
The Verv is an ancient community

The term "roar" today can definitely be called historicism, but this should not be an excuse not to get acquainted with its origin and meaning, because it has a direct relationship to the history and development of Russia.


Historians and scholars note that this word denoted the ancient community that existed on the territory of Rus and the Croats. Etymology is based on the ancient custom of people to mark their land plots with a rope. This kind of community is mentioned in Russkaya Pravda, an important document of Kievan Rus, as well as in the Croatian Politsk statute, which is an ancient legislative monument of a small region in Croatia (on the Dalmatian coast).


Some scientists believe that initially the rope was an exclusively blood-bearing organization, and later under the influence of various socio-economic factors it turned into a society based more on the principle of neighborhood, i.e. Belonged to her people united exclusively close place of residence.

Especially actively defend their views scientists who are ardent supporters of the territorial community. One of the main reasons is that such a group can be called much more progressive, and historians do not want to agree that other peoples were more developed than the inhabitants of Russia. Since the rope is the union of different social layers of people, over time it has undergone various changes.


Linguists also began to study the origin of this word in order to provide reliable data on the history of the concept. It turned out that it was not by accident that the name of the community was consonant with the word "rope".

This may indicate that such associations were built on the principle of joint residence, since the ancient Slavs and other peoples had a custom to measure their possessions with the help of cords of a certain length, hence it is quite possible that it was from here that the concept of "rope" occurred. The definition of "rope" is preserved in the documents of the Astrakhan province of the XIX century. Then it was a measure equal to 1850 square fathoms. The process of measuring land was said: "to win" and "to believe".

"Russian Truth" and the Political Statute

As noted above, in different areas the evolution of this community has taken place in different ways. Although it is commonly believed that the rope is an organization based on kinship ties, the principle of unification changed over time. In Russkaya Pravda it is said that this rural community was not based on blood ties, and in the Politskiy statute it was noted that there is only a weakening of this sign, but some of its elements were still preserved.

"Russian Truth" describes a social system much more developed than the one mentioned in the Politskii statute. But this discrepancy is very easy to explain. Some parts of the "Russian Truth" narrate about the society of the 8th-12th centuries, while the Politsky statute describes the structure of the XV-XVII centuries.

Circular bail

In "Russian Truth" it is said that the verve is a rural association of people living on a large territory. Despite the fact that members of the community are not bound by blood ties, there is a mutual responsibility between them , which obliges each participant to seek a thief and be responsible for murder under the law. There were other functions that were required to perform the rope. They were determined by the authorities.

Any kind of community contributed to the development of the social structure of the ancient society. Of course, this can be said and tested. It was a union of people, of which it is difficult to speak unequivocally. It is clear only that the rope was the next link in the development of Russian history and beneficially influenced it.

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