
Taurus compatibility with other signs

Fashion for horoscopes appeared at the end of the last century. If you approach the street to any person and ask him who he is by the zodiac sign, he will answer without even thinking. Everybody knows their own zodiac sign. But to know belonging to any sign and remember what is inherent in each of them - these are two completely different things. Only a few know them. We will try to deal with such a sign as Taurus, compatibility with other signs of which is very unique. So, let's begin.

Taurus - Aries

These are two completely different personalities that fit well together in sex. But this communication is better for sex and limited, as the male Taurus, whose compatibility with this sign leaves much to be desired, prefers to linger at work than to listen to the constant discontent of the ram at home. But turbulent reconciliation in bed smooths out constant conflicts.

Taurus - Taurus

Durable such a marriage can not be called. In such a pair, quarrels will last a long time until someone concedes. And they do not like to give in to Taurus. Nevertheless, they until the last will defend the interests of the family and disperse only as a last resort.

Taurus - Gemini

It is very difficult to understand such an alliance. This is all because these signs have different interests. They do not have such an understanding in the family that they have in other pairs. If Taurus gets bored with anything, he collects things and quietly leaves, then Gemini sighs with relief, as he too wanted it, but still did not dare.

Taurus - Cancer

With a sign such as Taurus, compatibility with other signs is not as profitable as the Taurus-Cancer pair. This is the most favorable union, since it is based on a community of interests. Both work for the benefit of the family and drag everything into the house. Self-sufficient Taurus earns well, but Cancer adores children. Both are firmly on their feet.

Taurus - The Lion

Such a union, although it occurs, is extremely rare. The lion irritates the body with its selfishness, and therefore the meek and calm Taurus turns into an enraged bull. Plus, the chic Lion loves to attract admiring glances of the opposite sex. The jealous Taurus has nothing left but to remain silent in a rag and cry softly at night.

Taurus - Virgo

The sign of Taurus compatibility with other signs is not as successful as the union with the Virgin. By nature, the calm and soft Virgo leads Taurus into the same state. There is practically no quarrel in such a pair. The only downside is that after years the partners can cool to each other, which can lead to parting.

Taurus - Libra

Both signs belong to Venus. Such a coincidence is not accidental. God Himself told them to be together. Very respectable union.


Ambiguous pair. Love in her then fades, then flashes with renewed vigor. This is due to the fact that these signs in a certain position are repelling each other, then attracting. Their thoughts coincide in almost everything. By nature, both signs are educators, which is what they do most of their lives. A Taurus woman, whose compatibility with the scorpion is most harmonious, is able to maintain this connection, even if her partner becomes rude and unbridled.


One of the heaviest unions of such a sign as Taurus, compatibility with other signs of which is much more successful than in this case. In a pair there is neither understanding nor any interest. Taurus and Sagittarius can only be friends. That is why the marriage of convenience is so popular among them . This couple will not help even the born children.


Capricorn is by nature a leader. This character trait allows him to keep his partner on a short leash. Restriction of rights a little angry Taurus, but it's not for long. All problems are solved in bed, as these signs have a high percentage of compatibility in sex. The lazy Taurus in this pair is under the constant control of Capricorn.


Another union, which is built on contradictions. Narcissus Aquarius in this pair will not tolerate the competition of the equally beautiful Taurus. In sex, partners do not find the satisfaction that they would like. The only thing that saves this situation is the sudden passion of Aquarius, which, though lasts a short while, shakes a lazy partner a little. Such an alliance almost never has a future.


An ideal union if Taurus is a woman. Fish is a sign for which the family and the house are of paramount importance, so if her partner exhibits maximum endurance and tolerance, then she treats him the same way. Children will only strengthen such a family. But Taurus and Fish want something more in their souls, but they are too lazy to search for them, and they live together.

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