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The series "Secrets of Smallville" - Chloe Sullivan. Actress Allison Mack

In 2001, the American television channel The WB launched the series "Secrets of Smallville" - a science fiction based on the comic books about "Superman", which tells about youth and the further maturation of the superhero. The production has stood almost ten seasons. The series took second place in terms of the duration of the shows among sci-fi movies (the first place was given to a multi-part film called "Supernatural").

main character

One of the central characters is a young woman named Chloe Sullivan. The actress who played her role is an American Mack Ellison. Chloe's family consists of the father of Gabe Sullivan, Moira's mother, Uncle Sam Lane and two cousins Lucy and Lois Lane.

His profession Chloe Sullivan considers membership in the Justice League, where it is listed under the code name "Watchtower." She is also a former manager of the Isis Foundation and a former correspondent of the publishing house "Days of the Planets." Has a powerful potential for healing sufferers in real time and in a delayed mode.

Mack Allison

The role of Sullivan is constantly performed by American actress Ellison Mack. In addition to this character, Mack is also known for the fact that she managed to create images in the films "Honey, we reduced ourselves," "A special case," "My most incredible year," "This is hardly an angel." Allison Mack, in her childhood, starred in the "Polychess Academy", which was very proud, although her role there was completely invisible. And since it is known that several small roles open the way to big ones, Ellison did not get upset.

Chloe Sullivan and Oliver Quinn

For a long time the girl was in love with the main character of the series "Smallville's Secrets" by Clark Kent (superman in perspective), but he remained indifferent to him and, moreover, in every possible way annoyed Chloe with his disparaging attitude.

In 2006, Chloe Sullivan met Olsen Jimmy and two years later married him. With Kent, they have since maintained friendly relations.

Against the backdrop of the marriage of Chloe and Oliver, her friendship with Lana Lang, who was previously an irreconcilable rival of Sullivan, revived. Now the passions have subsided, lost their relevance and in the end everything ended in friendship.


After completing four years of studies at Smallville High School, Chloe Sullivan entered the University of Metropolis, completed her studies, became a journalist and trainee in the Daily Planet. Her job was to write ads and obituaries, as well as constantly stay on the hotline with the public. And when the new owner of the edition, Lex Luthor, came, he deliberately sacked Sullivan, and the next day she began working as a manager at the Isida Foundation.

At the next stage, Chloe joined Oliver Quinn's team, working on the Watchtower project. Journalism fell into the background, and the main occupation of Chloe was the regulation of community activities.


At this very time, Chloe and Jimmy married a lot of problems on the couple and they could not keep their marriage. At the same time, in the heroic community, things that were not quite clear occurred. Davis Bloom organized an attempt on Clark, who easily escaped his fate, tracing the killer's movement on the GPS. Then Kent set Jimmy and Bloom apart, and they killed each other. Chloe Sullivan was in order upset and even demanded from Clark to return the past to fix everything and avoid the death of Jimmy, believing that it was her fault in what had happened. He refused, which caused resentment on her part.

An acute sense of guilt did not leave Chloe, she began to seek solitude in the Watchtower among the computers. That's when Oliver Quin appeared, who reminded Sullivan that there is still a lot of romance in life and that the real world is not so bad.

Just at that time, Clark Kent (Superman), celebrated the engagement with Lois Lane, where the enchanted champagne was served, the gift of Zatary Zatanna. The wine worked quickly, and no one remembered what happened next. And as it turned out, at the end of that fun and drunken night, Chloe and Oliver were married.

New marriage

Chloe Sullivan began to visit the Watchtower more and more rarely. The new marriage completely captured her. She felt renewed and strong. Once, after discovering Clark Kent, Chloe said that now that Oliver Queen was in her life, and with her romantic relationship, she would like to live not in a fictional, but in the real world.

The characters of the series "Secrets of Smallville"

The comic book featured city dwellers: Martha and Jonathan Kent, parents of the main character Clark Kent, his classmate and girlfriend Lana Lang, bosom buddy Pete Ross, police superintendent Douglas Parker. In the early version of the comics, when Superman was still a Super Bowl, other residents also appeared, such as Professor Phoenix Potter, archaeologist Luis Lang and young director Lex Luthor.

Smallville is a small American town full of contrasts. On the one hand, there are benevolent people who are always ready to help one's neighbor, on the other - the average crime rate in the city is unusually high.

In Smallville, there is the only general education school that Clark, Chloe, Pete Ross and Lana visit.

"Secrets of Smallville", Season 1

The authors of the script are Miles Millar and Alfred Gow, the idea was conceived by Joe Schuster and Jerry Siegel. The role of the protagonist was played by Tom Welling, and the image of his irreconcilable antagonist Les Luther was created by Michael Rosenbaum. Filming was mainly held in Canada.

The series "Secrets of Smallville" (Season 1) was announced on October 16, 2001. Season of the first season was watched by more than eight million spectators. Then five more seasons were shown, including 110 series. Since September 2006, "Smallville's Secrets" was broadcast on the channel The CW.

In the first series Clark Kent parted with his youth and becomes a superhero. Throughout all seasons he somehow intersects and contacts with the main female character Sullivan Chloe. In their relationship there is no logic, however, Clark occupies a fairly strong position in the life of the girl.

Location Smallville

Where the city is located is not known for certain, as well as the exact location of other DC Comics settlements. "Not far from Metropolis" - this is usually characterized by the location of a particular city.

However, sometimes the location of Smallville was attached to a certain state. For example, in 1977 the city was in Maryland, which was confirmed by a map on one of the pages in the comic book. In CD Comics 1981, Smallville is located west of the bay, a form reminiscent of the Delaware Bay.

In July 1984, Smallville conventionally stretched in the northeastern open spaces of Pennsylvania, and then in the northern part of New Jersey, according to the map of Legion Metropolis, which is part of the topographic development of Legion of Super Heroes.

The series "Secrets of Smallville" is a science fiction film about superheroes, which allows a free interpretation of any episode. The project is currently closed.

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