention of the author of the novel - Rybakov.

Author's recognition

Rybakov himself became interested in why the winged expression is attributed to Joseph Stalin. He drew attention to the popularity of this phrase, this fact even grieved the author a little. How, after all, it was Rybakov who invented the winged expression! And in one of his talks with journalist Valery Lebedev, Anatoly Naumovich acknowledged the fact of writing him the phrase "there is no man - there is no problem" in the novel "The Children of Arbat". Before, he tried to question the journalist: where did Stalin say this, in which year, in which of his speeches? The answers to these questions were not found.

If the winged phrase went to the people, then it does honor to the author! Later, in 1997, Rybakov confessed in the "Romance-memoirs" that he had invented the phrase "there is no man - there is no problem" independently. And Anatoly Naumovich did it because he felt his hero so. He intuitively felt how the leader could build a thought and what turns of speech he had. Historically, the writer was not mistaken. The cruel phrase took root and became a kind of symbol of "Stalin's winter".

The popularity of the novel

Roman A. Rybakova's "Children of Arbat" caused a furore and became very popular. It is the history of this work and answers us to the question of who said: "There is no man - there is no problem." And also the novel explains the meaning of this winged expression. He made a lot of noise in the press and turned the minds of his readers. During these years, many historical events were rethought.

The novel tells of the difficult fate of people born and grown up in the 30s. Opens the whole truth about the Stalinist totalitarian regime. In the work the author tries to understand how this terrible machine worked, all this he shows on examples of human destinies. The mechanism for solving political "problems" was launched by Stalin's regime and destroyed people literally, in the physical sense.

Time Cover

Time magazine several times put the image of "Comrade Stalin" on its cover. Twice the portrait of the leader was placed on the cover as a "man of the year". Opponents of the "personality cult" repeatedly wrote about the existence of one of them, on which Stalin was allegedly portrayed and a famous saying was written: "There is no man - there are no problems." It was about collectivization. This happened in February 1993. This cover just acted as a proof of the belonging of the phrase to Stalin.

In fact, there is no such cover. Her image that walks on the Internet is a common fake. You can also find a real cover image of the magazine Time (issue of February 6, 1933).

And for what the fake was created? There is no unambiguous answer to this question. It seems that the opponents of Stalin so eagerly wanted to ascribe to him the famous aphorism that they took this step. Like, there is a real source, which can always be referred to, to confirm the truth of the belonging of the phrase to Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin.

It should be concluded that it's time to stop arguing about whose words: "there is no person - there is no problem". The main thing is that the meaning of this expression is unambiguous, its meaning is clear to any person.

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