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Russian actor in "The Game of Thrones": name, role and characteristics

"Games of Thrones" are very popular not only in the United States, but also in Russia. It's not easy for a Russian artist to get into such a television project, so when the Russian actor in the "Game of Thrones" got a noticeable and vivid role, it became something of a sensation. Who is this hero?

Brief biography of Yuri Kolokolnikov

In the new, fourth, "Games of Thrones" season, Russian actor Yury Kolokolnikov is involved . Yuri - a native Muscovite, was born in 1980. In his youth, the guy was distinguished by a peculiar character and purposefulness. He realized early on that he wanted to be an actor, so he began to attend the film school in secondary schools of the general education school.

Russian actor who starred in the "Game of Thrones", managed to pass examinations in 15 years externally for the last few classes of the school and already at 16 he became a student of the Shchukinsky Theater School.

The young prodigy started at the age of 14. The first director with whom Kolokolnikov worked was Savva Kulish. In his film "Iron Curtain" Yuri starred in the role of a homeless child.

The actor is married to the famous Russian actress Ksenia Rappoport. In 2011, they had a daughter, whom parents named Sofia.

Movies with the actor

Since 1994, Yuri Kolokolnikov in the filmography has accumulated many famous paintings. However, the main roles the actor practically did not receive.

In 2001, a military action film "In August of the 44th" came out on television screens, in the center of the plot - the activities of Soviet counterintelligence. The main roles in the picture were played by Yevgeny Mironov and Vladislav Galkin. Yuri Kolokolnikov had a strong secondary role - the role of Lieutenant Andrei Blinov.

In 2002, Yuri withdrew in the detective series "The Diary of the Murderer." And in 2003, again falls on the set of the historical film "In June 41st". This time the actor plays the main role - Lieutenant of the Red Army Ivan Antonov.

In 2004, Kolokolnikov is removed in the sensational series "Children of the Arbat". And in 2005 in Philip Jankowski's film The State Counselor.

Russian actor in the "Game of Thrones" did not appear immediately. The character of Yuri Kolokolnikov is one of the "newcomers", which appear only in the 4th season of the project. What role was entrusted to Yuri Kolokolnikov in the American TV series?

"Game of Thrones". Russian actor who plays?

Yuri Kolokolnikov received in the series the role of the wild leader of the tenors - Steer. The Russian actor in the "Game of Thrones" was to embody on the screens the image of a fierce leader, not only the leader, but also a cannibal. Yuri Kolokolnikov admitted that it was difficult to understand the gloomy inner world of his character. Especially hard was given the moment when his hero reflects, whose human flesh is tastier, and eventually comes to the conclusion that the baby.

In the "Game of Thrones" a fictional, fantastic world is interwoven with the real world that could exist, for example, in the Middle Ages. But the fiction in the series is still more, so an important role is played by the appearance of the characters, their hairstyles and costumes. Each character in such a series must be original and memorable.

As for Kolokolnikov, he appeared before the audience clean-shaven, in scars, in a suit of fur and leather elements. According to the actor, the performers of roles in "The Game of Thrones" closely cooperate with the costumers and always take part in creating their own image. By the way, for the stunning costumes, the creators of the series have already received more than one Emmy award.

How was the Russian actor in the series "The Game of Thrones"

Yuri Kolokolnikov likes to explain the fact that he has few major roles in Russian films in connection with the corruption that reigns in Russian cinema. He stated this at a press conference on June 18, 2015 in Moscow. According to Kolokolnikov, the Russian actor in the "Game of Thrones" proved to be quite natural: he passed many castings and got a role. If other Russian executors act in the same way, they may well get into more famous American projects.

Reviews Kolokolnikov on the filming in the US

After the show of season 4 fans of the famous series well remembered which Russian actor starred in the "Game of Thrones". After a frightening character Yuri Kolokolnikov is difficult not to notice or remain indifferent to him.

Shooting in such a large-scale project impressed the actor. He liked his unusual and bloodthirsty image. Also, Kolokolnikov was fascinated by the process of preparing for the shooting, because he had to wear 10 kilograms armor and learn how to wield a sword. In addition, the actor had to correct his American emphasis on North-English. To this end, he hired himself a professional teacher.

Most of all Kolokolnikov liked the battle scene, which was filmed in the scenery of the Black Castle. Decorators with their skill impressed the Russian actor - he really got the impression that he became the hero of a medieval duel. This episode can be seen in the ninth series of the fourth season. Unfortunately, Stira is killed in the finale of this scene.

Kolokolnikov admitted that he did not want to part with the project, so he suggested to the writers to "resurrect" his character in subsequent seasons.

New projects involving the actor

Immediately after the premiere of the "Games of Thrones" Yuri Kolokolnikov held another premiere on television - this time the Russian series "The Seventh Fleece." This time the actor was given the main role: in the film he played investigator Oleg Nesterov, who comes to a provincial town from Moscow to investigate the death of the governor's daughter. The partners of Kolokolnikov were Viktor Sukhorukov and Yulia Snigir.

In 2015, the comedy film "Mama Daragaya" with Yuri's participation was released on the screens. In the film director Jaroslav Chevazhevsky touched on a difficult topic of relations of the power mother in the performance of Xenia Rappaport and her limp son in the performance of Dmitry Averin. Yuri Kolokolnikov played in the film the role of the second plan, but made her producer.

Also on September 4 of the same year in theaters began the display of the American action movie "Carrier: The Legacy". The film was directed by Camille Delamarre, and the producer - Luc Besson. The final box office of the project is still unknown, but for three weeks of showing in theaters "Carrier" earned 33 million dollars. Yuri Kolokolnikov received in the film the episodic role of the Russian mafia.

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