
Tablets "Andipal". Pros and cons

In our time among the older generation it is difficult to meet a person who does not know what is andipal. Tablets "Andipal" are found in family medicine kits, if someone from the household suffers from frequent headaches. Due to the high antispasmodic, analgesic and vasodilating properties of the drug, a rapid effect is achieved if it is necessary to lower blood pressure, alleviate the condition with severe headaches or pain syndrome. It is also used for spasmodic pain of the digestive system, spasms of cerebral vessels or peripheral system.

Tablets "Andipal" have a rapid and powerful effect on the body due to its combined nature. They include metamizole sodium (analgin), papaverine hydrochloride, bendazole (dibasol) and phenobarbital. If we consider the properties of the substances included in the preparation separately, we get the following picture:

  • Analgin has an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect;
  • Dibazol has a vasodilating property, thereby it is able to relieve spasms of blood vessels and lower blood pressure. Its wide application also consists in the removal of spasms of internal organs in diseases of the digestive tract (gastritis, cholecystitis, colitis, pancreatitis) and the treatment of certain diseases of the nervous system;
  • Hydrochloride papaverine prevents spasms, both internal organs and blood vessels. Working together with dibazolum, repeatedly strengthens action of analginum at combined use of these preparations for treatment of a migraine or a strong headache;
  • Phenobarbital has a sedative effect, due to which the effect of other components and the entire drug on the body is intensified.

Tablets "Andipal" are chosen by people of advanced age who prefer to use old "proven", rather than similar, modern, similar in effect, but much more expensive tablets. From the pressure, andapal is used in combination with antihypertensive drugs. It has a positive effect on increased pressure. The greatest effectiveness is achieved when using it by patients in the first stage of hypertensive disease, if the indications of blood pressure do not exceed 150/90 mm Hg. Tablets "Andipal" have a mild soothing effect and apply them systematically, in the form of a treatment course. Dibazol and papaverine, included in their composition, as a result of such treatment contribute to the restoration of the tone of vascular walls, than effectively counteract the development of hypertensive disease.

The preparation "Andipal" is taken on one - two tablets, up to three receptions per day are allowed. The course of treatment is 5-7 days.

But this drug has limitations. Children under 14 years of age are contraindicated. The phenobarbital included in its composition has a negative impact on the developing brain cells of the child, which can adversely affect his mental development. Therefore, when there is an acute need for the use of the drug, the physician must carefully weigh all the circumstances and possibilities of prescribing alternative treatment.

The drug "Andipal" during pregnancy is now used widely enough, it effectively counteracts many negative symptoms. But the risk of having a child with CPP is still high, because phenobarbital, even in small doses, can inhibit the development of the brain and nervous system of the fetus. The question of its application remains open. It is always taken into account that many other antihypertensives have an even more harmful effect on the fetus. Therefore, the doctor and the expectant mother should be very careful about the use of the drug "Andipal" during pregnancy.

Also the "Andipal" remedy is contraindicated in the presence of diseases of the kidneys, blood, liver and in case of individual intolerance of one of its components.

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