
The most beautiful bridges in Prague. Charles Bridge: The Legend

Through the Czech capital, Prague, the country 's longest river , Vltava, flows, dividing the city into two parts. Therefore, its inhabitants can not even imagine their life without the numerous bridges connecting the two banks. However, the bridges of Prague perform not only a practical function, but also decorate the city, as some of them are real works of art.

Glavkov Bridge - a unique building of Prague bridge construction

Over the island of Shtvanice and Vltava passes Glavkov Bridge, connecting Karlin and Holesovice. This construction was built from iron in the twentieth century. A few years later, the iron structure was replaced with concrete. It is noteworthy that the bridge construction of Prague until this time were not peculiar to such structures. The ferry was named after the great architect and patron of the Czech Republic, Joseph Glauci. Interesting is the fact that this bridge has never been renamed, unlike many others that Prague has on its territory. The Black Bridge, for example, was originally called Prague, today it bears the name of Charles V, and the bridge of Legia is the name of Franz Joseph I.

It is worth noting that the construction of Glaucov Bridge was due to the acute need for the connection of these two parts of the city. This was due to the construction of a central slaughterhouse in Holesovice and a power station on the island of Stnanice. The bridge was built in two stages. In 1900 a wooden structure was built, and after 10 years - a railway bridge, which was later connected with concrete. The appearance and design, which today guests and residents of Prague have the opportunity to see, the Glavkov Bridge acquired in 1962. On the south side the structure is decorated with relief images of L. Cofranc and B. Kafka, and from the north - sculptures by J. Stursa.

Charles Bridge: History and Legend

The Charles Bridge in Prague deserves special attention. Photos of this design today can be found on the Internet in huge numbers, but none of them will be able to convey its true beauty and grandeur. This ferry more than 500 m long connects the Old Town and the Lesser Town. It was built in the 14th century and until today is not only one of the opportunities to move to the other side of the Vltava, but also one of the most famous sights of the Czech capital.

Prague - that is the name of the present Charles Bridge in Prague. The legend associated with the construction of this bridge, claims that its durability is due to the fact that the architect required to add raw eggs to the solution used for its erection. And since there were not enough eggs in Prague for this, King Karl ordered this product from all over the Czech Republic. There is also a legend about the water that lives under the fourth arch of the bridge and is pleased with the large number of collected souls.

Whatever it was in reality, it is impossible to refute the fact that one of the most powerful and beautiful buildings of the Czech capital is the Charles Bridge in Prague. Photos that can be found on the Internet represent it in all its beauty. The design is decorated with 30 statues and three towers, which were initially assigned the role of defensive structures. Today, residents and guests of Prague can simply climb the tower from the Old Town and admire the beauty of modeling and Gothic art. To do this they will have to overcome 138 steps.

Iracekov Bridge

The construction of the Iracekova Bridge was spent 5 years - from 1923 to 1925. Its goal was to unload the existing bridges from the ever-growing flow of traffic. The design was developed by the architects F. Mencklem and V. Hoffmann, who managed to successfully combine this design with high load capacity, elegant appearance and functionality. For the construction was used reinforced concrete.

The Iracek bridge has a length of 21 m, a width of 310.6 m, a height of spans of 14.5 m and connects the business suburb of Prague with Novi mesto. All the bridges of Prague have their own story of the name. So, this design was named after Alois Irasek, who is a famous Czech writer who wrote the book "Ancient Czech legends", which became a kind of poetic hymn to the people of this state.

Manes bridge - a favorite place for tourists

The Manes bridge is another construction that can not be ignored by considering the bridges of Prague. The photo of this building, of course, can be found in various sources, but to visit it - it's quite another, because it offers a magnificent view of the capital of the Czech Republic.

The construction of this crossing was completed in 1916. The project for the Manes bridge was designed by such well-known Czech architects as Vlastimil Hofmann and Pavl Janak. Earlier, Klarov and the Old Place joined the iron suspension bridge for pedestrians. And before that, there was a ferry to the fishing village. Initially, the bridge was built solely for the movement of transport, but over time, there was a need for the movement of pedestrians on it, for which in the middle of the twentieth century, and were equipped with tracks. Its name is due to the well-known artist of the XIX century, Joseph Manes.

Nussel Bridge - the youngest bridge in the capital of the Czech Republic

Nussel bridge differs from other bridges of the Czech capital primarily with its huge dimensions - 26 meters wide, on which there is a six-lane road and sidewalks on both sides, and 500 in length. Every day thousands of vehicles pass through the bridge, and inside it there is a tunnel-metro.

This bridge was built between 1968 and 1973. So, this ferry is the youngest and highest in Prague. It has a height of 43 meters. The bridge was built with the aim of connecting the New Place and Pankaz. It is worth noting that it does not cross the river Vltava, like many other bridges in Prague, but simply passes over the Nusel Valley, from which it received its name. True, initially he bore the name of Clement Gottwald, who was the first president of Czechoslovakia. In the people the crossing is called a bridge of suicides. This is due to the fact that many people have scores with their lives, jumping off the Nussel bridge.

The Legacy Bridge

Considering the bridges of Prague, it is also worth mentioning the bridge of Legia - the first crossing of the capital of the Czech Republic, built on the site of an existing chain pendant. It connects the Legia Bridge with the National Avenue with the Lesser Side and passes over the Strelets Island. The plan of this structure was developed by engineer Jiří Soukup and architect Antonin Balshank. The bridge has a length of 343 m and a width of 16. Its prototype is the Paris bridge Pont d'Alma.

It is impossible to visit Prague and bypass its magnificent bridges, however, which one is to be preferred, everyone decides for himself.

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