
The drug "Famotidine": indications for use, instructions, description and reviews

Patients who have an ulcer are well aware of how painful, unpleasant, and sometimes very painful the manifestations of this pathology are. It is not surprising that such a category of people, as a rule, does not resort to self-treatment. They trust their health in the hands of doctors. After all, doctors choose a sufficiently effective therapy that can quickly get rid of the symptoms. One drug that is often recommended to patients is the drug Famotidine. Indications for the use of this drug, prescribed dosages and established contraindications will be studied in more detail.

a brief description of

"Famotidine" refers to a group of drugs that are called "histamine H2-receptor antagonists." The medication is used in the treatment of ulcer diseases. It is included in the therapy of reflux esophagitis.

The product perfectly prevents the production of hydrochloric acid. Provides a decrease in the activity of pepsin, the enzyme that breaks down proteins. It is on such properties that the "Famotidine" preparation is based on indications for use. The patients' testimonies indicate that the curative effect is manifested 45-60 minutes after the first dose. Favorable effects can last about 12-24 hours.

The medicine is in the form of tablets. The active substance of the pill is famotidine. Depending on its content, tablets are produced, consisting of 0.02 g of the main component and 0.04 g.

Let's consider, at what pathologies the medicament "Famotidine" is justified.

Indications for use

The medicine is prescribed, as was said above, with ulcerative diseases. However, it is advisable to take it for preventive purposes. To avoid the development of a peptic ulcer, doctors recommend that this remedy be used by patients who have been on NSAID therapy for a long time and glucocorticosteroids. Also, with many other pathologies, the drug "Famotidine" is prescribed.

Indications for use:

  1. Ulcers of the stomach, 12 duodenal ulcers, including the prevention of relapses.
  2. Reflux esophagitis.
  3. Functional dyspepsia associated with increased secretory function.
  4. Stressful, symptomatic ulcers.
  5. Erosive gastroduodenitis.
  6. Systemic mastocytosis.
  7. Preventive maintenance in the postoperative period of relapses of bleedings.
  8. Zollinger-Ellison syndrome.
  9. Polyendocrine adenomatosis.
  10. Prophylaxis of aspiration in patients with gastric juice, during surgery under general anesthesia (with Mendelssohn syndrome).
  11. Prevention of aspiration pneumonitis.
  12. Dyspepsia with retrosternal or epigastric pain that occurs at night or is associated with eating.

Dosage of the medicine

Each patient is selected a treatment scheme purely individual. Therefore it is important to visit a doctor and go through all the necessary diagnostics so that the doctor can prescribe the most effective treatment. It is extremely undesirable to take self-medication "Famotidine".

Tablets instructions for use recommend taking on the following schemes:

  1. Gastrointestinal ulcers in the stage of exacerbation, erosive gastroduodenitis, symptomatic ulcers. The medication is prescribed to be taken twice a day for 20 mg. Sometimes it is recommended to take only a pill for the night, but at a dosage of 40 mg. If it is not possible to achieve the desired effect, the doctor can recommend that 80-160 mg be taken within 1 day. Treatment lasts from 4 to 8 weeks.
  2. Dyspepsia . In this case, it is advisable 1-2 times a day to take 1 tablet (20 mg).
  3. Prevention of peptic ulcers. Once a day, before bedtime, appoint 20 mg.
  4. Reflux esophagitis. For 6-12 weeks, twice a day, 20-40 mg each.
  5. Zollinger-Ellison syndrome. The initial dose is 20 mg. It is recommended to take the pill after 6 hours. In some situations, a single dose can be increased to 160 mg.

Sometimes the medicine is prescribed for children older than 3 years. However, the body weight of such patients should be more than 10 kg. When peptic ulcer disease or reflux-esophagitis worsen, it is necessary to calculate the daily rate for the baby. Recommended for 2 mg / kg. It is divided into 2 uses per day. However, the maximum daily intake is 40 mg.


The drug does not contain many restrictions. This distinguishes medicine from most other drugs.

