Arts & EntertainmentLiterature

The image of the old woman Izergil as the basis of the artistic integrity of Gorky's story

Early work of M. Gorky is a vivid example of a new romanticism. The writer revives the principles that remained in the past, in the middle of the 19th century. Again becomes an actual exceptional hero, possessing some special qualities. This is the image of the old woman Izergil.

Brief narrative content

The work "Old Woman Isergil" is a narrative in the stories. It begins with a description of nature and the general situation. The author-narrator talks with the old woman Izergil, she told him two interesting legends.

The Legend of Larre

This is a story about how the shadow appeared on Earth. Once from a strong people's tribe, an eagle kidnapped a girl, he lived with her as with a wife, and after his death she returned home. The young man, who at first aroused universal fear, was no different from people. But he was very proud and despised everyone. He wanted to get the daughter of the elder, but she rejected it. The enraged Larra cold-bloodedly killed her. No one could come up with a better punishment than expel Larra. After a while it turned out that he was immortal. Time and wandering exhausted his flesh, eventually he turned into a shadow. Through the story, the image of the old woman Izergil clearly appears. She narrates about the events with special ecstasy, it seems that she really believes in the authenticity of this story.

History of Izergil

In this part of the work there are no fictional events, only the real story of the life of an old woman who has passed many trials, who have seen a lot in her life. The image of old Izergil is very contradictory. There were so many men in her life that she could easily be condemned. However, the author is happy to listen to her story, because it has so much life and energy. She worked as a spinner in her youth, but such a life could not please a mobile girl. As a result, she ran away from home with her lover, but then left him for another. She lived with Hutsul, military, Russian and Polish, with a young Turkish boy ... She loved everyone, but she did not want to see anyone after the parting. The innocence of the heroine bribes, she does not think about morality for a moment, saying only that a person must learn life, be open to it. Therefore, the life of modern youth seems wrong to her.

The Legend of Danko

The most important in the story is the image of Danko. The old woman Izergil tells about him last, speaking with obvious admiration, solemnly and sonorous. Danko was from a tribe of strong people. Once they were attacked, people had to go to a swamp, on one side of which there were enemies, and on the other - a dense forest. Fearing for their covenants, people did not go to war. They had the idea of surrendering. But the brave youth Danko led the people through the forest. The hardships of the road were beyond the strength of the tribe, they began to murmur against Danko, threatened to kill him. But he loved people so much that he could not bear their reproaches. He tore his chest and took out a burning heart (it caught fire from the desire to help). Lighting the way, Danko led the tribe out of the forest, and he himself fell dead. But no one noticed this. Some "cautious" man stepped on another glowing heart, sparks from him and are still visible in the steppe before the storm. This legend is a hymn of human courage and courage. It is no exaggeration to say that it is this story that is central in the work.

Appearance of Izergil

Analysis of the image of the old woman Izergil can not be done without describing her appearance. It was so old that the skin was wrinkled and dry, it seemed that it could just rip on the flaps, so deep cut its wrinkles. More than once Gorky mentions that her voice sounded hoarse, like a creak, even he was old. All this suggests that the old woman Izergil is an example of experience and worldly wisdom.

The meaning of the

The image of the old Izergil is significant for understanding the ideological intent of the story. Gorky sought to find something special in the man, he was not happy with the way his contemporaries live. He was afflicted by a kind of inertia, coupled with a desire to achieve benefits, to arrange a "warm" place and a quiet life. He puts his idea into the mouth of an old woman, who says that there is no longer the same heroism and strength of spirit. In addition, the Russian old woman does not understand because of their gloominess and seriousness. It is no coincidence that the writer not only retells the legend, but introduces the image of the old woman Izergil. In the stories of M. Gorky in the early period, such heroes were not uncommon. Makar Chudra, the hero of the story of the same name, expresses a similar opinion about the life of modern youth. He, too, is old, has seen a lot in his time and made his own idea of the meaning of human life.

The artistic originality of the story

The image of the old woman Izergil is significant for both the structure and the form of the work. Indeed, thanks to this heroine, the narrative becomes heterogeneous, multilayered. First we hear the voice of the author-narrator, who communicates with Izergil. In this case, the artistic style of speech is used. But when the heroine comes into play, everything changes. New style, other speech speed. Gorky surprisingly accurately manages to copy the manner of conversation of an old simple woman. It is because Izergil herself tells legends that they become even more interesting. Do not forget that in the story, almost all the principles of romanticism are observed. The landscape that opens the work is the sea and steppe, a place where there is a clear outline for strong nature, they symbolize freedom. Night, shadows, sparks give the situation some mystery. And the main sign of romanticism is the three unusual heroes. Isergil is the embodiment of vital energy. Larra combined all human vices in himself. And Danko is the personification of courage, kindness and philanthropy.

So, what role does the image of the old woman Izergil play in the story of the same name? Most importantly, Gorky's idea of a correct human life is embedded in her mouth, in which there is no room for narrow boundaries, narrow-mindedness, boredom and idleness.

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