HealthDiseases and Conditions

Systole - what is this?

Systole - what is this? Not everyone can answer this difficult question. Therefore, we will devote this article to this topic.

general information

Systole is one of the states of the heart muscle. Specialists say that this term refers to the contraction of the right and left ventricles, as well as the ejection of blood from the left ventricle into the aorta and from the right ventricle to the pulmonary trunk.

Systole is a condition of the heart muscle, in which the aortic and pulmonary valves remain open, and the tricuspid and mitral valves remain closed.


As is known, diastolic and systolic pressure is measured to diagnose heart and vascular diseases, as well as to determine the causes of poor health . About what it means, only one is known.

According to experts, blood pressure at the time of systole in the blood is recorded before diastolic. Let us give an example. After measuring the pressure, the doctor reports the value as 130/70. The first figure is the systole (pressure systolic), and the second - diastolic.

What does it mean?

As it was said above, when measuring blood pressure the result consists of two numbers. The first digit (or the so-called upper or systolic pressure) indicates the pressure exerted by the blood on the blood vessels during heartbeat.

As for the second indicator, he reports pressure during relaxation of the heart muscle (i.e., diastole). As is known, it is formed by the reduction of blood vessels (peripheral).

Measuring diastolic and systolic pressure, we can safely draw conclusions about the state of the heart and blood vessels.

Systole - these are the top indicators, which depend on the intensity of blood ejection, as well as compression of the cardiac ventricles. Thus, the level of this pressure indicates the functionality of the myocardium, the heart rate and their strength.

As for diastole, the value of this pressure depends on three factors:

  • Total blood volume;
  • Tonus and elasticity of blood vessels;
  • Heart rate.

It should also be noted that the patient's state of health can be judged by calculating the numerical difference between diastolic and systolic pressure. In medical practice this indicator is called pulse pressure. It is considered one of the most important biomarkers.

The difference between lower and upper pressure

The duration of systole can also tell about a person's condition.

In healthy people, the pulse pressure varies between 30-40 mm Hg. Art. By this value it is possible to draw conclusions about the functionality and condition of the cardiovascular system. If the pulse pressure is greater than the indicated values, the patient has a high systolic pressure with a reduced or normal diastolic index. In this case, there is an acceleration of the aging processes of internal organs. Most of all from such pressure suffer: heart, kidneys and a brain.

One can not help saying that the excess pulse pressure testifies to the real risks of the onset of cardiac pathologies and atrial fibrillation.

At a low pulse pressure there is a decrease in the stroke volume of the heart. Such a problem can arise with heart failure, stenosis (aortic) and hypovolemia.

Normal performance

In the process of calculating the pulse pressure, it is extremely important to pay attention to the compliance with normal indices of diastolic and systolic pressure. In an ideal state, these values should be equal to 120 and 80 units. Of course, minor variations are possible, which depend on the person's age and lifestyle.

Elevated systolic pressure can trigger cerebral hemorrhages, as well as hemorrhagic and ischemic strokes. With regard to the excessive rise in diastolic pressure, this condition can cause chronic diseases of the urinary system and kidneys, the violation of the elasticity and tone of the vascular walls.

Let's sum up the results

Now you know what the systole is. This term is used in those cases when it is necessary to designate the pressure exerted by blood on the vessels at the time of cardiac contractions. Know it and measure it if you feel unwell. After all, the detected low or high blood pressure can warn the patient against the development of serious cardiovascular disorders, as well as a lethal outcome.

Observing abnormal indicators on the dial of the tonometer, it is necessary to take all necessary measures to normalize the human condition. To this end, patients take different medications and use certain foods.

To keep blood pressure always normal, you need to constantly monitor your health, exercise, eat right, avoid stressful situations and so on.

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