The main contraindications for taking tablets are:

  • pregnancy;
  • childhood;
  • Lactation period;
  • Individual sensitivity.

Before using this medication, be sure to consult a doctor about the advisability of using this medication and the necessary dosage.

If the patient has renal insufficiency, the regimen is administered individually. Typically, the doctor recommends reducing the dose taken.

Side effects

Unwanted manifestations lead to quite a lot of the drug "Famotidine" instructions for use. The description of side effects is extremely rare in patients' reviews. But still get acquainted with them.

According to the instructions, the patient can experience the following symptoms:

  1. Impaired appetite.
  2. Pain in the abdomen, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, flatulence, constipation.
  3. Increased activity of hepatic enzymes, acute pancreatitis, hepatitis.
  4. Dryness in the mouth.
  5. Headache, insomnia, restlessness, dizziness, tinnitus.
  6. Unclear visual perception, paresis of accommodation.
  7. Hyperthermia, fever.
  8. Drowsiness, depression, fatigue, nervousness, psychosis.
  9. Confusion, hallucinations.
  10. Bradycardia, arrhythmia, pressure decrease, vasculitis, antrioventricular blockade.
  11. Muscle pain, discomfort in the joints.
  12. Skin rash, alopecia, dry skin, itching, angioedema, acne, bronchospasm, anaphylactic shock, various manifestations of hypersensitivity.
  13. Increased urea in the blood, agranulocytosis, pancytopenia, bone marrow aplasia, hypoplasia, leukopenia, thrombocytopenia.
  14. Hyperprolactinemia, gynecomastia, impotence, amenorrhea in case of prolonged therapy in high dosages.

special instructions

It is important to take into account not only the medicament "Famotidine" indications for use. The medicine has some peculiarities.

The instruction warns about the following properties of the tablets:

  1. Before initiating therapy with this medication, one should exclude such a pathology as a malignant disease of the gastrointestinal tract. The drug "Famotidine" is able to mask the symptoms, as a result of which it is difficult to make a timely diagnosis.
  2. The painful manifestations of ulcerative ailments often disappear after 1-2 weeks of taking the medication. However, the patient must drink the full course prescribed by the doctor. Discontinue therapy only after cicatrization of the ulcer, which is confirmed by an X-ray or endoscopic examination.
  3. When the medicine is withdrawn, the patient is given a gradual dose reduction. Sharp refusal of the drug leads to the syndrome of "ricochet".
  4. During therapy, you should adhere to a healthy diet. It is recommended to avoid food provoking irritation of the mucosa.
  5. Due to smoking, the effectiveness of the medication may be reduced.
  6. If a dose has been missed, it is recommended to drink it as soon as possible. But if the next step has come, the doubling of the dose is categorically contraindicated.

Drug analogues

Preparations that have the same active substance as the original remedy are medicines:

  • The Gasterogen.
  • Gastrosidine.
  • Pepsidin.
  • "Kwamatel."
  • "Ulfamid."
  • "Famopsin."
  • "Kwamatel mini."
  • "Famosian."
  • "Famotel."

Cost of medicine

However, patients choose this remedy not only for such numerous medicines "Famotidine" indications for use. The price is amazing, it is so small.

Depending on the dosage and the number of tablets, the cost of medication varies between 33-78 rubles.

Opinions about the drug

It is quite understandable how the instruction of the "Famotidine" medication is positioned. The application, the patients' reviews are of great interest. What do the people who prescribed the medicine tell about?

Patients claim that after having tested many different drugs, they chose the drug "Famotidine". After all, the tablets perfectly and very quickly eliminate unwanted symptoms. In this case, patients note a mild effect on the body.

Patients claim that the drug is equally effective for ulcers, gastritis, and acute pancreatitis.

Thus, it can be concluded that it is fully justified that the "Famotidine" drug is applied to effective drugs. The application (the testimonies of people testify to this) means facilitates the rapid disposal of painful symptoms.

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